
Is it legal for an employer to...

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force you to work every single holiday with absolutely no exceptions? I'm talking New Years, Easter, Spring Break, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Probably. Sounds cruel, but yes, they can absolutely do that as long as they pay you properly.

What do you mean by properly? If you mean an actual livable wage, then no...they don't.

Paying the employer's half of FICA+Medicare (the IRS does not like employers mis-categorizing employees as independent contractors), paying state + federal unemployment taxes, complying with tax withholding laws, paying at least the greater of state and federal minimum wage, paying time-and-a-half overtime for over 40 hours worked per week unless you're an exempt employee...

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Animal hospital? That was my first-ever job. Cleaning cages, washing & walking animals and picking up poo--I worked holidays because the animals do not just go to sleep and wake up 48 hours later.

I realize and understand this. I just don't see why they can't do a rotating holiday schedule. Let everyone have a holiday or two off. They don't need every single person there on every single holiday. It doesn't take 30 people to walk all the animals and pick up their poo.

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I just think it's ridiculous to never be able to have a single holiday off for any reason.

Welcome to the way 99% of the population has to deal with management on a daily basis. Oh the problem may not be exactly the same, but I can tell you that there are many jobs where somebody has to be on duty. Also some management gets joy out of screwing around with their employees just for the sake of reminding them who is in "control." It appears as if your management is of that style.

It sucks, but it's legal.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I get paid hourly. We get 1 day off a week and work every other weekend. You get a week total of vacation, personal and sick days after you've been there a year. As far as pay on the holidays...we get 8 hours of regular pay plus regular pay for however long we're there that day (typically only 30 or 40 minutes...however long it takes to take all the dogs outside, let them do their business, and then feed them).

I don't consider $8.50 an hour good compensation. Trust me...I've been desperately searching for a new job with no luck.

Let me know if I am reading this right:

"working a holiday" would constitute 30-40 minutes walking the dogs and getting paid for 8 hours and 40 minutes of work?

I was thinking you had to work a full shift on the holidays, while it may be an inconvenience and ruin travel plans, if that is correct it aint a bad deal. $75 for 30-40 minutes of work for an $8.50/hour job.

1 day off per week and work every other weekend.
That sounds pretty fair, I drew out a 31 day month and found 8-10 days off per month depending on pattern, which is the same as just having weekends off.

Are weekend shifts full shifts? or part time shifts like holidays? do you get paid overtime for more than 8 hours of work per day OR more than 40 hours of work per week?
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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I realize and understand this. I just don't see why they can't do a rotating holiday schedule. Let everyone have a holiday or two off. They don't need every single person there on every single holiday. It doesn't take 30 people to walk all the animals and pick up their poo.

Rotating? No.

But, should you theoretically be able to have next year's Thanksgiving or Christmas off if you are an employee in good standing and have asked for one? Absolutely.

My problem is that your inquiry comes at 3.5 months-in to a job you admit you want temporarily. If you already know it is temporary, do you not think those who hired you do?
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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force you to work every single holiday with absolutely no exceptions? I'm talking New Years, Easter, Spring Break, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I'm sure a lot of cops, doctors, nurses, etc. have the same schedule with no exceptions. I know my ex-husband, as a police officer, didn't get to pick and choose the days off when the holidays came around. And we had many holidays when my Dad (he was also a cop) wasn't home or we had to hold off dinner until later. You do get used to it, if that helps at all.

It definitely sucks but at least you're looking for something else. :)
Always be kinder than you feel.

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why in the world would you be curious about getting christmas off next year for a job that pays less than $9 and hour? it sounds like the people you work for suck too, but on these weekends and holidays you only have to go in for 40 minutes and you're bitching about it? stop with the "poor me can they really get away with this" attitude, or every job you have in life is going to suck. suck it up, don't complain, and do the best you can. in the meantime, put you're efforts into finding a better place to work. even in this economy you can find another job before the next holiday season.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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I get paid hourly. We get 1 day off a week and work every other weekend. You get a week total of vacation, personal and sick days after you've been there a year. As far as pay on the holidays...we get 8 hours of regular pay plus regular pay for however long we're there that day (typically only 30 or 40 minutes...however long it takes to take all the dogs outside, let them do their business, and then feed them).

