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Everything posted by nigel99

  1. Don't know I really thought that the pilots were quite cautious and asked a number of times for confirmation. I suppose the scary question out of this is - if the military can't identify an allies vehicles - and not a backwoods 3rd world ally - how many innocent Iraqies are targeted? What sickens me is that there are drones etc with hi-res imaging that should be able to pick out the Union Jack etc and I would have thought that the US military machine was sophisticated enough to see identify friend or foe. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  2.,,11021-10043,00.html I feel sorry for the pilots. I usually feel that friendly fire where the US is involved is due to a gung-ho, we don't know our arse from our elbow syndrome - as it seems that often it is the allies who get hit (Canadians in Afganistan, Tornado in Iraq and this incident). The US military should be ashamed of themselves for witholding this video and information from the Coronors office. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  3. Brilliant article on BBC site today. It turns out that the "brilliant" security in Vista is not so great after all. Hacks have apparantly appeared been tried where MP3 files are e-mailed or played on a website and the speech recognition and control software will follow the instructions. Someone demonstrated deleting files and emptying the trash can. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  4. The problem in a public forum is that kids stumble across stuff. Our 10 year old girl was looking at a forum with kittens etc, and got curious about pictures that involved sex/anatomy. The thread titles are a reflection of the content and I don't see that the titles are any cleaner than the content - if the content is banned then the titles would go with them , I don't see the point in separating the two. Ultimately it comes down to a basic choice of whether you want that type of thread in the bonfire. As I think most of us visit those types of threads as reflected by the number of views they are probably here to stay. This type of content is certainly not limited to this kind of forum and however embarrasing some content may be it does reflect the general wierdness that can be found at some DZ's (In a similar vein my parents visited the DZ when I was a student and being were pretty taken aback that there was a woman sitting reading Penthouse). Perhaps a suggestion would be that a separate forum related to memories & condolences was created? This would enable those who are not interested in the nonsence to avoid it. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  5. following other comments: the pearl is a decent phone. Build quality is not as good as my old Nokia though and trackball is susceptible to getting dirt stuck in it. as mentioned battery life is not so good but you can get more life out of the battery using it's automatic on and off mode (so that it switches off at night/weekends). I get an extra 2 or 3 days doing this. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  6. I don't follow your question. My point about being on Radio 4 was that Dawkins was on home turf with people who whole heartedly agree with him. If you are expecting me to excuse a weak counter argument, because you agree with him - then I disagree. I do realise that much like here in speakers corner debate doesn't actually change anything - just create alot of heated emotions and tend to harden peoples views, but I would expect more grown up behaviour on a national radio interview Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  7. It was quite along time ago and involved evolution being taught in schools and so my memory is hazy. Rather than dealing with facts he was like a zealous evangilist who just attacked a specific viewpoint. I find it difficult to portray as so much context gets lost when repeated over the web. The radio interview was in the UK radio 4 which has a very negative view on anything that remotely questions evolution and so he was not on "enemy turf" where you could excuse him coming across as almost defensive if that makes sense. Sorry this probably wasn't the any examples you were looking for... Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  8. I haven't read the book - but have heard him interviewed on radio and he was biggotted and refused to argue rationally which totally discredited him in my opinion. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  9. Don't know if it will reduce accidents but will certainly slow traffic. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  10. Wow that figure works out at 2100 a month, I expected the argument to be that they were better off cause under Saddam there was 1 more a month not 1000 less... As to the cut and run comment - you broke it, you fix it. It is not like everyone in the world felt that Iraq needing to be invaded. I figure its time the US government admitted they cocked up big time and asked the Arabs for help on finding a solution (not help in implementing the US solution). Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  11. You're missing the point - it is much better now under Saddam it would have been at least 3701 in October... I am sick of this whole saga and hope that we see Bush & Blair in the Hague at some point in the future. