
Hotel staff used my makeup!!!

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OK, hopefully you will offer some useful tips for how to deal with this situation...

I'm on a business trip, and I finished early today.. I got in just seconds before the cleaning lady came into my room to tidy up.. I took 30 seconds to change into my running gear and stepped out to let her do her job.

When I got back 40 minutes later, my makeup was moved.. I didn't think much of it - probably it got put aside to clean the counter.. Then I took a closer look and noticed my mascara and liquid eyeliner were open (I haven't used that eyeliner in years..) Then I saw my eyeshadow was also used and the brush was covered in mascara!! I don't know how much of my stuff was used, but it's clear to me that at least these 3 items were.

I took pictures, wrote all the details down, and complained to the manager. So far the response was that the particular cleaning lady has worked there for years and hasn't yet been reached.. They've very much insinuated that they don't believe me!!

Quite frankly I'm disgusted - what else have they done with my stuff that I don't know about? At the very least I want my makeup replaced - I don't share my personal stuff, and anyway it's unhygenic.

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I like to think of myself as a reasonable person.. I've been unimpressed with the hotel in general.. It's a Holiday Inn in Paris and claims to be a 4 star.. They took away all my towels on day 2, haven't replaced my sheets all week, lost internet connection on days 3 and 4, didn't have hot water on day 5, and now this..

Everything else was mildly annoying, but I draw the line at using my stuff. It's clearly completely unacceptable. They offered me free breakfast and told me it was worth 10 EUROS.. Holy fuck.. The mascara alone costs 3 times that, and I can't be sure that's all that was used!

I told them I don't want/care about a free breakfast - it doesn' resolve the problem.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I'm sure she left that room feeling quite attractive, maybe looking so, too. You unwittingly performed an act of charitable kindness for someone who probably has a very low income.

Of course, she may have scabies, too; so toss that stuff out. You could write a letter of complaint to the top management of the hotel (chain?). You'll probably get comp'ed a free night.

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Yeah, but a free night means nothing as my company is paying for all my expenses..

I agree she is on a low income and I actually kinda feel for her in a way.. All the stuff she sees in the rooms probably looks quite tempting..

But it's still wrong and the hotel should put things right. I don't care if they do or say anything to this lady.. If she had eaten one of my chocolates I wouldn't have said anything, but my toiletries?? Next-to-skin stuff? Um.. NOT ok..

Too right that I'm tossing the stuff!!

Edit - oh.. actually, a free night somewhere else is not a bad idea.. Good one Andy, and BTW: I LMFAO, thanks :)

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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OK, hopefully you will offer some useful tips for how to deal with this situation...

I'm on a business trip, and I finished early today.. I got in just seconds before the cleaning lady came into my room to tidy up.. I took 30 seconds to change into my running gear and stepped out to let her do her job.

When I got back 40 minutes later, my makeup was moved.. I didn't think much of it - probably it got put aside to clean the counter.. Then I took a closer look and noticed my mascara and liquid eyeliner were open (I haven't used that eyeliner in years..) Then I saw my eyeshadow was also used and the brush was covered in mascara!! I don't know how much of my stuff was used, but it's clear to me that at least these 3 items were.

I took pictures, wrote all the details down, and complained to the manager. So far the response was that the particular cleaning lady has worked there for years and hasn't yet been reached.. They've very much insinuated that they don't believe me!!

Quite frankly I'm disgusted - what else have they done with my stuff that I don't know about? At the very least I want my makeup replaced - I don't share my personal stuff, and anyway it's unhygenic.


You sure it was not man wanting to be like you?


Check your panties and see if they are stretched out.

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Hmmm -

Quite a quandry . . .
Try not to be so high maintenance. If you need war paint on your face - maybe it's time to seek proffessional help. I have the number of a good plastic surgeon that might be able to assist you.

Perhaps you would have better luck if you prepared a nice meal, or sammich and brought the manager a beer.
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Try not to be so high maintenance. ***

I only rarely wear makeup, which in a way makes it more irritating.. I don't have 5 mascaras and 50 shades of eyeshadow.. I have a very basic kit and now I don't want to use any of it anymore.

And to the person who suggested I check my panties... EWWWWW!!!! :S

Edit: Ryoder - as always, too fucking funny!!! :ph34r::ph34r:

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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OK, a supposedly 4 star hotel- no towels, dirty sheets, no internet connection (at a hotel that markets itself to business travellers) no hot water, but you are complaining about your makeup? Maybe you should say something to your employer about the filthy dump they put you up in and start with the real issues you can actually prove. And bring those concerns to Holiday Inn's corporate offices, not the hotel manager in Paris who obviously does not give a flying f***. The Holiday Inn chain has some basic standards they attempt to maintain and might actually do something for you.

I am not saying you are not telling the truth but when you start with the makeup instead of the other stuff, you just sound hysterical and high maintenance. Sorry - just my .02.

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I am not saying you are not telling the truth but when you start with the makeup instead of the other stuff, you just sound hysterical and high maintenance. Sorry - just my .02.

Well, basically, I consider all the other stuff just annoying. Whereas I have a problem with someone using my personal things.

