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Everything posted by wasatchrider

  1. my hornet opens slow without one but Ive heard some other hornet has fast opennings maybe this was one of those models BASE 1519
  2. flair till you stall then try agian BASE 1519
  3. I don't use an aad but it seems like it would be safer for those things to fire at 1000 ft. I guess it could cause more two outs but I would rather have two out than one at line stretch. BASE 1519
  4. 167 jumps in huntington beach he weights as much as the guy in the yellow BASE 1519
  5. you could get a stash bag from any major base gear manufacture that is cheap and will fit all your stuff BASE 1519
  6. I will chris you are one crazy mofo... BASE 1519
  7. I always dump before I take off or after I land. BASE 1519
  8. what if you go to the outdoor tunnel in NC with a rig on pull your pc and land out with you parachute that should count BASE 1519
  9. niether does base jumping but at least your current landing a canopy. Maybe if you base jump then go to the tunnel haha BASE 1519
  10. its amazing how many rules of the Far you guys talk about get broken BASE 1519
  11. if you start packing for yourself you will be able to pack in less than 15 min after a few pack jobs I never used a packer after my aff where it was mandatory and my pack jobs never took more than 15 maybe 20 min the fist couple BASE 1519
  12. Don't forget about the AAD. A CYPRES has depreciation of about $100/year and maintenance costs of about $40/year. This is the same regardless of jumps (unless you do a lot more jumps than you say) Vigils have a different cost, I don't know that offhand. And you mentioned the "non-directly-financial" stuff. For me, owning my own rig is worth it. It's mine, I'm the only one who jumps it (mostly), I don't have to worry about which rental rig I get, I jump the same canopy each time. unless you dont use one then you pay nothing BASE 1519
  13. we are at 4,000 or 4,500 ft elevation maybe and fly to 13,500 agl BASE 1519
  14. never used this in skydiving but I do it quite a bit jumping cliffs and turning around to watch friends jump after BASE 1519
  15. 500 to 1000 for a helmet? Wow my ski helmet has better protection than a camera holder built for skydiving and they are cheep. BASE 1519
  16. alaska sky sports in anchorage if you click on the dropzones tab you can find it BASE 1519
  17. when first started reading you post I thought you were trying to stop someone from getting hurt but it seems like someone needs to save you. BASE 1519
  18. this is why I only hike up and not back down BASE 1519
  19. i have a raider sprint its a 9 cell f-111 canopy I could sell ya BASE 1519
  20. as far as the hitting on you may run into that everywhere I dont know? for the aff if you are going to plan on taking it might as well start now. some dropzones may make you do a tandem at their dz or accept one from another dz. or not need one at all I dont know to much just my opinion everyone that will answer you question will have more jumps than me BASE 1519