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Everything posted by Austintxflight

  1. I re watched it. He clearly said, " 40,000 feet solo " clear as day. He was just confused. here is a clip of the Mahr show. skip to 4:00 to see the part about skydiving. here is a video of him reading from his book, as well as footage from the skydive, he is talking about about it and this time he said 14,000 feet. He said solo but you can see his 2 AFF instructors there. although 1 seems to get lost towards the end as he is kind of out of control. In conclusion, he mixed up 40 and 14 on Bill Maher's show and called AFF level 1 a solo jump. One final note, not all black skydivers are that out of control. take it from me.
  2. i remember listening to that and I thought I heard him say 40,000.
  3. the word that results in a name on the beer board. The position after "second"
  4. I'm just glad i didn't have to wash llama shit off the jumpsuit. DZ operator was not thinking it was as funny as I did.
  5. That's why I say things like "popped my solo cherry" get's rid of the pesky word
  6. I'm curious as to why you feel you need your own rig right now? I'm just getting off student status and for me, it feels like I still have no real first hand knowledge of rigs, anything I choose is either based on someones elses experience or the 2 or 3 rigs i've jumped 4 or 5 times each making my decision on. I really wanted my own rig early on, but the more I was involved the more options I felt I had. I decided to buy things that I could make more informed decisions on, Alti,goggles, helmet, etc. I decided I'm not gonna go rig shopping until I get to closer to 100 jumps and have better first hand information from my own experience jumping different canopies containers etc. But thats just how i am going to do it, i'm sure there is no wrong answer (unless you decide to get a katana 89)
  7. If you get a video from the tunnel i'm sure people could help out more.
  8. I was under the impression that they did the piercings while you were freeflying.
  9. No i'm not anywhere near buying, just testing and using. I don't think ill be ready to buy my own canopy and container until at least 100 jumps, because until around then I have no real personal knowledge on what is what and am relying on others opinions.
  10. One thing that gets no traction about his plan, is he pushes to take the estate tax which is around 35% not to 9% but to 0%. If you look at Every single republican tax plan, they always look for a way to sneak in abolishing the estate tax. Why does no one talk about this aspect of it? rich people (estates over 7 million dollars) don't need a 35% tax break, and its not even a drop to his magical 9% number, its all the way down to zero.
  11. At least its on a Friday. last time it was on a saturday night and it ruined all my plans.
  12. I made a typographical error, I meant to say, " my DZO's and instructors have all seen my landings and they think it is ok once I finish my A-license (I'm just short a packing class and jump my own pack job)
  13. So I'm flying a Nav 220 and want to go down Stiletto 150 because its just soo much easier to pack. Ok just kidding, but I knew it would get more people's attention. I'm reality I am flying the NAV 220, I stand up all my landings just fine and am thinking of demo'ing the Sabre 210 that they have on my DZ. So my original WL is 0.795:1 the Sabre2 WL would be 0.833:1 I have talked to my DZO's my instructors and they think its ok once I finish my A-license and have seen me under canopy. I am just wanting to hear people's opinion on the switch from NAV 220 to Sabre 210. I have heard that some dropzones (skydive chicago I think) use Sabre's for their students. The PD website has me on the weight to keep me in the student range for that canopy. Just to reconfirm I am not buying, just going to demo the one they have on the DZ. I am not, repeat not trying to pull a Sangi (heal quick). I am signed up to take a canopy control class in December when I am going to be in Eloy for a week. I am very safety conscious, maybe overly (but I figure it can't ever be overboard in this sport). When I finally bought my own analog Alti, the first jump I wore the older rental one to know it was working. I have no desire to bounce or push my limits beyond my skills. There is a very good chance I don't do it, as the most weight I will give is to my instructors and DZO who have seen all my landings and taught me all I know (short of the knowledge that this great forum provides) I am just curious to what this forum says since I have a few days til I head out to the DZ. TL:DR NAV 220 to Sabre 210 opinions? (body weight 145 exit weight roughly 170)
  14. Make her paint YOUR toenails every night for a month.
  15. Ok here are my two. AFF Level 2, was at a new Dropzone and they didn't give me much instruction on canopy piloting. Just north of the dropzone is a road with 70mph speed limit. I'm trying like hell to make it back to the zone and pass about 15 feet infront and over a SUV booking by. I could see the look on the drivers face and she saw mine, both pure looks of terror and having no idea what to do. AFF level 3. Same dropzone I was able to land within the DZ this time, but they have a pen with animals and I bounched off a llama and landed in llama shit.
  16. my mom got the 2 recent stories mixed up and was swearing left and right that the people had sex on the way down and died.
  17. My mom tried to pay me to stop. I told her that it would make me less of a person to give up something I love for money, and that my ideals are not for sale. She told me to stop turning her parenting around on her.
  18. I figured I'm post different videos from my first month, see how i'm doing. So tubnel and some flights
  19. I made a cheesy video montage of some of the clips I have of my first month jumping. Its not highlights or lowlights, just stuff I have on camera.
  20. We have your skyvan out here in new england. I think our otter is getting new engines and we rented it. SOOO much fun to jump out of, the last jump I was flipping on exit and saw the Skydive Chicago words printed on the bottom of the door.