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  12. Point is that I don't believe that illegal drugs are a right. However I do believe that the government infringes my rights (personal data to the USA if I fly there, CCTV are probably my 2 biggest gripes). I suppose that to a large extent I am resigned to the fact that governments don't listen to the people and abuse our rights. I don't believe that modern democracy balances the government as the political parties are so similar. As I am not about to sue the government over the above to issues, I don't have a simple answer. I suppose bluntly governments deteriotate to the point where the abuse of civil rights is so blatant that they get overthrown. I think that the west has had a honeymoon period where individuals had a lot of rights and I believe we will see these eroded rapidly over future decades. But that is probably a different thread. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  13. Thats cause being dutch drugs should be legal and therefore my argument is invalid as it would be a legal substance. mr2mk1g - I take the point about methadone being legal. Small point is that it doesn't say that they all were however. Personal belief is that people should be helped off drugs in prison - I just disagree with the sueing the gov part. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  14. BBC radio 4 did sensationalise the article by claiming on the headline that it was that they were being denied drugs. I agree that the article here presents a much less sensational view. However I still don't like the fact that people can try and "sue" the system for dealing with the consequences of a criminal offence. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  15. Crazy on the radio they, said that the home office was sued for "breaching their human rights" by preventing drug use... Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  16. A client gave me the Robin hood chess set for Christmas. Sits in the box as I don't want to mess it up. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  17. I am sure in the policemans case that he was quite justified in being a UK citizen on duty in an embassy in London and feeling that he was unsafe/threatened by being in the Israeli embassy. What are your thoughts on the turbans though? Guy who works for me is really peaved by that one... Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  18. We were discussing in our office the muslim police officer who didn't want to work at the Isreali embassy in London. Colleague then mentioned this law ... "Sikhs who wear Turbans need not wear crash helmets when they ride Motor Cycles or Scooters. They have been allowed to wear Turban as their only headgear. In accordance with the Motor-Cycle Crash Helmets (Religious Exemption) Act 1976 passed by the British Parliament in 1976, Section 2A "exempts any follower of the Sikh religion while he is wearing a turban" from having to wear a crash helmet" Is it right for such exemptions to be made? Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  19. [rant Jeez it pisses me off when the US tries to grab credit for things. Bloody MI5 has been monitoring this for some months, then people try and pass the credit to the NSA. Firstly the NSA is only released the information WHEN a flight takes off and not before (still contravening the data protection act). The brits are much more clued on terrorism - sorry but this gets my back up. /rant] Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  20. It's very real. One of the guys arrested lives on my road (about 10 doors away). The place is still cordoned off 24 hours later with 4 armed police outside the premises. I was at work when it all broke - but my wife says that police removed explosives from the site. Also it appears that there are more people involved than are being publicly released. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  21. If you are fitting your data on a CD easily then I suggest off site internet backup - as you mentioned only 2 pc's with some documents and accounts. We backup online (4 pc's) a 4GB account costs us around £15 per month. It is totally painless and we have used their restore once for a single file - it worked very well. One thing to be careful of is that their automatic settings for files may not match your needs (our services default kept 1 revision of the file). Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  22. It was the US pilot who killed the canadian's who was on drugs and was let off. (I know George supplied the drugs so it was ok). Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  23. What gets me about this is some of the comments coming out of the US military about the suicides - to quote headlines from the BBC Killing yourself is an act of war!!! I think that some people are in serious denial about their role in this. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  24. Hunting endangered species can be a good thing - as it can be driven by market forces. If there is demand to hunt an animal, then hunting safaris will protect and encourage the local animal population to ensure supply. Secondly most hunters go for adult male trophies as these normally represent the macho "kill". Certainly not an expert on the matter just grew up around hunting safaris in Africa where people from the west paid big money for these kinds of opportunities. Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.
  25. Could you clarify this as I am a little confused. If the air density is lower = higher speed doesn't that mean that the air resistance is the same? I would have expected intuitively that if the air density is lower then you could expect to open at a higher speed without damage? Experienced jumper - someone who has made mistakes more often than I have and lived.