I don't consider $8.50 an hour good compensation. Trust me...I've been desperately searching for a new job with no luck.

Let me know if I am reading this right:

"working a holiday" would constitute 30-40 minutes walking the dogs and getting paid for 8 hours and 40 minutes of work?

I was thinking you had to work a full shift on the holidays, while it may be an inconvenience and ruin travel plans, if that is correct it aint a bad deal. $75 for 30-40 minutes of work for an $8.50/hour job.

1 day off per week and work every other weekend.
That sounds pretty fair, I drew out a 31 day month and found 8-10 days off per month depending on pattern, which is the same as just having weekends off.

Are weekend shifts full shifts? or part time shifts like holidays? do you get paid overtime for more than 8 hours of work per day OR more than 40 hours of work per week?

Yes you are reading that right about working a holiday. My biggest complaint about it is ruining travel plans (probably being a bit selfish there).

The weekends are a little bit of both. Saturday is a full shift. Sunday is like a holiday shift (except we only get paid for the time we're there, not the additional 8 hours).

Are schedules are a bit screwy. Every other week I work three 11 hour shifts. We don't get overtime for working more than 8 hours a day, only if we go over 40 hours a week. They'll typically send you home early if you start getting too close to 40 hours a week because they try to get out of paying overtime any way possible.

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why in the world would you be curious about getting christmas off next year for a job that pays less than $9 and hour? it sounds like the people you work for suck too, but on these weekends and holidays you only have to go in for 40 minutes and you're bitching about it? stop with the "poor me can they really get away with this" attitude, or every job you have in life is going to suck. suck it up, don't complain, and do the best you can. in the meantime, put you're efforts into finding a better place to work. even in this economy you can find another job before the next holiday season.

I want this job to be only temporary. But with the lack of success when it comes to finding another job I was trying to prepare myself for this to last longer than expected. (And I think the frustration from that has me venting and complaining about stuff that I shouldn't be). I wasn't intending for this to be a "woe is me" thread (although I'll admit that's what it has turned into unfortunately). I was just honestly wondering if it was legal for them to do that.

McSwervey: I understand working holidays. I worked in EMS for 2 years before I moved down here. There are no off days there either. But they at least had the sense of mind to do a rotating holiday schedule based on seniority.

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sounds about right. totally fair and acceptable. Only thing i find funny is that they would make everyone come in on the holidays for a different 30 minute shift (if i read that correct) or in general just making everyone come in for the same 30 minute shift but paying em all for a full days work. I feel like that is not only wasteful of your time but the employers money.

Other than that, sounds like a logically run joint, and very fair. I'd volunteer for every holiday i could. free money!!!
So there I was...

Making friends and playing nice since 1983

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sounds about right. totally fair and acceptable. Only thing i find funny is that they would make everyone come in on the holidays for a different 30 minute shift (if i read that correct) or in general just making everyone come in for the same 30 minute shift but paying em all for a full days work. I feel like that is not only wasteful of your time but the employers money.

Other than that, sounds like a logically run joint, and very fair. I'd volunteer for every holiday i could. free money!!!

There are 2 shifts on the holidays. 7AM and 4PM. Everyone signs up for one or the other (unless one fills up first then you're stuck with the one that no one wants).

You say it sounds like a logically run joint. But this is only the tip of the iceberg. I could go on about some of the other ridiculous requirements they have (such as not being allowed to even snack on a single cookie during your 11 hour shift except for when on your lunch break)...but I'm going to stop whining and complaining now.

