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gowlerk last won the day on May 17

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  1. gowlerk


    Biden seems to be doing well in the fundraising game. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/15/politics/biden-hollywood-fundraiser/index.html
  2. SCOTUS, by the usual 6 to 3 margin overturns the ban on “bump stocks”. They did not even bother to invoke the 2nd amendment. https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/14/politics/supreme-court-bump-stocks/index.html
  3. I believe he can only post when he is not on one of his frequent time outs. That may be a large influence on his schedule.
  4. Yes, somehow they decided that having your religious views offended did not you standing to sue.
  5. Roberts must have pushed the super catholic justices hard to get that result. The FDA is still allowed to approve drugs. But the states are still allowed to forbid prescribing them for inducing abortions.
  6. And both are now pretty much obsolete oddities. You can't buy a PdF rig. You can still get a Racer but very few do and almost all of them sold do not have the cross connected RSL system. Most people buying new containers opt for one with a MARD system.
  7. The right wing media repeats all these things over and over. It works, after hearing the news source enough times all the bullshit just becomes fact in the minds of the listeners. It's just the same as cheering for your local sports team. There is no good reason to believe they are better people, but it doesn't matter you support your team.
  8. And the big problem with that in my mind is that the main reason for having an RSL is that too many people were doing a cutaway and then forgetting to deploy. Now the double sided RSL requires the same group of people to remember to disconnect it if they have a two out. Admittedly a fairly uncommon scenario, but that is part of the reason people forget procedures. The need is uncommon.
  9. Most of the people who seem concerned about climate change are not willing to give up their cars and become bus riders. Or their vacations on far away continents, or skydiving etc. Myself included. Billvon feels living in San Diego and using solar helps, and maybe it does by a tiny fraction, but so what? Party on.
  10. Trains are not unneeded. They are a key part of how our systems work. There is nothing that replaces them so why do you consider them antiquated?
  11. I wish. Winnipeg has only a small number of Mexican restaurants. I pine for Carne Asada.
  12. gowlerk


    Are you trying to say that the USA can't afford universal healthcare because it lacks revenue from oil and gas extraction? If not then what is the point of this deflection?
  13. You are either with us or against us. That was the American position after 9-11 and it is the current Israeli position.
  14. Many of the Sandy Hook victims should be celebrating their high school graduation this year.
  15. That's an interesting take on what I said. Doesn't change the fact that paternalistic religions have a long history of what we now consider to be statutory rape.