
Dear Dipshits Bidding on eBay...

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I tend to agree with the fist, but I don't spend enough time auctioning for it to matter.





Strange use of the word quantum. It means a portion, but doesn't specify large or small.

A quantum is defined as: the smallest discrete quantity of some property that a system can possess.

So I guess that's an interesting use of the word. Isn't modicum something to do with proper behaviour?




Just buy the damn adult diapers at Wal-Mart and you won't get an ulcer tryin' to save 37 cents!


"Even in a world where perfection is unattainable, there's still a difference between excellence and mediocrity." Gary73

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I had to go search, but you are right. In physics, when dealing with radiant energy, it means a small portion. Is Fist a physicist?
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

An auction that is 6 days out from closing doesn't require a bid from you. If you bothered to use your brain cell to consider the bidding process, you would recognize that you are needlessly driving up the price of the item and if you win, you are paying more than you would if you didn't start bidding on the damned thing long before the auction ends.

In case you didn't know, the only person who wants the price to go up is the person who posted the auction. Try bidding during the last hours. It's what common sense and simian-level intelligence reveal as better than adequate.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


I believe you are looking at this situation all wrong.

Think about it this way:

If people are bidding early and driving up the auction price, then it's one less item you have to monitor. If they dont bid early and decide to snipe like you, then you end up wasting a lot of time making frantic last minute bids on items that you are going to get outbid on anyway.
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

An auction that is 6 days out from closing doesn't require a bid from you. If you bothered to use your brain cell to consider the bidding process, you would recognize that you are needlessly driving up the price of the item and if you win, you are paying more than you would if you didn't start bidding on the damned thing long before the auction ends.

In case you didn't know, the only person who wants the price to go up is the person who posted the auction. Try bidding during the last hours. It's what common sense and simian-level intelligence reveal as better than adequate.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


I believe you are looking at this situation all wrong.

Think about it this way:

If people are bidding early and driving up the auction price, then it's one less item you have to monitor. If they dont bid early and decide to snipe like you, then you end up wasting a lot of time making frantic last minute bids on items that you are going to get outbid on anyway.

Another good way of putiing it!

Does he also call the "outsnipers" dipshits? just because their last second bid was higher?

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Guess the OP just wanted to rant, and seagulled this thread!

I know if he made the same post on any of the ebay boards..they would eat him alive! (much like what happened here)


Flew away and shit on it as he did a fly by?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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there is another auction site where if a bid is made in the last 30 seconds or minute (not sure) the auction stays open for 2 more minutes, this stops the last second computer bidding, and the seller gets the maximum price for the product, cooler heads prevail because you have time to think about the value of the product and what it is worth
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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there is another auction site where if a bid is made in the last 30 seconds or minute (not sure) the auction stays open for 2 more minutes, this stops the last second computer bidding, and the seller gets the maximum price for the product, cooler heads prevail because you have time to think about the value of the product and what it is worth

Interesting idea.

An idea I had: Make auctions end at a random time during the last hour, instead of a specific minute.
That would also stamp out sniping.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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there is another auction site where if a bid is made in the last 30 seconds or minute (not sure) the auction stays open for 2 more minutes, this stops the last second computer bidding, and the seller gets the maximum price for the product, cooler heads prevail because you have time to think about the value of the product and what it is worth

That was suggested on Ebay, but for soem reason, ( too much work for the company) Never emplemented! Ebay is all about the buyers, They coud care les about the sellers!

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OK, assholes.

I see there was a minor, very minor, lesson in quantum terminology. Nice. And lessons on "sniping" eBay. Good for you.

If one is so undedicated as to be unwilling to (*gasp*) follow a simple online auction and fuck up the process for the rest of us, please just go play in traffic or take a long hike on a short pier. Do the thinking persons of the world a favor and stay off eBay.

