
What is wrong with engineers? Shooting a dead horse.

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Hell, Shah, my dad and all his buddies were aerospace engineers, great bunch of guys. When I was a kid our families would all go skiing, camping, whatever together. Those old guys were a lot of fun where ever we went.

Now my brother-in-law, very successful in computer programming, says an extroverted programmer is one that will stare at your feet while he's talking to you.

To everyone else in this thread: Sorry, I just didn't feel like beating up on Shah tonight. Maybe tomorrow. ;):D

Thank you!

Those older guys are GREAT!
God I love going on travel with them! Every time we have lots to talk about and the jokes they tell....oh dirty and funny and the stories of what they use to get away with and .... they are an infinite well of wisdom not only about engineering but also about life. Not afraid to fail, not afraid to try and not afraid to call it as they see it.

I remember one time on a ride from Phoenix to Yuma, a 3.5 hour drive, we laughed so hard I could not talk when we got to Yuma. And then we got there and not a minute in the hotel and they were pounding on my door "Yo, you, new guys, we want to go out and get beers, we nominated you DD!" Shame they all retired. Those guys were amazing! They were the greatest generation of engineers ever. Their eventual retirement from the field is truly at our societies detriment.

As for these guys, look I'm sure they are nice, but....each way, quiet as a mouse. They didn't even talk to each other. And it's not uncommon. I've been on various trips with various engineers and just in any social interaction they just freeze or worse draw away into a corner.
In a way they remind me of the Finns I use to work with when I was living in Finland.

Hopefully the next generation will be better than the group of guys, it's 85% dudes, that I'm with. Because honestly this group.....don't expect any real innovation out of tem other than another I phone application or a speaker that turns to 11. They are so focused on finding the fly shit in the pepper that they sadly have forgotten what it means to be an innovator and risk taker.

And with that, I will say no more and here is to hope that it's just the engineers I know. For god knows, we need some serious innovation and risk taking if we are to havea better tomorrow.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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went camping with some people and when i first arrived at the campsite, i sat down at the fire next to two engineers. One guy was really cool, but other guy had extreme protection issues with his girlfriend. I had chosen the lawn chair right next to his girlfriend, and as soon as i sit down, he walks over to her and starts massaging her back and neck, calling her "angel" and "sweetie" every 10 seconds and kissing her. He wasn't doing any of that shit until i sat down. I don't even consider myself a threat -- i'm no stud or anything. He just seemed extremely insecure with me being there, like he thought i would try to hit her up? Aside from that, his stories around the fire were some of the most boring, self centered i have ever heard in my life. I kept drinking and drinking hoping it would get better but it didn't.

Not sure if this has anything to do with engineers though.. could have been a coincidence. I'll never forget how much of a douche that guy was though.

My dad is an engineer too though and i remember him overreacting to my mom giving her boss an innocent christmas hug at a work party. A lot of his reasoning is extremely flawed too which is surprising for someone with so much education.

I strangely want to agree with you and stereotype. But like i said, could just be a coincidence..

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You need to jump more and bitch less.

Where's the like button?

Shah, I'm sorry the drive was quiet. I like chatter, too. Maybe take your iPod next time? Or take a nap! :)
or take a Bus:ph34r:
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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You need to jump more and bitch less.

Where's the like button?

Shah, I'm sorry the drive was quiet. I like chatter, too. Maybe take your iPod next time? Or take a nap! :)
or take a Bus:ph34r:

Oooh, yes. Never a quiet moment on the bus! Screaming devil children, random conversations, a little pop music in the background...

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>But I could care less about them

Well, you have made 206 posts about them.

So, then, he's right; he could care less. ;)

Yeah! I mean I've made 10 times more posts about long legged, amazing assed, flat bellied, perky boobied hotties!

It's ok, no one died no one got hurt it's just....yet I find their lack of emotional intelligence and social equity to be distracting.
After all its these guys and 3 girls who are suppose to fix today's problems and let me tell you they are passionate about..........nothing!

