
What my hair looks like this week

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i deduce five things from your picture:

you don't ride a motorbike
you don't wear a hat
you don't like rain
you frighten old people
you're on drugs, all the time.

I think you are wayyy over-generalizing there... I dont think old people get scared that easy. :D;)

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Here is the result of my latest experiment.

What do ya think?

I've got a sorta personal question about your age.

I was in Canada about 25 years ago. Got really fucking drunk one night and ended up having sex with a parrot.

I was just wondering if you could be my son?
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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Here is the result of my latest experiment.

I am interested in hearing the results of your experiment.(ie. how it make you feel/others reactions)

Much can me learned about people through various field reseach methods.:)
Your secrets are the true reflection of who you really are...

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but it is cool. I'm kinda envious...wish I could pull a do like that off. :)

Its kinda like a pea-cock spreading its feathers. If ya know what i mean;)

I was going to write, "it reminds me of a colorful peacock" but I thought I was just drunk...until I read further down and saw your message ;)

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Here is the result of my latest experiment.

What do ya think?

I've got a sorta personal question about your age.

I was in Canada about 25 years ago. Got really fucking drunk one night and ended up having sex with a parrot.

I was just wondering if you could be my son?


On an unrelated note. I hope to see all of you soon. I'm gonna try to make it out to the dz next weekend.

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ok,now how long did it take you to do that to yourself?

And more importantly, how big is the hole in the ozone layer over your house?:S:|

I knew a guy back in high school that had that sorta hair style that use watered down Elmers Glue. Said it worked better than anything.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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ok,now how long did it take you to do that to yourself?

And more importantly, how big is the hole in the ozone layer over your house?:S:|

Not sure what he is using, But back in the 80`s we all used Knox gelatin to get the Mohawks to stand up. NO amount of Hairspray would keep a Do up for any amount of time.

The hardest part was getting from whatever house you got ready at to whatever Concert/Show/Club you were going to. Pretty much have to lay down in the car because of the Hair.

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