The "viewing" period of an auction is just that - a time for viewing the item(s). The bidding period, just like actual auctions, happens at the end. If you can't be bothered, dipshits, then don't bother becoming involved! Stop fucking it up for the rest of us. >:(

The eBay dipshits may now continue with lame explanations, flames and typical Internet nonsense. :)

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Since we're starting all of our posts with asshole, in kind,
Hey asshole!:P

If it were a "viewing" period, there would be no option to bid. Funny how they call it "bidding" period, huh?:S

I'm sorry if it gets your panties in a bunch when you don't get to buy something for a steal because someone else decided to pay a reasonable price, Maybe if you weren't so cheap you'd get to buy more stuff. But what do I know.;)

What you say is reflective of your knowledge...HOW ya say it is reflective of your experience. Airtwardo

Someone's going to be spanked! Hopefully, it will be me. Skymama

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So sorry it upsets ya have to compete with other assholes that are willing to pay more than you...for some old shit somebody doesn't want anymore. :):ph34r:

Have you heard their slogan?

"eBay: Rearranging the world's junk.":D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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> The bidding period, just like actual auctions, happens at the end.

Actually you can bid at any time.

Sounds like your blood pressure would benefit greatly from avoiding places like Ebay. Or just stick to "buy it now" auctions, where you won't have to deal with "idiots" who understand the system better than you do.

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OK, assholes.

I see there was a minor, very minor, lesson in quantum terminology. Nice. And lessons on "sniping" eBay. Good for you.

If one is so undedicated as to be unwilling to (*gasp*) follow a simple online auction and fuck up the process for the rest of us, please just go play in traffic or take a long hike on a short pier. Do the thinking persons of the world a favor and stay off eBay.

The "viewing" period of an auction is just that - a time for viewing the item(s). The bidding period, just like actual auctions, happens at the end. If you can't be bothered, dipshits, then don't bother becoming involved! Stop fucking it up for the rest of us. >:(

The eBay dipshits may now continue with lame explanations, flames and typical Internet nonsense. :)

hey asshole.

I am going to venture out of a limb and say you are also the kind of guy that likes to flash your lights and honk at me to get me to move over on a city street so you can fly by just to get stuck at the next redlight and have me smile and wave at you once i am right next to you again.

It's not our fault you dont understand how the world works, but if venting and calling others idiots makes you feel better than so be it.
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


That may be fine for people buying trinkets and baubles, but for those of us who are looking to purchase a Porsche 911 and who do not want to waste endless hours online waiting for "those closing minutes", finding out EARLY what the set reserve price is is a tremendous help. I bid, set my maximum bid, then have the system tell me when I have been outbid and if (ever) the reserve has been met. I fucking hate E-bay, but there are a good number of Porsche 911's that come across the block.

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OK, assholes.

I see there was a minor, very minor, lesson in quantum terminology. Nice. And lessons on "sniping" eBay. Good for you.

If one is so undedicated as to be unwilling to (*gasp*) follow a simple online auction and fuck up the process for the rest of us, please just go play in traffic or take a long hike on a short pier. Do the thinking persons of the world a favor and stay off eBay.

The "viewing" period of an auction is just that - a time for viewing the item(s). The bidding period, just like actual auctions, happens at the end. If you can't be bothered, dipshits, then don't bother becoming involved! Stop fucking it up for the rest of us. >:(

The eBay dipshits may now continue with lame explanations, flames and typical Internet nonsense. :)

ROFL, You are the perfect asshole for the Rbay chat boards, You think "Your Opion" is the only one that is right, and Yoru way is the best...

Take you whinny ass over to the Ebay soapbox, Post the same drivel there, and sit back and watch the reactions, But those boards are manned by people that have been on Ebay from day one, yoru not going to like the responces!

Oh yeah, and leave the keyboard warrior attitude behind, they will delet your post within seconds...

Since it is obvious you're far from the sharpest pencil in the box, I'll make it easy for you, here is a link to there!

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


That may be fine for people buying trinkets and baubles, but for those of us who are looking to purchase a Porsche 911 and who do not want to waste endless hours online waiting for "those closing minutes", finding out EARLY what the set reserve price is is a tremendous help. I bid, set my maximum bid, then have the system tell me when I have been outbid and if (ever) the reserve has been met. I fucking hate E-bay, but there are a good number of Porsche 911's that come across the block.


All this time I thought you were a 'VETTE man! ;):ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I fucking hate E-bay, but there are a good number of Porsche 911's that come across the block.


All this time I thought you were a 'VETTE man! ;):ph34r:

No kidding!:o
I would have bet money that he wouldn't be interested in anything other than 'Merkin V-8's.:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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