They are no more than cogs in a machine. You have to tell them what you want and then stand back while it creaks and moans and bemoans and spits out power point after power point and then you will get them quitting because what you asked for has a 30% chance of failing.

Could you imagine the current crop of engineers attempting to put a man in orbit? Look around you? These dorks had how many years to find a suitable replacement for the shuttle.....and the best they could do was go back to the museum and point at a Saturn 5 and say "We can take this and put an Ipad in there!" (face palm) or better yet "We can take it and have it run on an OS we will create, and then discuss it endlessly for thousands of hours because we are too chicken shit to do anything."

You can't have design without passion you can't have passion without basic human emotions such as sympathy, empathy, lust, greed and love. And from what I can tell, of my 10 years in this industry, apparently a good number of engineers upon graduation had three parts of their minds removed; the part associated with dressing, the part associated with talking to women and the part associated with relating to the rest of the species.

It is truly a sad state we are in. After all, every single global recovery we have had was due to passionate engineers and scientists developing new means of doing business or new products for us to consume......and for the past 5 years the best thing we got going is....what streaming porn for your cell phone and angry birds.

Maybe we should just rehire those old guys who knew how to laugh and tell good stories and had an eye for the right answers. Those guys had the right stuff! These new guys.....and 4 girls....they know how to write stuff.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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You ARE the one perfect being.

You may call me "The Shah"
Please leave beer sacrifices at my 1000ft tall bronze statue of me.....which BASE jumpers will use to jump from every Sunday.

You can keep the virgins but the slutty girls....well I'll take care of those for you!

Per my view in 10 years that's what I've seen. It may just be me....and god I hope it's just me. Because if it's not....we are FUCKED!
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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apparently a good number of engineers upon graduation had three parts of their minds removed; the part associated with dressing, the part associated with talking to women and the part associated with relating to the rest of the species. .

OK, so we know about 2 parts you have been removed, we just don't know how you dress :P
scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM

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apparently a good number of engineers upon graduation had three parts of their minds removed; the part associated with dressing, the part associated with talking to women and the part associated with relating to the rest of the species. .

OK, so we know about 2 parts you have been removed, we just don't know how you dress :P

Please brother please "The Shah" knows how to rock the hotness!
Today I be sitting at my desk with a fitted black button up shirt with a pink tie...yes pink! Because I'm that good at looking that good!

The other day, pink shirt....yeah you got it...pink not that salmon color....black tie.

I iron my shirts and my pants. My only true downfall is that I tend to do only solid colors when it comes to ties and I often fall prey to rocking sneakers at work.

No one said The Shah was infallible just very well dressed.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Let me try and understand this...

(1) You've been involved with this sport at least 3 times as long as I have, yet you've only jumped half as much as I have. You do however have 25x as many posts as I do.

(2) You "complain" and insult women who you deem to be larger than your minimum acceptable waist size, yet you currently don't have a girlfriend or even a fuck-buddy.

(3) You complain about the state of modern engineering, yet you are in a position with the government that has no direct ties to researching, manufacturing, or producing any sort of product or experimental devices.

(4) You whine about how engineers today have no sense of passion, but again, you aren't really an engineer at this point, even if you once were an engineer, now you're just a bureaucrat.

I fail to see what is wrong with engineers, but I readily see what is wrong with you.

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These are challenging times, Shah. There is always a solution to life's problems...

P.S.: You may call me "The Shah"
Please leave beer sacrifices at my 1000ft tall bronze statue of me.....which BASE jumpers will use to jump from every Sunday.

