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Everything posted by devildog

  1. Interesting to a degree, now that I've had a chance to listen, especially his views on the deal with politicians. He does come at it from a view of, "I'm right and they're wrong. Therefore, they are the batshit crazy ones." A "believer" (generic) on the other hand, would see him as the nutty one. Course, maybe everyone is really wrong about how things work and we're all bat shit crazy. Point being, he's propped himself up on a pretty big pedestal to make blanket accusations on who is or is not crazy. A lot of his objections fall flat, though. Most Christians believe that they are no longer under most of the laws in the OT, so things like being stoned for the Sabbath, mixing cloth, etc. no longer apply. Genesis objections can be categorized as "flat" as well, since there are a variety of thoughts of how Gen 1-11 was meant to be taken (Creation especially). So while he was rattling on about, "No one can answer these!" I'm thinking, "Actually, those are pretty basic answers..." I did like thinking about his hypothetical court example where he wonders why we don't have a "God told me!" plea. I suppose if I were sitting on the jury and someone actually said that, I too would either say, "liar" or "crazy" in my head, but, if they had some miraculous sign to show they weren't (which one would imagine God would grant), I'd be willing to listen more. There were very strict requirements that someone had to make in order to be called a prophet way back when, and if you didn't meet those requirements (like you made a failed prediction), you were stoned. Maybe we should bring back that law for all the televangelists that say they speak for God. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  2. why is his finger red? You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  3. devildog


    How Twilight Works: Funny read if you haven't seen it before and spot on, imho. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  4. I work for hospice, so I'm a touch bias, but I'd stop treatment and go for quality without second thought. There are certain CA dx that patients actually live longer without treatment and just on comfort meds. And if there's no real hope, I'd rather not be an experimental pincushion. I've worked oncology floors before going to hospice. Radiation and chemo tears you up, especially if they have to be "aggressive" with it. The experimental stuff from what I've seen is even worse. But that's just me. If others want to fight to the last second, I understand the mindset -- especially if that person is relatively young. There's a big difference in say, 28 and 88. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  5. I am sure that is what you BELIEVE.... but until you use something other than the Fair and Baaaaalaanced Newsmedia Corp outlets approved by the current crop of REAL Americans.. you will never be able to see reality. I honestly have no idea how any of what you said pertains to my question. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  6. So... republicans are bad because they set high standards and fail from time to time, and democrats are good because they set low standards and still fail? You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  7. I'm sure its a matter of pride at this point too. It's hard to admit everything you've worked toward and bought into is a lie. Especially when your peers will crush you for dissenting. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  8. Great guy. Worked for me on 2 separate days trying to find my free bag, which he eventually did. Despite the hours he put in, he still only charged me his usual finder's fee (I tipped him some extra anyway). Again, great guy all round. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  9. I didn't realize Obama won with 1% of the vote. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  10. apparently not enough to turn the planet into an oven, whatever it is. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  11. I dont :) You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  12. to be fair, in another study, Oreilly watcher's were in the top tier w/ NPR. And, given the fact that the church of climatology is losing more and more credibility, the irony of, "According to the study, nearly 60 percent of Fox News broadcasts were dismissive of climate change, whereas less than 20 percent were accepting of climate change. In comparison, 70 percent of CNN and MSNBC broadcasts were accepting of climate change." might prove to be just too much :) You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  13. what about through paypal? You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  14. When I signed up for AFF and my first jump, I knew I'd love it -- being on the ground right after landing only confirmed it. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  15. No worries. And thanks for the info. I do appreciate any and all input, including watching out on who to listen to :) You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  16. Thanks for the reply, and just for the sake of clarity on any follow ups, there are two stories here. Mine is the stuck pilot chute w/ normal landing. There's another a little further down where divermike was wanting to get back to the biggest field he could (the airport). But back on topic, yes, I'll be keeping in mind stability as well. I didn't roll or tumble (though I could see how one might), but pitched and turned some as I yanked that last time. Anywho, my game plan as of right now is to really pull each time (as opposed to the relax grip I sank into at some point), and if the first fails, take a sec to ready for try number two (to stay stable) and if that doesn't work, go to the reserve. Since I usually pull around 4, going through all that calm and deliberately ought to put me near 2k (and have an alt check as well). Though if my needle isn't in the yellow or red, I'd be over 3k, and if I'm stable, I'll give it one more try. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  17. suicide rates are actually declining, but as mentioned above, especially due to the internet, you hear about them more giving the illusion they happen more. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  18. I needed a mop because I'm a pimp You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  19. because he knows 2012 is coming You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  20. I'll be doing this for sure. Thanks! You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  21. And pitch in tromping around fields looking for a small swatch of (hopefully) brightly-colored fabric! In addition to the in-air visibility bright colors provide, chopping a black main into pine trees was what convinced me all my canopies need to contain obnoxious colors that don't occur in nature - at least not anywhere on the ground! Which is why my two canopies are now primarily yellow (with a little orange) and primarily orange (with a little white & navy). I'm gonna keep that in mind on my next main purchase, be it new or used You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  22. [reply ... You were lucky in that you got away with no harm done, open by 2k, no reserve ride, etc, now take advantage of that luck, and learn the lesson to stay on the ball at pull time, and pull like you mean it. I will. I try to learn as much as I can from my mistakes so I don't have to repeat them. Thanks! You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  23. Well, when I got home, I did practice repacking the chute over and over and over (tossing it out in between) and never had a hard pull before or after. I'm not really sure why it bunched on me. I've been using Germain's method as well since I started. I think I'm a little shook up in that I would have liked my response better had I actually checked my alt after try #2. In my head I was thinking, if this doesn't work, I've got to go to the reserve. But like what was just mentioned above, I could have been lower than I thought. So, mentally, I guess I'll be drilling alt checks after each attempt should that ever come up again. Not sure what else I could do to prep for such a thing. Please realize the rule of two is written in the blood of those gone before you. Not trying to re-write rules or pretend they don't apply to me. Just curious on views on the matter, and if I should have done something totally different, I just want to know. Also, FWIW, seems to say 2 different things (which is also why I'm asking for clarification). Under hard pull, it says to try 3 total times (original plus 2 tries to clear), but under trapped pilot chute, it's only 2 total times (original plus 2 vigorous) You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  24. Well, when I got home, I did practice repacking the chute over and over and over (tossing it out in between) and never had a hard pull before or after. I'm not really sure why it bunched on me. I've been using Germain's method as well since I started. I think I'm a little shook up in that I would have liked my response better had I actually checked my alt after try #2. In my head I was thinking, if this doesn't work, I've got to go to the reserve. But like what was just mentioned above, I could have been lower than I thought. So, mentally, I guess I'll be drilling alt checks after each attempt should that ever come up again. Not sure what else I could do to prep for such a thing. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.
  25. Yup. Everyone says they want to buy low and sell high. Most people don't. You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.