
Tobacco in Oz.

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The most recent national figures on tobacco prevalence from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that Australia has one of the lowest smoking rates in the world, with the daily smoking rate among Australians aged 14 years and over at 15.1 per cent in 2010. This rate has been steadily falling from 19.5% in 2001. This reduced rate has contributed to Australia achieving one of the highest average life expectancies of any country.
The most recent national figures on tobacco prevalence from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that Australia has one of the lowest smoking rates in the world, with the daily smoking rate among Australians aged 14 years and over at 15.1 per cent in 2010. This rate has been steadily falling from 19.5% in 2001. This reduced rate has contributed to Australia achieving one of the highest average life expectancies of any country.

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Yup, they are fucking expensive!

I don't think the plain packaging does anything to deter smoking... It just confused the hell out of me when I got back in the country and kept telling the guy behind the counter " no the ones in the yellow package!"
Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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. This reduced rate has contributed to Australia achieving one of the highest average life expectancies of any country.

An interesting assumption - Low smoking rate means long life expectancy.

I am not saying its not true but
- according to this Japan has a fairly high smoking rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_cigarette_consumption_per_capita
- according to this Japan has the longest life expectancy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy

So maybe there is another reason Australians are living longer....
"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy

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Sounds like smoking is the safest thing you can do in OZ!:D

That's good news. I remember over half the adults in the country used to smoke anywhere and everywhere when I was a kid. One mom in the carpool tried her best to asphyxiate us every day, chain smoking with the windows up. :S

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We arent really supposed talk about them due to hurting the tourist trade. But like the attack ants they are small carnivorous marsupial that attack there prey by pouncing from a tree. They previously where the apex predator so like the sharks aren't afraid of attacking a human ie tree bound tassie devil type of creature. The dingos can get them if they are on the ground thogh.

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Drop bears????? Not to be a brat but...
Know an elderly lady back in WI that is in her 80's and she's says she's smoked all her life. Just adding that in there.
No matter how slowly you say oranges it never sounds like gullible.
Believe me I tried.

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What the hell is a drop bear????


A simple google search says they're fictional. :o:P

Strategic disinformation stratey.

And the chupacabras? Yetis? Sasquatch? :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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We arent really supposed talk about them due to hurting the tourist trade. But like the attack ants they are small carnivorous marsupial that attack there prey by pouncing from a tree. They previously where the apex predator so like the sharks aren't afraid of attacking a human ie tree bound tassie devil type of creature. The dingos can get them if they are on the ground thogh.

The only way to be safe is to smear vegimite under your nose and above your eyebrows when you go walking in the bush.
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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. This reduced rate has contributed to Australia achieving one of the highest average life expectancies of any country.

An interesting assumption - Low smoking rate means long life expectancy.

I am not saying its not true but
- according to this Japan has a fairly high smoking rate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_cigarette_consumption_per_capita
- according to this Japan has the longest life expectancy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy

So maybe there is another reason Australians are living longer....

There is a major difference between tobacco usage, and decrease in tobacco usage.

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Drop bears????? Not to be a brat but...
Know an elderly lady back in WI that is in her 80's and she's says she's smoked all her life. Just adding that in there.

They look like harmless koalas, but with HUGE FANGS! They drop out of the trees onto their unsuspecting prey.

I watched my first boss dying of lung cancer. Ugly. He was a huge bear of a man, and he just shriveled in his last few months. The president of that company died of lung cancer a couple years later. Both of them were in their early 50s. They both smoked, a lot -- it was the first and last company I worked for where smoking was allowed in the office. I'm not sure if it was just the smoking that did them in. It was a print shop and they were working with some pretty toxic shit in the back. I'm sure the fumes from the lead plates they used to burn didn't help matters, either. If I had my choice if ways to go, I'd prefer the drop bear. At least that's fairly quick. Pretty significantly less gruesome, too.
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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