
What's your MBTI type???

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You kids also believe in astrology?

I honestly believe there isn't any more to Myers-Briggs and ALL of the other "type" surveys than there is to any other self-fulfilling prophesy types of things like astrological signs.

They give you just enough generic work ons to make it sound like they've found some deep insight into your psyche, but more than that give just enough flattering bs that people think, "oh yea! I really am a nice guy and kind to my family". It's all psycho-babble, bs.

You will almost never see one that comes back with -specific- insights that could pertain to just you.

Think about the questions given. Do they REALLY tell you how you are, or simply how you THINK you are and what image you'd like to portray? Pifft! EVERYONE is the hero of their own life's story.

Wanna do a real test? Have some of your friends take them and score them exactly the opposite of how they answered. I can almost guarantee that your friends will think the test has scored them perfectly and if that doesn't prove the BS of the test then nothing will.

What's worse, some a-hole companies actually use things like this to determine your "suitability" to work in their company. BS. All they're really looking for are people that answer passively, not honestly.

I could go on and on, but I think you understand my position.

Kallend, I'm surprised you'd even participate in such a thing.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Never been officially evaluated, but have had several friends that knew me pretty well when they gave me their opinion of my type. All three said ESTP. After doing a bit of reading myself, I would agree.

Too many people use this to pigeon hole others or themselves or explain away why they do something. I think it is good for creating conversation and make you think about yourself and how you interact with others. If I know a coworker is a strong J, I will send an email to get some info verses dropping in on their cube unannounced. If I need to get an opinion from an S/N, one will get all the details, one will get only the bullet points. Coming home after a party, I knew an exGF (an "I") would want time alone to recover where as I (an "E") was jazzed and could keep talking about what happened.

If anything, it is a shorthand way to either better understand someone more quickly, or stereotype them. Just depends on how you use the ideas.
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