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Everything posted by TriGirl

  1. Both good dudes. Have fun! See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  2. Back on topic... Per your original request for stupid shit people say: Random person: "You're so [insert complimentary adjectives here]. I don't understand how/why you're not married!" translation, "you SEEM like such a good catch. What's really wrong with you that no man wants you?" My reply: Umm -- so, why in your opinion, are all those characteristics/accomplishments not enough? Yeah, my life is SOOOO empty! [sarcasm] See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  3. Need to be careful with that one, too. The ones who are "conducting interviews" are usually the same ones who will want to be "the one" who changes him/his mind! That might be taken as an invitation to the girl to start her quest to "win." I'm not saying it isn't a good idea, but just need to be cautious. Perhaps if you leave off the "yet," that reply would be much safer! See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  4. Woo Hoo! Who are your instructors? I'm away right now, but Z-Hills is my home DZ. Love that place.
  5. 1 -- I agree with all the comments about lying. It's always a bad idea. 2 -- This whole thread brings me back to my take on modern-day dating: too many people use it as an interview process instead of a way for two people to have a nice time together. I also believe this is the reason the divorce rate is so high -- people find partners based on what they're supposed to want/do, but later realize they don't know each other at all. The woman who is asking you all these questions on a first date is the one interviewing for the best "catch." Run. 3 -- I also agree that there are no standards that apply to "all" women, or even "most" women. We could say that "all" men are alike as well, if you look at all the single, powerful, successful women in the government, military, and the corporate world, you could say that "all" men are intimidated by smart, powerful, driven women. ...or, you could just accept that for just as many of us, marriage and family are not the top priorities. ETA: see #3 for the answer to your original question. For me, it's not a turn-off, it's a bonus. However, I'm just one person. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  6. (actually, it's a little scary -- do they have NOTHING better to do?) See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  7. According to the comments posted to this story, yeah, they're the same dogs you (and I) heard about on NPR. They were rescued and will both be fine.
  8. I don't understand how these two types of marriage can not be identical. Please explain? A man and a woman in a relationship is not the same as two people of the same sex, purely based on the biology. The love, the commitment, the responsibilities are all the same. Why is the word lesbian used for a female-female relationship and what is the equivalent word for a male-male relationship? I know Bill has given an example of race but even in his example he adds detail "interracial marriage" to communicate detail. Yes, Bill did use a descriptor to prove a point. We use the same types of qualifiers to describe other ways in which one couple is different from another, or to illustrate a point for clarification -- May/December for example. Anna Nicole's infamous marriage is not identical to the upcoming royal marriage, for example (or even the previous several royal marriages if you need further examples within a subset). And to answer your other question, from Wiki: Whereas "homosexual" literally means "same sex". Again from Wiki: From my perspective, straight guys like the idea of two women but are disgusted by two men, hence the "need" for a gender-specific word (purely my opinion on this one). So, it all goes back to the original question (sort of). Why the need to keep a separate semantic label for this type of marriage, when all other labels have gone by the wayside? See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  9. I don't understand how these two types of marriage can not be identical. Please explain? See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  10. you go, girl! It's nice to see someone have the strength (and her own Muslim conviction) to stand up publicly in her own defense. I'm sure this just wasn't in the edited video, but I imagine she challenged the mullah's claim that "100% of Pakistanis" disapproved of her actions on the TV show. I'd like to hear what he claims is the source of that poll result. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  11. Yeah, you got me! Guess if I spent more time trolling the forums I would have caught that See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  12. Turtle, what were you doing in NYC? Really, can't we take you anywhere? See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  13. Iceland. I got stuck there for a couple of days on my way back to the States from Poland. Wow, what an excellent surprise! I've decided that sometime in my future I'm going to plan a cycling vacation there. You can check out hot springs and glaciers, camp and hike around, then spend your last night in town before heading home (shorter version of the trip I plan to take). It will be perpetual sunlight at that time. June 17 is Iceland Independence Day. We happened to fly out that day and got our in-flight movies for free due to the holiday. Super nice people, gorgeous scenery, and nice weather that time of year. Plus, it's pretty inexpensive. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  14. +1! My mother and I had this discussion a few years ago. It turns out we had exactly the same desires for ourselves, right down to what we want done with our remains and organ donation. Since Mom's a nurse, and I have some experience with this as well, we're each confident the other will do what we want. However, it was definitely worth having the discussion! Unfortunately, neither of us can read minds. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  15. Big hugs, Mark. Wish I could help. As you can see, so many of us are with you right now. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  16. holy crap! When I was a kid, my mom had several gardens around the property. While the fresh salsa in the fall was nice, I spend whole summers pulling weeds and avoiding big, juicy spiders. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  17. Those are some great pics! It looks like the snake and bat were posing for you.
  18. Nunya:0:1 Nunya= nunya damn business (no surprise there) 0= was sick all weekend -- sinuses never cleared enough to jump safely. = first boogie away from home DZ (thanks, Spence & Julie!) However: I did get several "3-point hugs" from popsjumper, so it wasn't a total loss! See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  19. When did he actually make his appearance? See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  20. 69. Can't believe I missed Fight Club and Apocalypse Now! the first movie I thought of for the sunglasses turned out to be correct.
  21. When I was that age, if I were to wrestle with a girl, public competition or not, it would have been really embarssing, they don't make cups in that size or shape. Okay, good point. Two words: bike shorts. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  22. (psst... Hong Kong is in China) See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  23. From a woman's perspective: +1! I'd be pissed if I'd trained hard and the guy refused to see me as a worthy opponent. I wonder, if the ways in which wrestlers grab each other is such a problem when wrestling a girl, how do those situations register in his head when he's up against another guy? I'm not criticizing, just asking. I'm always curious about how the human mind works. See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  24. That's hilarious! See the upside, and always wear your parachute! -- Christopher Titus Shut Up & Jump!
  25. I answered yes, but you didn't allow for caveats. I like the taste of GOOD beer.