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Everything posted by dove

  1. You might wanna double check all the fine print. I remember getting one of those but after reading the requirements I decided to forego getting it. Something to the tune of you will only receive payment if you lose one eye and one thumb, or your ear and your arm from at least the elbow down. I got the impression that if anything ever happened to me they would find a way to get out of paying up. Fall in dove.
  2. That's not "pretty wild" with a "".... that's "pretty freakin' scary; dangerous; stupid; etc" with a ";;;;" I had someone track into my canopy recently at just around 2,000. If you're gonna be tracking into an area where canopies are supposed to be open then you damned well better have your eyes open! 1 foot over and we'd both be dead. And no - I was not flying my canopy up the line of flight. Fall in dove.
  3. These camps - and the one in April in particular - seem to be mostly a screening/auditioning process. We started right out with 16 ways and there was no tolerance for those who were not safe. i.e. if you go low or take out anyone in the formation you can expect to be excluded from subsequent jumps. And there were no seminars, briefings (pre or post) on any of the jumps. So where to go to learn more big way stuff at a slower pace? I know Monkeyclaw will be doing some freefly big way camps this summer at Skydive Crosskeys in New Jersey. According to their website: "Big-way" camps will focus on skills needed for larger group flying - including exiting, getting to the formation, flying your slot and safe break-offs. Check out their schedule at Also, if the Flyboyz or Alchemy put on a camp AFTER the world record attempt they will probably more conducive to learning the skills needed to do big ways. Beyond that - just keep your ears open for gatherings that cater to big ways. I know they do some big way stuff at Summerfest every year (and you can bet your ass that I'll be there!) and Deland will be doing some big way stuff this Saturday, starting with smaller groups and getting bigger as the day goes on. Or why not generate some interest at your own dz? Let them know you are interested and maybe someone there (or someone who can be brought in for the next boogie) who can spearhead the project. Fall in dove.
  4. I went to the one in February. Though we were mostly rained out, the few jumps we got in were awesome. But just to warn you - these are not really camps in the typical sense. There is no prebriefing or debriefing. They are more an audition for the record bigway attempts. The pressure is on! You are jumping with a lot of world class freefliers all vying for a spot on the record. And you are expected to already have some big way experience and be able to participate safely. Have fun and be safe! Fall in dove.
  5. Only one I know for sure is Summerfest. But I have a long list of hopefuls too. When is the Orange Fiesta? Fall in dove.
  6. Right the fuck on girlie! You rock! Congrats! Fall in dove.
  7. I voted for Eddie Murphy. "Wookin' pa nub in all da wong places..." But I used to really love when Will and Cheri did their cheerleader bit. That always cracked me up. "I said who's that Spartan with junk in the trunk?" "Its me! It's me!" Fall in dove.
  8. May all your dreams come true.
  9. dove

    Taxes 101

    My dad sent this to me a few years ago. It still cracks me up. Fall in dove.
  10. Really? Lil' ol' me?!?!?!?!? I can't believe you included me but thanks!
  11. Bwahahahahah! I got one of those for my giftee as part of my secret santa gift at work. (The goal for our secret santa party is to be as offensive as possible. Seriously! One guy even wrapped his gifts in naked hooker wrapping paper.) When I told my brother about it he was so jealous I got him one too. Not the same brand though. The ones I bought were called, "super dooper pocket poopers". Fall in dove.
  12. I would like to personally thank weegegirl for starting my day off with huge laugh. That was freakin' hilarious. Bless you, weegegirl. Fall in dove.
  13. Jump #8 - first jump off AFF. Landed on my feet under my reserve. Was good to know I could actually respond when I needed to.
  14. dove

    Perfect woman

    Well apparently you don't like blow jobs. Fall in dove.
  15. who can help me with a tax question? Puh-leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!?!?!??!?!?! Please PM me. I will be forever grateful.
  16. I believe the official record is 29 last year at Sebastian. Next record attempt is this April at Perris. Fall in dove.
  17. Okay. I got out of work so I can go! Yippee! Count me in. Details? What time will we start on Saturday? How much are jumps at Deland? Fall in dove.
  18. What I think when I hear "God" totally depends on the context. If I see a "God" billboard/sign on the side of the road, I usually think of the aforementioned Jesus freaks. When I see "God" in the newspapers I think of people "killing in the name of God." When I hear someone say "oh God" I brace myself for bad news. And when I think of God in my own head, I think of spirituality, forgiveness, guidance, peace, hope and adversity for the sake of growth and wisdom. While I am not a religious person I do consider myself very spiritual. After having tried several religions on for size and not quite feeling comfortable with any of them, I developed my own relationship with God and decided that so long as I live my life according to his will and try to follow his guidance that I don't need organized religion. I am not saying that religion is bad, it just doens't work for me. The main thing that turned me off from organized religions is the tendency for each sect to put down others. I think as long as everyone is working toward the same end (God, fulfilling life, happiness, growth, etc.) then who cares what means they take to arrive there. (Obviously NOT including any violence) God likes variety. Look at how many races there are, how many types of trees, how many breeds of dogs.... why can't there be many types of religions that can all coexist peacefully as well? Fall in dove.
  19. Careful sunny! I dated my anesthesiologist from my leg surgery for awhile and it was NOT a positive experience. He, too, had a few jumps (military) and that got us talking. I at least waited until after the 2nd surgery to get the hardware out but I wish I had never dated him at all. *shiver* Glad you're home and in recovery mode. Love ya girlie!
  20. Nice avatar Sunny! You look so sweet when you're sleeping. Glad to see you posting - guess that means the surgery went well. You'll be back in the air in no time! Fall in dove.
  21. Oh sweet sunny - I'm sorry you have to undergo surgery. But I'm glad they figured it out now instead of later. On a brighter note, I sure hope your doctor is HOT. While I wasn't looking forward to my surgery, it wasn't so bad since I was getting "screwed" by my super sexy ortho. Heck - that's the reason I went back to get the hardware taken out! Okay - so that's not the real reason. But it sure was nice to get to ogle him again and have him touch my leg. Good luck girlie. I'm praying for ya! But I know my sunny and she's one strong chica! Hugs! Elisa Fall in dove.
  22. Back off the sunny one BIOTCH! Besides - you said anywhere on the planet. In case you were distracted by daydreams of sheep while in school, Hawaii is located on this planet. Fall in dove.
  23. Actually it would be the second time. But my face apparently is not as worthy of attention as my caboose. Fall in dove.