
Soft hackey sack V hard handle

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i've ordered a new, complete rig and am waiting for it to turn up

i've been thinking recently about the thing i grab onto to deploy the pilot chute. On the rigs i've jumped, its been a hard plastic tube, but on the rig i've ordered (pilot 188 main) its a soft hackey sack

Can this be changed if i don't feel safe trying to crab something i might not sure i've got in my hand? i feel confident i've got the hard plastic tube, i was thinking i might be wasting valuable time deciding if i've got the hackey sack or not (mainly if i'm wearing gloves)
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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I personally don't like hackey sacks, but you really don't need to worry about not being able to feel it - they are probably the easiest handle of the lot to feel and get a good grip on - even with thick gloves on.

Make sure you spend some time with an instructor doing practice pulls on the ground before you jump your new gear and you will see that you have nothing to worry about.


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I've never had a problem deploying with a toggle, hackey or freefly handle (my current setup). You can always do some practice touches/pulls in gloves on the ground whilst laying on a creeper if you aren't comfortable/confident until you think you have the new "muscle memory" down. Talk with your instructors for more guidance.

Some hackeys are smaller than others and can get pushed into the BOC pouch if you aren't careful so I always touched mine before I exited. Just my $0.02.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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I went from a tube on the rental gear to a hacky once I got my own. I prefer the hacky. Easier for me to get a good grip with gloves on. I had to replace my PC and it had a smaller hacky on it. Only took a couple practice touches to be use to the smaller size.
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thanks for the advice folks.... i'll practice pulling on the ground, and i'f i'm not 100%, i'll not go up untill i'm either 100% i can grab it every time and know i've grabbed it, or i'll get a hard tube put on it

Not to say you should not work with people you trust in person, but I can say, I never have had a problem telling the difference between my hacky and other parts of my body/rig.... I think you will like it...

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Yeah, that. Ian, I'm in the same boat as you (now waiting for a first rig to ship*, ordered it with hackey).

I jumped rigs with both types of handle pretty evenly through AFF and consols, and never felt entirely comfortable with the plastic tube handle (had a hard pull with one on AFF 2 or 3, probably not the handle's fault but I felt like I couldn't get a proper grip on it and the feeling stuck with me).

The hackey just seems to fall more quickly into the security of my palm, rather than needing to be gripped with my fingers. I imagine those little practice golf-ball things would do the same thing.

But then, I know people who prefer the exact opposite (they want to feel what they're doing with their fingertips). Isn't choice lovely?

(*It's built! It's built! That means someone, somewhere has already seen it. It's REAL! Mwahahahahahaaaaa!)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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While it would be harder to do with gloves on, I've heard stories about fingers being caught in the tubes.

I've used three different types and, for me, the hackey was the second easiest behind the tube.
My reality and yours are quite different.
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I've heard stories about fingers being caught in the tubes.

...Or in can be snagged against some sticking part of an airplane... Also, my index finger got stuck in the PVC pipe/tube handle after I pulled on one jump! Talk about surprise - my right hand fully extended, palm open, and PC "attached" to my finger! I shook it off and it deployed normally... But it was scary. After that someone advised me to put a wine bottle cork (which is very lightwieght and provides very snug fitting) into the PVC pipe/tube to avoid this problem...

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I would try what has been suggested here. When you get your rig, practice throwing-out your p/c with the hackey. After awhile, you'll find you'll like it. When you are jumping student gear, you tend to get used to or even liking things about that gear. When you get your own gear, you'll find that student gear is nowhere near what you have. I wore gloves a lot when jumping and never had trouble finding/throwing-out my hackey. I think, you'll really like it.;)


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My finger never got stuck in a plastic pipe (the handle on all the BOC ripcord student rigs where I learned) but it was normal for me to find I had a bleeding cuticle on one of my right-hand fingers when I got to the ground.

See, when I pull, I send the iron-fingered gorilla hand back to the PC pocket to get the job done >:(, and preserving my manicure is not a priority.

I guess the way I curl my fingers in the iron-fingered gorilla hand >:( prevents them getting stuck in anything.


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I got a freefly pud on my new rig.........and its not as 'easy' to access and pull as a hacky was...

That said it IS a much more secure system than a hackey ( and I have had a high speed premature deployment, which made me think hard about the security of the system)

Its not as easy as a hackey to pull....but in a weird kinda way I like the way it makes me focus on my pull at pull time in a way I just didnt with a hackey ....ie good body position and a FIRM grip and toss on the handle

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I've heard stories about fingers being caught in the tubes.

yup, me, that's why I prefer a hacky. but other than that, they're both sitting in the same spot at pull time and i can't say i've noticed either being 'easier' or 'harder' to pull - though i don't jump with gloves.
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I've heard stories about fingers being caught in the tubes.

...Or in can be snagged against some sticking part of an airplane... Also, my index finger got stuck in the PVC pipe/tube handle after I pulled on one jump! Talk about surprise - my right hand fully extended, palm open, and PC "attached" to my finger! I shook it off and it deployed normally... But it was scary. After that someone advised me to put a wine bottle cork (which is very lightwieght and provides very snug fitting) into the PVC pipe/tube to avoid this problem...

I am not sure a hackey is more secure than the PVC tube. The tube is lighter, harder and I think less likely to snag on the inside of the plane. I always go for the tube because the hackey seems like a rip off when it is time to pay. I use gloves in the winter, I never wear heavy gloves - as thin as possible to avoid fumbling if in trouble...


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