
Armorall Protectant way too shiny...

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So I cleaned my car out after having gone quite a long time without cleaning it... (it really is a substianiantal difference) and I used some of that ArmorAll protectant/cleaner and although it looks really good (being shiny and all now) I'm sort of regreting it as the Glare from the shiny dashboard is really bad...

does anyone have an idea about how I could remove this stuff?

I don't think I'll ever use this stuff ever again...

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Does anyone know how to get the damn tire wet spots off of my driveway???

An old boyfriend who used to wash his friggin' car at my house all the time (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) used this shit and it left 4 tire marks on my driveway... I booted him 2 years ago but the fucking tire marks pop up in my 3 year old house's driveway when it rains. >:(>:(>:(

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dude you're married now... no need to clean the car anymore- who are you trying to impress.:P

I'm looking to sell the car soon so I wanted it to look nice... and prior to cleaning it the car was REALLY dirty...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Power washer.

I never thought of that. My neighbor has one I can borrow.

Thanks!!!!!!!! B|

Whoa now. You can't just pressure wash the 4 spots. It'll look worse. You need to do the whole thing!

Hahha... that's exactly what I would've done. OK, time to hire the landscaper or something, I guess.
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Does anyone know how to get the damn tire wet spots off of my driveway???

There are concrete degrease products available at the hardware store. You squirt it on the spot, rub it in, let it sit a few minutes, then hose it off. After several cycles, it'll be gone. I do this with oil drips when I get a bit sloppy on my oil changes.

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Does anyone know how to get the damn tire wet spots off of my driveway???

There are concrete degrease products available at the hardware store. You squirt it on the spot, rub it in, let it sit a few minutes, then hose it off. After several cycles, it'll be gone. I do this with oil drips when I get a bit sloppy on my oil changes.

Before you do ANY of that, stop at the nearest auto parts store & get an aerosol can of "BRAKE CLEANER." Spray it on the spots, give the area a rub with a rag & let it evaporate. You'd be surprised what this stuff will clean!
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I won't testify with first-hand experience, but I have a cousin that restores some antique cars - '53 Plymouth Bel-Air, and the like. Anyway, he shows them at car competitions, and one time he got dinged by a judge for his car being too shiny. He had used a silicon finish. Before the next showing the following weekend, he took some Lemon Pledge and rubbed it all over the surface, and I guess that dulled it down enough to look more authentic. This is a second-hand story, just passing along the information.
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>I'm looking to sell the car soon so I wanted it to look nice

yeah I was just giving you grief:P

Hopefully you can wait till summer...lots of people are selling their shwag now due to tough times, I see a lot of bikes and cars on the market these days, sweet deals out there..... buyers market.

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Hopefully you can wait till summer...lots of people are selling their shwag now due to tough times, I see a lot of bikes and cars on the market these days, sweet deals out there..... buyers market.

Let me be more clear... I'm looking at replacing the car with a compact SUV (current front runner is the RAV4) and although I could probably hold onto the car for a time... I'd rather not have to pay for the insurance on two cars until next summer... I'd rather sell it now...

fwiw the "shine" has disipated somewhat... I think I'll try to reduce the shine further by running an old tshirt across it.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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