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Georgia is a "right to work" state and an "employment at will" State. Along with that an Employer can Fire you for pretty much any non-discriminatory reason.


the employer is free to discharge individuals "for good cause, or bad cause, or no cause at all," and the employee is equally free to quit, strike, or otherwise cease work.

The short answer is Yes, They can.

You however can always quit anytime you like and look for a better job if you are unhappy with your employers requirements.
Some employers have a Churn em and Burn em mentality, Sounds like you may have one of those. Those employers will not be able to retain the best help. Best to keep looking for another job if you are not happy with that one.

The nice thing is that being a "Right to Work" State, Jobs are easier to find.

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The weekends are a little bit of both. Saturday is a full shift. Sunday is like a holiday shift (except we only get paid for the time we're there, not the additional 8 hours).

Are schedules are a bit screwy. Every other week I work three 11 hour shifts. We don't get overtime for working more than 8 hours a day, only if we go over 40 hours a week. They'll typically send you home early if you start getting too close to 40 hours a week because they try to get out of paying overtime any way possible.

Umm.. Consider yourself lucky to be getting paid for every hour you work.. Many of us who are trying to climb the corporate ladder work obscene hours every week, including weekends and are on a yearly salary.. I reckon if I divided my annual salary by the number of hours I worked in a year, I would not even be getting paid minimum wage on an hourly basis!! And I *could* sit there and complain about it, but it's a choice I make because I obviously believe that at some point the hard work will pay off. If I didn't believe that, I'd just be a sucker who's overworked and underpaid!!

Yeah.. Back to my original post.. Either do something about it or accept that you are working for a business and their main concern is ultimately the bottom line. What they are doing is not wrong - it's called managing costs.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Is it legal for an employer to...force you to work every single holiday with absolutely no exceptions?

Probably Yes, since (a) Georgia is an "employment at will" state, and (b) you're not working under a contract.
(This is not legal advice; confirm this with a Georgia attorney; etc.)

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As the new person I expected to have to work holidays for a while. I just think it's ridiculous to never be able to have a single holiday off for any reason.

And yes, I also think that is a ridiculous rule. Seniority does have a role in employment though, and ideally you would expect in 3 to 5 years, the ability to take a holiday off here and there. As for what you are entitled to from an employer.....other than equal opportunity employment, not much. In most states "at will" employment is the rule of the day. An employer can release you "at will" with no reason or excuse. Basically, they owe you nothing. Keep you chin up, work hard.... Maybe things will change for you in the future. Good luck!

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Hey i would quit that job and start you own company! Then you would have it easy like all of us owners:S. You would then make the big bucks and take it easyB|. You could then retire in no time[:/] You are doing nothing that is that far out of the ordinary!

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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I'm of the opinion that you have a certain period in which you can complain about having been lied to.. But there comes a point where you have to admit that by doing nothing about your situation you are essentially accepting that it's ok.

For instance, I was told all kinds of lies about my job when I first started. I complained and threatened to leave, and a couple of months later they promoted me.. That turned out to be a big fat bunch of lies as well.. One year later, I told HR I was fed up with my role and wanted a change.. They promoted me again (mostly sideways, but a bit up as well). And, unsurprisingly, that role was/is also a joke.

But honestly.. After the first few months.. I stopped believing the bullshit and knew what the deal was.. In still working there, I accept all the bs and take the job for what it is: shitty, but well paid. It's clear that my company will never offer me what I want, so if I want things to change, I do have the option of quitting and finding a new job. I therefore don't have much of a right to complain because ultimately, it's *my* fault that I choose to carry on putting up with the bs.

Now, iluvtofly, this may be a new job, and things may change.. But if over time they don't change and you're still unhappy - take matters into your own hands and make the change yourself.. Otherwise.. Suck it up.. :|

touche. :P

I often feel like an overpaid babysitter (on the verge of going insane) at work. I can complain all I want, but at the end of the day I am responsible for my life, my job and my career. If I don't like my job, I either accept it or change it.

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