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Everything posted by howardwhite

  1. I haven't tried this, but... Wouldn't it be possible to load all the individual .kmz files into one's Google Earth, then create a new folder,, and cut and paste all of the other ones into it? Then save it as a new .kmz for easier distribution here. HW
  2. First quick 'n dirty of Jumptown, Orange MA Too bad the Google Earth picture is a couple of years old -- makes it hard to point out new man-made features. HW
  3. Look at the Jumptown ad in the June Parachutist. The Casa exit pic I used in that ad came from Phil Roberson. It seems to meet the description of what you need. http://www/ The one I used was from the 2003 section. Contact him through his web site; he has several other Casa exit shots there. Tell him I sent you.
  4. "Just in time for the Pepperell boogie" means on or just before Aug. 16.
  5. Is that a true statement? Because we had that very system @ our DZ and we allowing people the oppurtunity to do an intentional cutaway. They were trained, of course. When I said "not intended for," I was responding to the intent of the original question, which suggested that a three-canopy system would be a cool idea for everyday jumping. I think it's a fine idea to make an intentional cutaway if you have the right equipment and training. HW
  6. Here is a recent picture of the Strong Enterprises Tridem. It is not intended for the ordinary jumper, but to train potential tandem instructors, who must have had a cutaway (intentional or otherwise.) HW
  7. Doug was my FJC instructor at Orange, MA; he signed as U.K. D-341 Among those on the list I've seen in 2006: At USPA HQ dedication: Lew Sanborn Jerry Bourquin Dick Fortenberry Nate Pond Gene Paul Thacker Len Potts Kim Emmons (Knor) (and probably many more that I didn't know or meet) At memorial meet for Pat Gorham, D-554: Mike Lyon Nate Pond (again) Brad Straus was not at USPA HQ bash but his son Tim was. HW
  8. I have an Epson 1280 which lets you do the 13 x 19. I also use (MacOS) a printer driver called PrintFab, which allows lots of control of stuff like much higher dot density and much finer control of inks. Pretty good for a few hundred bux. HW
  9. Weather broke Thursday afternoon in time for several CASA loads. Today, both CASA and Otter are in the air. Lots of people for CRW, POPS/SOS, freefly and RW of all sorts. Bring liquids; sunny but in the 90s forecast for all weekend. Free food and beer Friday and Saturday nights. HW
  10. He was a student of mine at Orange, MA. I figured it would be tough to teach someone with an aluminum pegleg to do simple things like turns, but he somehow picked it up beautifully. HW
  11. Yup, that's, which is a separate thing that has a Skydive Radio page. HW
  12. How on earth does one know how many listeners a podcast has? (I like Skydive Radio and listen to most every show.) HW
  13. Sony store has 'em refurbished for $800. Great camera. Just don't forget to bring your dock with you wherever you go. HW
  14. Don't forget Avid XPress DV-495. (I use it.) (Same package also installs on Windoze) HW
  15. Yup. That was a Rogallo wing. The Sailwing was rectangular. See attached. (I almost jumped a Sailwing once. Two of us planned to; the other guy won the toss, had to chop, and I passed on the opportunity.) HW
  16. Will this help for the static line? HW
  17. I kind of like the sentiment expressed in this sweatshirt from MAKE Magazine. HW
  18. D-12 it is. See D-16 is Ted Strong. Yup again. See attached. HW
  19. Another not so cool thing about the Sentinel was that it would fire if you landed in water. So part of "unusual landings" training had to be turning off the Sentinel if you were headed for water, particularly if the water was a fast-moving river. I remember just such an incident where the jumper landed in a river at high water flow time and got dragged along for a while by his inflated reserve. Not pretty. HW
  20. There was a thread on this very subject a little less than a year ago. Do a forum search for KAP-3 (one of the early openers) and look at the thread with a reply from BillVon. HW
  21. This is what a double-keel wing looks like. (This one is for gliding, not jumping.) HW