
Dear Dipshits Bidding on eBay...

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


That may be fine for people buying trinkets and baubles, but for those of us who are looking to purchase a Porsche 911 and who do not want to waste endless hours online waiting for "those closing minutes", finding out EARLY what the set reserve price is is a tremendous help. I bid, set my maximum bid, then have the system tell me when I have been outbid and if (ever) the reserve has been met. I fucking hate E-bay, but there are a good number of Porsche 911's that come across the block.

I would SOOOOOO not have pegged you as an expensive volkswagon kind of guy:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

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How about using a quantum of common sense, dumbass.

So thanks a lot, assholes, for driving up the prices of shit on eBay by being utter and complete dipshits.


That may be fine for people buying trinkets and baubles, but for those of us who are looking to purchase a Porsche 911 and who do not want to waste endless hours online waiting for "those closing minutes", finding out EARLY what the set reserve price is is a tremendous help. I bid, set my maximum bid, then have the system tell me when I have been outbid and if (ever) the reserve has been met. I fucking hate E-bay, but there are a good number of Porsche 911's that come across the block.

Hey Asshole!

Exactly where snipe software is worth it's price. People's emotions are a problem (buyers emotions are not a problem for sellers). The typical person will bid for instance $100 dollars for their widget, thinking '$100 is all I'm willing to pay', then sit at their computer and watch it in the last minutes. So, someone comes along and enters $125 as their max five minutes before auction close. Mr. $100 all gets all sorts of adrenalin pumping and enters $105, outbid, $110, outbid, damn! 115, outbid, danm! $120 outbid, shit!, $125 outbid, Fuck!, $130 got it!!! Now, if the guy who'd originally bid $125 had used snipe software, entered the same $125 as his max bit and which placed his bid for him within the last few seconds (notice that he didn't sit at his computer), he won the widget for $102 (whatever the bid increments are at the $100 level). Also, using snipe software the $125 dollar bidder is removed from the emotion, remember, he was at the DZ drinking beer, or in bed screwing another skydivers GF when he won!

Now, multiply that whole scenario for a 10,000 car and the $10 snipe software is looking very attractive!

This http://cgi.ebay.com/Auction-Sentry-Deluxe-Top-Bid-Sniping-Software-/170487507273?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27b1d8e949 is the one I use. $12.95, hell of a deal. Not a service, but software you purchase and install.

Seriously I seldom use it, the majority of stuff I've purchased lately has been Buy it Now.

This whole argument reminds me of "good poker players" complaining about "idiots" screwing up their Texas Hold'em game. Ironic how the stupid folks knock out the guy who knows how to play.
Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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sounds like you have an number of issues: 1) you don't get to make the rules, 2) no one really cares what you think the rules should be, and 3) you don't like the fact that some of us have found a way to peacefully co-exist with eBay and are able to purchase what we want at a price we are willing to pay

you are so brilliant and obviously superior you should start teaching lessons so everyone can follow your rules, you would certainly find some actual dipshits that would participate
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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sounds like you have an number of issues: 1) you don't get to make the rules, 2) no one really cares what you think the rules should be, and 3) you don't like the fact that some of us have found a way to peacefully co-exist with eBay and are able to purchase what we want at a price we are willing to pay

you are so brilliant and obviously superior you should start teaching lessons so everyone can follow your rules, you would certainly find some actual dipshits that would participate

Bravo, and all said without a single name calling or swearing, You are a much better man with words then I!

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have you searched for a pair of big girl panties? Maybe see if you can find a deal on a six pack of em.

Maybe I should put some used ones up for sale on Ebay

I did search Ebay for "big girl panties" and one result was simply panties for a not so small woman.

Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else.


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have you searched for a pair of big girl panties? Maybe see if you can find a deal on a six pack of em.

Maybe I should put some used ones up for sale on Ebay

Be sure to add in yoir discription, Snipers only, No early bidders!

I wonder if she will model them herself.
We will know it's her by the chainsaw scars.:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Skid marks would be a dead give away too!:D

OK, I picked on him/her enough, they obviously are new to Ebay, and simply do not understand how it works! (Unles the name calling happens again)

in their profile they claim Military background, so surely they are capable of learning...they simply need to accept the fact they ae wrong on this issue!

I have been ebaying since their firsts year, I only have a 359 feedback rating, but it is 100 percent positive! I'd like to know their rating!

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I wonder if she will model them herself.
We will know it's her by the chainsaw scars.:D

I've seen her in her smalls. It's not a bad thing;):)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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BTW, Mr "mailed Fist" (that is sooo macho) if ye been around ebay for long, you will see adds that say, if no bids after 3 days, it will be pulled....Sellers are free to pull any auction thast has recieved no bids up to the last few hours!

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BTW, Mr "mailed Fist" (that is sooo macho)


:D:D:D...when I saw that in the Op, I thought another poster on here, ole 'Sudsy Fist' went the S&M route too...B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Skid marks would be a dead give away too!:D


Uh perhaps thats the norm in your world.. but in mine........ those would NEVER be mine.. and it would be a dead give away that they were NOT mine:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::)
Sorry I am just not that anal retentive as some seem to be in Speakers Corner and the amount of big girls panties worn by some of the guys there with skid marks... would not surporise me at all.:ph34r:

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I wonder if she will model them herself.
We will know it's her by the chainsaw scars.:D

I've seen her in her smalls. It's not a bad thing;):)

Well at least I was not wandering around the house nekkid like I usually do.... comapny ya know... ya gotta put on a few clothes:):):):)

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I enjoy bidding ahead, just to push up the price for something I will not be winning anyway. Gotta help out the sellers.

ROFL....yer the sellers best friend, (as long as you pay when you win, I have had a few pull that on me, get into bidding wars, then can pay!) Arrgghhhh

I got rid of the whole problem, Now when I sell, I list at my bottom dollar...fuck them 99 cent auctions and hope they draw attention..I have a few buddies thta do that....

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