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Everything posted by howardwhite

  1. You are obviously spoiled by your weekend at Jumptown.
  2. Turners Falls, MA, was the first (and as far as I know the only) New England DZ to use Dorniers, and the first ever to use them for jumping in the US. (I was on the first load.) They were rather fast on jump run and floating was a problem until we figured out to give "five left and cut..." That shielded the door enough to keep people from blowing off. (No outside rails or anything like that.) I don't think we were allowed to remove the front door section. Here are some pics of 233RP in Eastern colors at Turners, though we also jumped one in Precision colors. (I have video of both in action). Precision Otters were also used, both at Turners Falls and at Pepperell (pic of 16RP at Pepperell attached.) Precision Beech-18s were also used at several Massachusetts DZs, including Orange. I have some early '70s movies of Lew Sanborn, D-1, dirt diving an 8-way beside a Precision Beech at Orange. In the past month, I've seen four ex-Precision pilots (all also jumpers.) One of them, Nate Pond, D-69, flew everything Precision had. I've also seen Mike Lindh, another jumper, who worked in the shop at Manchester. Enough old memories for you? HW
  3. Man accused of telling airport security penis pump was a bomb CHICAGO (AP) -- Cook County prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn't want her to know he'd packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey. So he told security it was a bomb, officials said. Madin Azad Amin was stopped by officials on Aug. 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said. When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto. He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said. He's been charged with felony disorderly conduct, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County state's attorney's office. Amin faces up to three years in prison if convicted.
  4. GIMP is a bitmap program like Photoshop. Probably he'd be better off with Inkscape, also Open Source, which is like Illustrator. Like GIMP, available for Mac and Windoze as well as Linux. Google should find it, probably at HW
  5. Camouflage. The Spankin' Otter at Jumptown, Orange MA. Norwegian Air Force markings. HW
  6. O. I thought you meant the other kind of camels. As in the attachment.
  7. I made my first jump on my new one 27 Feb 1966. There is a scrawl in the front of my logbook: 652576 which I guess is its serial number. HW
  8. Yup, that's the same Stinson I posted the pic of. I had forgotten George Anderson was DZO, but it figgers. He moved on to a tiny backwoods DZ in southern Maine, where one of his exploits was landing a FJC static line lady on top of a moving train. Mayfair -- yes, that's it (I thought so when I typed Mayflower). There was another bar, relatively near, where I remember drinking beer with the Black Hat Skydivers ("No Sky Too High, No Muff Too Tuff") and watching Ripcord reruns on TV. HW
  9. See some pictures of landings in the bowl at the VI World meet (1962): posted by Lee Guilfoyle, D-50. I wasn't there, but I'm pretty familiar with the Bowl and I don't see any peas in these pix. I'll ask Lee and others who were there. For other pictures of Lakewood and Orange in the 60s and early 70's see the rest of Lee's pictures on flickr and also take a look at: HW
  10. Doc Your question should probably be aimed at me, since I posted the picture (which was taken by Vince Marchese). For Norfolk Airport, see: Asking me to remember the name of a pizza place almost 40 years ago is taxing...though I well remember the Mayflower at Taunton, which served the same purpose there. I do remember making winter jumps at Norfolk with Bill Bainton, either the Stinson or a 182, but in either case with no door. We wore paper bags over our heads until jump run to keep our faces from freezing. But I don't remember the details of the Stinson door with the same clarity I remember the putty ball. HW
  11. As there is no DZ in New Hampshire, one way to log it is to have a bad spot at Pepperell, MA, less than a mile south of the state line. (The DZO frowns on the practice; do it when she's not looking. ) I take full responsibility for a bad Otter spot at Pepperell several years ago which forced Lew to land in a field just north of the state line. Aware of my poor spotting ability, his wife positioned herself to take pictures with the "Welcome to New Hampshire" sign in the foreground. HW
  12. Might want to run a spell check. photograhpic services Also bad form to use -- when most design packages let you insert — (picky, picky)
  13. I jumped out of this Stinson many times at Norfolk, MA in the late '60s. It had a ball of putty on top of the instrument panel, which the pilot used as temporary storage for nuts and bolts that had fallen out onto the floor. I understand it is now in the Museum of Flight in Seattle. HW
  14. 16-way, multi-Cessna formation load, honoring a club member. She is about to depart for the west coast. Sunset. Balloon festival in the town just to the west. Balloons rising against the setting sun. 15-way built. Guest of honor enters 16th, naked. I wish I had video.
  15. But read them with a discerning eye. They are not, in general, the objective views he's looking for. They tend to run from "this is the greatest DZ I've ever been to (and the only one)" to "the manifester was rude and the tandem instructor smelled bad." Check the review dates -- many are several years ago and in some cases the DZ has changed hands or no longer exists. Look also at the date the DZ listing was last updated. Also do a search in the Forums for the DZ name. That tends to give you a better idea of what's going on there.
  16. Not this weekend. CASA arrives there Thursday Aug. 17
  17. Don't leave Jumptown off your list. Check out HW
  18. Gee, no mention of Hooters, only a ~5 minute walk away.
  19. Eww.. One shipping from Japan with everything in Japanese, one selling for more that the original retail.
  20. Sorry, you're right --they had PC1000s a week or so ago and I looked too fast.
  21. Refurbished from Sony, $949
  22. That's the site, and English works. Competition doesn't start until next week. The CRW dogs are on their way to Moscow today (Monday), after practice at Jumptown Orange (MA) over the weekend. HW
  23. It's also a web site: That gives you a map of what DZ(s) you'll get in your area, which may include several DZs in several states. In New England, you'll get to a site that includes Skydive New England and its satellite Jump 'n Raft operation in Maine, Jumptown in Mass., and Fun Skydiving in Conn. HW
  24. Yup.. agree it can be a mess without some sort of naming convention. In addition, it might be necessary or desirable to segregate by geography, e.g. North America, Europe, etc. Someone could have a full-time job doing this. (I'm not volunteering.) (Trying it now on a Linux box, having created it on Mac and tested on PC. (Geek...? me?? no way....) HW