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  • Home DZ
    Skydive Chicago
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  1. wow that sounds pretty crazy, not something id want to happen. do you have a link to find the video?
  2. just picked up a viso 2 digital altimeter. pretty happy with my choice, has alot of nice features. need to look into a wrist mount because i dont like the hand mount it came with very much
  3. i will definately take very good care of it, im super anal about not damaging my belongings..especially something as important as an altimeter haha
  4. honestly id rather buy an altimeter new just so i know there are no issues, it'll be taken care of. any other gear will be used gear such as container, canopies, and headgear..comparing a new to a used altimeter the price difference would be worth the extra 50 bucks or so.
  5. ill be picking up an altimeter this weekend and im not really sure what i wanna get. im used to the altimaster galaxy 3 and ive also used the altitrack.im looking at the viso II or maybe a neptune 2..really looking for something i can use for quite some time and not have to spend a ton of money on. hoping to get one around the 250 mark
  6. skyvans look like so much fun to jump out of. they bring em here a few times in the season, also hot air baloons..ive only jumped from otters and i did a 5,000 and 3,000 foot hop n' pop from a cessna. alot of fun
  7. yes they count towards your A-license. i had to do 2 tandems in order to start the AFF program. so ive had 18 solos and 2 tandems
  8. well its 25 jumps for the A-license for me, im not sure if it changes place to place but i had 18 jumps from AFF plus 2 tandems..ill be 21 soon so i think i got into the sport at a somewhat early age
  9. i hope have at least 30 jumps before the season ends. and next year when i get my gear there will be alot more
  10. Hey everyone i just finished my AFF program at skydive chicago yesterday. ive been browsing on here for awhile so i figured id go ahead and become a member. need 5 jumps to get my A-license and ill hopefully get those in within the next week or so!