
Hanwags vs Hiking Boots

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While I obviously understand that Hanwags are superior for most aspects of jumping, especially landing.
Has any one considered the possibility that giant blue boots may make you look somewhat suspicious as you try to sneak into a building or onto a crane or any other more public site.

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Crispi Airborne's are grey and black...
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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May I add another question: when hiking in National Park for extracurricular activities, do you use your stashbag or a less suspicious backpack? Any recommendations on compact backpacks?

Are NPS rangers trained to recognize stashbags and Hanwags?
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This is not the place to discuss activities that are illegal. Noone on this site would ever jump in a National Park - they have shown us the light by making it illegal and we are nothing but grateful to them for this.


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Does Crispi fix ankle well in terms of latteral movement? Hanwags are very good cushioning vertical impact, but ankle is not constrained well latterally (sprained my ankle recently jumping from 6ft on uneven ground, Hanwags were pretty much useless).
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Thanks for PM, Bill. I deleted the post.
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i jump my regular dr. martin boots they work well,however if i took the same impact as a mate of mine did in easter(he use Hanwags) i probaly would have broken both legs he however humped away whith 2 really sore ankels...

You can jump your gucci shoes if you like or has to its a matter of how much protection you want..

I dont want Hanwags as i think theyre too heavy.. but thats just me..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Here is a link to the Crispi site:


Click on "paragliding" when you get there. It is in flash, so I couldn't cut and paste it (or at least I don't know how to).
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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I dont want Hanwags as i think theyre too heavy.. but thats just me..

Try these:
They are lighter and cheaper then the Hanwags and are also shock absorbing and with ankle support...
Michi (#1068)

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You can get Han Wags in gray and black too.

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You jumped from 6ft -- was it static line?

No, it was a freefall from the bridge. 0.6s to impact. At impact I remembered the old truth that it's better to climb down the object wishing you jumped it than to jump wishing you climbed it down. ;)
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Well Yuri,

You describe your own subjective experience with Hanwags.

As a counterpoint, here is mine: I sprained my ankle while swooping (my skydiving canopy) one afternoon last winter and due to the good lateral support offered by the Hanwags, I was able to do 2 basejumps that same night with no discomfort to my ankle.

Then I could add that I weigh a lot less than you do and that persons your size are prone to ankle and lower leg injuries despite the best available footwear, due to weight.

I have around 300 jumps (with walks and/or climbs included) on my Hanwags now and I really like them.

Way better than the Raichle mid-height day-hikers I used to jump with and warm and cozy enough for me down to -5 degrees Celsius.

Below that it’s time to break out the insulated Salomon winter-boots.


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How do you properly size yourself for boots? Like if I were to get a pair of Hanwags. The sizes say "American" but I have shoes from 4 different companies for different use (running, Etnies, dress and casual) and they range from 9-10 in size.

I don't wanna spend 300 bucks to find out they don't fit right. Any advice? Anyone know exchange policies for companies that make the Crispi and Hanwags or similar boots.


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How do you properly size yourself for boots? Like if I were to get a pair of Hanwags. The sizes say "American" but I have shoes from 4 different companies for different use (running, Etnies, dress and casual) and they range from 9-10 in size.

I don't wanna spend 300 bucks to find out they don't fit right. Any advice? Anyone know exchange policies for companies that make the Crispi and Hanwags or similar boots.


As far as I understand Apex will excahnge sizes for you as long as they are not worn and you pay shipping. I suggest trying to find somebody pseudo-local who has HangWags and try 'em. Might give you a chance to jump a new object as well :)

Mine are size 44 UK and I am size 10 US.

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Well, I shattered my left heal, my right ankle, and severely fractured my right lower tibfib, inside the hanwag boots. but they did save me from compound fractures, i think.
take what its worth. the EMS guys cut them off of me, but im buying more. lightweight, comfortalble, and fairly protective. but i would have rather had 2 tibfib compunds than the ankle shit.


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Mine are size 44 UK and I am size 10 US.

FWIW, mine are labeled 10UK/44.5EUR, I'm 11US, they fit great.

dmcoco84, if you're going to Memorial Day boogie in TF, you may want to ask Jimmy&Marta to bring Hanwags.
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Oh Yea thats a good idea. I'm am hoping to go but I won't know if my schedule will allow it until May 19th. Lol. Plan ticket will be expensive if I can go.


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duh, everybody knows it's all about the socks. the boots don't really matter.

that's why i've always preferred white cotton socks and a lightweight pair of Vans.:P

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thouse looks sweet compared to Hanwags..

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Some women jumpers wear this type of foot protection... particularly women from New York.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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if i had that kind of legs i wouldnt jump,other than my self..:P nice legs:P

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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