
How Young is...

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OK,I really would like some thoughts on how young is too young to be left alone for a few hours during the day or early eve. My fiance has a 15 yr.old,good kid,but she will not go out of the house if he's home.I say he's old enough to take care of himself for 2-4 hours.Opinion from others may help my situation.We have not BEEN ALONE for over a month now HELP[:/]
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Well,that is what I think. How in the hell do I convince her?>:( All he does is play video games anyway!

Well, he's old enough not to play with matches or drown in the bathtub. Fifteen is old enough to be left alone for a couple of hours.

It will help teach him responsibility and I'm sure he hates being smothered.
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No easy answers, it all depends on the kid.

Try it once or twice, paint it up as a "here's your chance to earn our trust" kinda thing. If he violates the trust, drop the boom on him.

Elvisio "no kids, but for someone incomprehensible reason feel qualified to butt in on this conversation" Rodriguez

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One way you might consider to help ease her into that ability, is to set up servalence camera without his knowledge, and get her to go out a couple times until she realizes that she can trust him, and get her a cell phone so she can call him as many times as it takes to re assure her that he is okay. You asked how do I get her to go along with it-thats my suggestion-Caress
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the lady obviously needs to work through this issue. What makes you so sure that he is going to do just that while they are gone? She needs re assurence that she can trust her son. I was merely trying to suggest a way to get er' done. After she is confident leaving him alone, then he can whack himself silly if he wants. What makes you think that he hasnt devised a way to do that in spite of her anyway?:S-Caress

I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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15 i was staying out all night with friends, no time to be home. Had too much drinking to do.

When I was 15, I had to be home before midnight on school nights.[:/]:P

Really, most 15 YO are old enough to try trusting for a few hours at a time. Is the kid usually trouble or not? In these days of cell phones, he can certainly call mom if he has trouble or can't find the scotch.

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the lady obviously needs to work through this issue. What makes you so sure that he is going to do just that while they are gone? She needs re assurence that she can trust her son. I was merely trying to suggest a way to get er' done. After she is confident leaving him alone, then he can whack himself silly if he wants. What makes you think that he hasnt devised away to do that in spite of her anyway?:S-Caress

Oh sure he is rather experienced with himself already. But do the OP and his fiance really want to see it? There is nothing wrong with it but apparently the kid is never left alone so he might just go crazy. Not criticizing your idea. Just saying it's something to consider.

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I agree that it is something to consider to, However this lady needs to get over this coddling thing very soon, or this kid is going to have to take college courses on "how to live your life and make good choices all by yourself" I have a 17 year old and believe me I know about how things are these days and it is flippen scary, but she needs to get out of this phase and fast. She is choking this kid! Stunting his maturity. Maybe if she saw that she would realize the kid needs some private time so he can GROW UP
If it is survey'd atleast she would know WHAT he is doing-EVEN if it is just that. Instead of Wondering herself to death. Sorry Downwardspiral I do not mean any disrespect towards you at all, I am just frusterated that life has come to us mothers thinking we need to be so confining. -Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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If the kid is not a trouble maker than him being left home alone is long overdue.

I was 12 when I was left alone....sometimes for a whole day. Didn't consider anything but normal.
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Aren't there a lot of folks who hire 14 & 15 year-olds to babysit their kids for a few hours, but he's not allowed to babysit himself?

The baby sitter we use is a 15 Year old cerifyed baby sitter.
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15 i was staying out all night with friends, no time to be home. Had too much drinking to do.

I joined the NAVY at 15'n a half.
Some of the kids i work with are parents at that age
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One way you might consider to help ease her into that ability, is to set up servalence camera without his knowledge, -Caress

That would be a fantasitic way to destroy any trust he might have with her;) yeah do that:ph34r::ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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My kids are 15 & 16 and get left alone for more than a few hours. Hell, they drive themselves to school, and do chores and live life. Tell her to let him grow some for crying out loud. Unless of course he wears a football helmet all the time, says DEE,DEE,DEE, and rides on the short bus ;)

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