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Maybe it's just me....and it could JUST BE ME but WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ENGINEERS!
I mean SERIOUSLY are most of them suffering from some mild form of Autism perhaps Asperger syndrome?
I was on a trip last week in a car with three engineers, 4.5 hours each way.....do you know how hard it was to get any of them to say a word! EVEN ABOUT THEIR WORK!
"So Joe, you play hockey? No kidding sounds like fun! How long have you played?"
Joe, 25 year old engineer "A few years"
"I'm guessing you must like it, so you play after work or before..."
Joe, looking out the window "depends"

Not much luck with the other two, I gave up, like I usually do when I'm on travel with engineers and do my own thing to keep my sanity.

My younger brother, typical engineer and is one. I got divorced, you know he never called to tell me "Dude that sucks life will be ok!" or "I'm sorry to hear that." 4 months later sends me an email about "challenging times and that there is always a solution to life's problems." WTF!

And here is another one from the kid, I just got a new car. Got a nice deal on it and it was time (just found out my old car was slowly developing a head gasket issue which would have cost me an arm and a leg). He's got a 3 series (life for him in upstate NY is cheap) I got a nice second hand 1 series three days before a major snow storm.
Sunday, no power for two days and the kid texts me, "pics of the car?" I'm thinking is this kid for real? So I shot him back a text saying "Nice car, not the best in the snow, power has been out for two days now."

I was expecting, "Dude that sucks" or "Shucks, wish you lived closer you could come crash with me." Nope I got a typical engineering response. "Yeah early snow fall will do that, that's why I put on my snow tires last week."

Asperger syndrome....like Autism boils down to one thing....the person in question is incapable of feeling or reading others emotional state. A total lack of empathy or emotional intelligence!
No wonder girls cringe when I tell them I'm an engineer. I mean who wants to date any of the above piles of MUSH!

Rant over. Lunch is over. Back to work.


Asperger syndrome is named after the Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who, in 1944, studied and described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, demonstrated limited empathy with their peers

I wonder if you spent half as much time as you devote to criticizing and judging people, towards appreciating people for who we are, if you'd be a happier person yourself.

Perhaps in your hopes to constantly find something wrong with engineers you are also coming to terms with your own flaws.

As the saying goes, beggars can't be choosers.

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Let me try and understand this...

(1) You've been involved with this sport at least 3 times as long as I have, yet you've only jumped half as much as I have. You do however have 25x as many posts as I do.

(2) You "complain" and insult women who you deem to be larger than your minimum acceptable waist size, yet you currently don't have a girlfriend or even a fuck-buddy.

(3) You complain about the state of modern engineering, yet you are in a position with the government that has no direct ties to researching, manufacturing, or producing any sort of product or experimental devices.

(4) You whine about how engineers today have no sense of passion, but again, you aren't really an engineer at this point, even if you once were an engineer, now you're just a bureaucrat.

I fail to see what is wrong with engineers, but I readily see what is wrong with you.

legal fees, saturday MBA classes and bad wether...only got in 30 jumps.

weren't you the guy who wanted to learn Hindi so you could better communicate witht he Indian professors here in the US who refused to learn the language? if not who was that guy?

Read my bio, I have 2 pattents I can talk about openly, the other 2 not as much.

My dating life is good, actually great at times. It's the engineering girls I don't like....they tend to run a bit....+ sized and empowered. Not my type.

but ok....i get it.....engineers today are passive aggressiev paper pushers to affraid to take risks for they may fail....on average.
Shame I can't think of a more important field to humanity than engineering.
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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Read my bio, I have 2 pattents I can talk about openly, the other 2 not as much.

You were able to patent beating a dead horse, and misogyny?:o:D
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Read my bio, I have 2 pattents I can talk about openly, the other 2 not as much.

You were able to patent beating a dead horse, and misogyny?:o:D

And more! It will whiten your teeth, clean clogs, make the words best fries....and if you act now not only will you receive your very own but you will get one to give to a friend!
And all for $19.95
Life through good thoughts, good words, and good deeds is necessary to ensure happiness and to keep chaos at bay.

The only thing that falls from the sky is birdshit and fools!

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