
resturant etiquette

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How many of you would go to a resturante at 15.30 and expect
the chief to greet you with a smile.

I'm talking about a resturant not "Joe's greasy spoon"

I told them to fuck off and return tomorrow between 12.30 and 15.00.

Their attitude was one disbilife, mine was I start preparing lunch at 07.00
and if they can't make the effort to arrive at a normal hour Fuck em
I don't want to serve them.

Rant over.

Gone fishing

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Were you open? If yes, great them with a smile. If not, LOCK THE DOOR.

You won't have to worry about serving anyone if you tell customers to Fuck Off.

He is in provincial Catalonia they probably expect it from an Expat POM:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:
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It's your business. Run it how you like. In America, I think we'd expect service with a smile. In France, I'd expect what you did. :P:D

There is a restaurant opposite where I live... There is one waiter and one cook, and about 8 tables... They start preparing around 3 pm and open their doors at 7:30 pm. They serve very fancy cuisine and regularly get calls from people saying they will just be a little bit late (they mean around ten-ish)... They are often shocked and disgusted to be turned away, but for fuck's sake, if they arrive at 10, order for 10:30, finish eating around midnight, the kitchen closes around 2-3 AM and the owners have a 1hr drive to get home... Not to mention many of those vacationing asshats don't realise you can't get a taxi from here at midnight...

No... At some point you have to close the kitchen.
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I think it's partly the nature of the beast.

Yes, I assume your hours were clearly posted, but I think we all know that few people are going to read them if the lights are on and the door is open. The problem with a restaurant is the lights are going to be on and the door open for the guests who came on time, but are still finishing.

Your real problem is that you close between lunch and dinner. I certainly wouldn't expect that in the US of most places (although I will admit I know a few that do). It's unusual here.

What is normal there?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm talking about a restaurant not "Joe's greasy spoon"

Well, at least not yet anyway.

Your point is taken.

Your delivery might need a little work.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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What is normal there?

For this part of the country lunch is from 13.00 to 15.00
I try to close the kitchen at around 15.15, when people turn up at past 15.30
I tend to get a little irate.

What a lot of people don't realise is that keeping a kitchen open
or having to reopen the kitchen for just a few late commers is very expensive.

Gone fishing

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if they arrive at 10

That's like 1st seating time in Madrid! ;)

Yes, and probably why restaurants close between lunch and supper...
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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What a lot of people don't realise is that keeping a kitchen open
or having to reopen the kitchen for just a few late commers is very expensive.

Well if a lot of people don't realize that, then you can't really hold it against them or be mad at them for it. ;)

For me, I would think...ok, the doors are open, this place must be open. Let's eat!
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What a lot of people don't realize is that keeping a kitchen open
or having to reopen the kitchen for just a few late comers is very expensive.

Well if a lot of people don't realize that, then you can't really hold it against them or be mad at them for it. ;)

For me, I would think...ok, the doors are open, this place must be open. Let's eat!

That's just typical woman's logic;) As I said it was a rant. I needed to escape and blow up at
someone other than my hard working kitchen staff. what better place than the Bonfire.
And no I didn't actually tell them to f**k off I was more tactful, the funny thing is
that the party actually returned today at a more civilized hour.

They had a typical Catalan salad followed by
slowly braised pigs cheeks with a brandy sauce and duchess potatoes
then topped off with home made ricotta cheese with local honey.

Gone fishing

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How many of you would go to a resturante at 15.30 and expect
the chief to greet you with a smile.

If that was within the listed hours of operation. If not I'd go someplace else and let the owners + employees have their siesta.

Some restaurant owners are hungry enough to be open almost always - my favorite Mongolian BBQ place is open 7 days a week 11:00 - 21:00 and Vietnamese Deli 7 days a week 9:00 - 19:00.

Some are not - my favorite Spanish place is only open 12:00-14:00 Monday through Saturday and 17:30 - 22:00 all week.

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I would have served them. I'd have cooked up a batch of French Fries, loaded up a paper boat full, and sowed them all over the parking lot like an indignant farmer. Upon returning to the restaurant, each entitled latecomer would have been handed a ketchup packet and told to, "dig the fuck in."

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What's the function of a "chief" at a "resturant?"

they tell people what do do,;) and whether they should "rest" or "rant":P
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