They brought up towels when I asked, so problem solved.. When the internet and hot water broke down I asked how long it would be down, and it was clear it couldn't fix straight away anyhow.. The sheets I don't mind so much as they seemed clean when I got there so if they don't change them during *my* stay it's not such a big deal.. I complained about the other stuff, but didn't expect anything more than for them to do their best to fix the minor problems. In other words, I don't expect any personal compensation because I don't feel I've lost anything & I felt their response was relatively reasonable.

In the case of my makeup, however, I think the least they should do is replace the stuff, because it's fundamentally wrong for someone else to use something so personal. It's unhygenic.. I'm not being hysterical about it, I just think it crosses the line between what is just annoying and easily forgiven, versus unacceptable and needs to be fixed.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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I agree that a stranger using your make-up is gross and should not have happened. Especially by an employee that should be bonded.
Unfortunately, you can't prove it.

Throw the stuff away and call it a day. The energy you are putting into this is just going to hit a brick wall and nothing is going to be done. As you've seen already.

Live and learn, and don't leave your stuff on the counter. ;)

Be yourself!

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:D:D Someone who's lived here for a couple of years told me that in France, you should always deduct one star when it comes to Hotels..

Given it's location in Paris I wasn't exactly expecting anything extravagant or desperately luxurious, but to me the makeup thing would have been unacceptable even in a 1 star hotel (though perhaps less surprising!!)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
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Live and learn, and don't leave your stuff on the counter. ;)

That's for sure.. I did the obvious stuff like I took anything valuable with me every day and locked up what I could't carry if I went out.. It just never occured to me that anyone would want to use my makeup!! :S

Like you said.. Lesson learned.. You're right that there is a limit to how much I should pursue it, but I'm not rich and makeup is super expensive in London... I think a letter to their management is still in order. After that, probably not much I can do.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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I agree that a stranger using your make-up is gross and should not have happened. Especially by an employee that should be bonded.
Unfortunately, you can't prove it.

How you know the bellhop has been using your makeup:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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How you know the bellhop has been using your makeup:

MWAAA HAA HAA!!! Oh dear.. If he needed my makeup so badly I might consider a generous donation.. Poor man *obviously* needs help looking "beautiful"!!

Edit - to downwardspiral: your comment about deodorant was obviously rude and UN-pc... But still very funny :D:D
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Hot water, clean towels, clean sheets and a reliable internet connection are all very reasonable expectations for any business traveller at any decent hotel. They claim to be better than just decent. They dropped the ball and you've got a legitimate complaint they really can't argue about.

The makeup is your word against hers. I never said you were being hysterical - I said that by focusing on the makeup first to some people you will sound hysterical and they won't take it seriously. I suggested that first and foremost you address the legitimate complaints that they can't reasonably deny, and address them at a corporate level. Any hotel manager that allowed all of that to happen really isn't going to care if his staff is stealing from the guests or screwing with their personal items as you must know by now.

And as John Mitchell pointed out- what do you expect? It's France!

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Hot water, clean towels, clean sheets and a reliable internet connection are all very reasonable expectations for any business traveller at any decent hotel. They claim to be better than just decent. They dropped the ball and you've got a legitimate complaint they really can't argue about.

The makeup is your word against hers. I never said you were being hysterical - I said that by focusing on the makeup first to some people you will sound hysterical and they won't take it seriously. I suggested that first and foremost you address the legitimate complaints that they can't reasonably deny, and address them at a corporate level. Any hotel manager that allowed all of that to happen really isn't going to care if his staff is stealing from the guests or screwing with their personal items as you must know by now.

And as John Mitchell pointed out- what do you expect? It's France!

:$ Ohhh.. I see.. That makes sense.. Maybe I should point out the other stuff in my letter, although they dealt with each thing as it happened, so I didn't feel the need to pursue further.. With the makeup I don't think that offering a free breakfast is an appropriate response..

I take your point, though - and thanks for clarifying :)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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:D:D Someone who's lived here for a couple of years told me that in France, you should always deduct one star when it comes to Hotels..

Given it's location in Paris I wasn't exactly expecting anything extravagant or desperately luxurious, but to me the makeup thing would have been unacceptable even in a 1 star hotel (though perhaps less surprising!!)

When I vacation in Mexico, I stay at "budget" hotels all the time. I can leave cash or jewelry out in the open and it won't be touched. If it is intended as a tip, I have to leave a note with it or the maid will not take it. I've never had any personal items stolen or used, and these people are literally working for a couple of dollars a day.

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Maybe that's because the hotel management take customer complaints seriously over there!! :P

I got all my stuff stolen out of a motel once (in Canada of all places) and ever since I basically don't bring anything of value when I travel. Never thought of putting my "beautification" stuff away, though!!

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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I walked in on a housekeeping lady using my perfume... this was in Jamaica.

I told her she could have the bottle since it smelled so nice on her... better than on me. At first she was embarrassed, but you know what, I figured I am so much better off financially than some of the hotel staff in the islands, I had a ton of perfume at home anyway.... maybe it made her feel good. I don't know... made me feel good, at least.


Always be kinder than you feel.

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