
Cost of freebag (Tell me this is a joke!!!)

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Hello all,

Some may know I had my pre-second chop a couple weeks ago. I lost both handles and never found the free-bag.

A contact here in Ontario ordered them from sunrise rigging (it's Wings container btw) and now that they've arrived.... $863.71 USD !!!!

Thank goodness he did not accept it before calling me [:/] Is that not madness? There must be some sort of mistake no? Should a freebag and handles cost more than half the container/harness system?

I'm going to call Sunrise but wanted some input first... I've never had to buy a freebag before but most people asked told me to expect around $350 CANADIAN! (that's like 265USD)

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Paragear shows $120 for the reserve PC, $105 for the freebag. So $225 plus shipping for those. I dunno what the handles cost, but I'm assuming you aren't planning to buy gold plated handles, so something must be wrong.

Edit...damn, just checked what a wings D-handle costs at paragear... $109. Compared to $66 for a Vector handle. What's up with that?

Edit again... NOTE: paragear blows. A vector D-ring is $55 from RWS. $45 if you have no RSL.


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Paragear shows $120 for the reserve PC, $105 for the freebag. So $225 plus shipping for those. I dunno what the handles cost, but I'm assuming you aren't planning to buy gold plated handles, so something must be wrong.

Edit...damn, just checked what a wings D-handle costs at paragear... $109. Compared to $66 for a Vector handle. What's up with that?


I don't know Sunrise's situation, but as a basic business practice, if you are not selling enough rigs to satisfy your goals, you can attempt to make up some of the difference in revenue by upping the price of "expendable" items such as bags and handles.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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I don't know Sunrise's situation, but as a basic business practice, if you are not selling enough rigs to satisfy your goals, you can attempt to make up some of the difference in revenue by upping the price of "expendable" items such as bags and handles.


seems like a good way to make sure the customer goes elsewhere next time.

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I think the manufaturers would be wise to offer extra handles and freebag/PC at the time you order your system, at a 'normal' price.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Heckuva idea! It just astounds me that a reserve pilot-chute and free-bag, release handle and reserve rip-cord would cost over $800.00.:o I've ordered those parts (for others) at various times and never paid any where near that. I'd be calling Sunrise rigging and double check that bill.:S


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Dude, there's no way in hell this stuff costs that much. $600 for handles?! Those handles had better pull themselves and land right in front of manifest for that much money! Maybe they made a mistake when sending it through customs, and customs charged you some ridiculous amount? I got my used Jav with the reserve already in it for $750 USD...

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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You're kidding!

I jump a Wing and if I have a cutaway, loose my freebag, PC and handles and they cost that much. I might just go ahead and order a Vector3! Might as well buy a new container if you're spending *that* much money!

Tomorrow I'm calling up Sunrise Rigging to ask about the prices of these parts.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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i just bought a freebag handles and PC for my infinty and it only cost me 230.... so go figure.... and i tought that was high, but what isnt in this sport\?!?!?
Fear is not a confession of weakness, it is an oportunity for courage.

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I lost my main bag with pilot chute had the freefly handle cost me about 3$50 to replace them. Not to mentioned I never found the canopy

Good thing they found my reserve pilotchute and I keep my handles

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I suspect that a customs broker bent you over and raped you.
I encountered this problem with free samples sent for a recent riggers' course in Kamloops, BC, Canada.
Aerodyne, FXC, Jump Shack, etc. send a variety of free samples via the United States Postal Service and major courier companies.
Customs broker fees started at CAN$25. and also included hefty GST (Grief and suffering tax). By the time we had paid all the fees, "free" stuff cost us CAN$200! The package from Jump Shack was delayed 3 weeks at the border!
Nick Stetzenko suggested routing things through your regular customs broker and "pre-clearing" them. In other words, tell your customs broker ahead of time that you are expecting a package via UPS tracking number 1234 and it will arrive quicker without a lot of extraneous charges.
I suspect that customs brokers are trained the same way as civil servants. As soon as you ask them to think - much less look up a customs code - they slow to a snail's pace. And any unexpected package - that requires them to think - gets relegated to PRIORITY LAST.
Customs officers and customs brokers have reduced the North American Free Trade Agreement to a farce! Pat Carney and a few other senior mucky mucks got to stroke each others' egos over expensive lunches, but they never completed the job, which was to supposed to be simplifying cross-border trade.
The bottom line is: when shipping parachute parts across borders, route them through your regular customs broker and warn him/her ahead of time that you are expecting a package.

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I've been raped by customs before. First when I bought my helmet from 2Kcomposites in the UK and then when I bought my Samurai from a chap in New York.

This should not be the case though.

My contact does not pay dutie on these items as he has an American business stationed here in Canada.

He was not home when the package came to his door but the UPS slip they left him says the inclosed invoice was for $863.71 USD.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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The handles are more expensive than the freebag and pilot chute?! Why?

Pardon me if I had my head stuck up my ass for two years, that just really surprises me.

-- Toggle Whippin' Yahoo
Skydiving is easy. All you have to do is relax while plummetting at 120 mph from 10,000' with nothing but some nylon and webbing to save you.

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I was told that the cost of the reserve handles have gone up due to them having to be individually numbered. Something about the FAA requiring it now.

Don't know how true it is, just what I was told over the phone.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Hello all,

Some may know I had my pre-second chop a couple weeks ago. I lost both handles and never found the free-bag.

A contact here in Ontario ordered them from sunrise rigging (it's Wings container btw) and now that they've arrived.... $863.71 USD !!!!

Thank goodness he did not accept it before calling me [:/] Is that not madness? There must be some sort of mistake no? Should a freebag and handles cost more than half the container/harness system?

I'm going to call Sunrise but wanted some input first... I've never had to buy a freebag before but most people asked told me to expect around $350 CANADIAN! (that's like 265USD)



Chase your stuff down!

If you see someone else chop... give a brother (or sister) a hand, and chase their stuff down!


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