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Everything posted by crustySCSA69

  1. nothing likely about it ... in the first Gulf War when Saddam started lobbing those crappy SCUDs at Israel this was on an NPR interview with the head of the Israeli Air Force. (I remember it word for word... I thought it quite important, and very Strangelovian) NPR:If one of these rockets has a biological or chemical weapon on it, what will Israel's response be ? Israeli General: If weapons of mass destruction are used against Israel there is no limit to Israel's response. NPR:n Does that mean Israel would use nuclear weapons?? Israeli General: If weapons of mass destruction are used against Israel there is no limit to Israel's response. gotta love those guys ... they take Never Again seriously
  2. can ya tell us some other reason to be there ??? oh, right ... the billions for KBR my mistake ... carry on
  3. Hey, wait a minute. I heard references to SC before and thought, oh, Skydive Chicago.... but this seems to imply it's Speakers Corner HOW THE HELL do you get banned from a Speakers Corner... that's downright un-amurrican (not the OP, the idea of being banned... my mind boggles... ) and off on another tangent ... the big fat YES is at 62% (better than ANY President in recent memory) so, SHAH269 ... if you've been lurking, keep on posting as if this internet stuff is just 'one of the guys'..... even though it isn't...
  4. I feel nothing for the snivelly little bastard... he had 100 jumps, he knew the score .... and now he's trying to score... we are all troubled by this ...... anyone who knows ANYONE who has a dropzone (large/small, inthe US, Canada, Europe etc, doesn't matter) should urge them to write this moron and tell him very plainly to NEVER show up at their DZ ..... I'd love to see his face if he suddenly started getting letter after letter telling him to keep his snivelly little ass away from their operation .....
  5. not to worry ladies, I will fight to the death to protect your right to a good cat fight .... it's amurrica... it's what it's about
  6. And that wasn't even between two women! ........... just after start of page 8... it appeared to be 3 women (even better) and I think should publish a report on who started how many threads that got locked down, that way, we know who to request a new thread from ...
  7. WAIT A MINUTE .... how did this slide by without a single howl of outrage ??? You mean there are no currently 'big-boned' ex-'popular cheerleaders' out there in the diving community (small as it is) ... I'll register my outrage for you .... consider it registered....
  8. My vote is A BIG FAT YES Observing 3 pages here, his last 2 posts alone far outstrip any other contenders, as far as generating replies.... and what replies !!! Unfortunately, I missed the last one (the small community) until it was already locked down (some of us have to do boring things, like live our lives). What a thread !! it had it all: -Brutal male honesty - followed by female outrage - followed by a circling of the masculine wagons - then a CAT FIGHT breaks out !!! (how'd that get in there ??) all interspersed with the usual random ravings .. I may re-read the whole thing ... the entertainment value was enormous.. Please SHAH .... give us another one....
  9. [reply....... I guess there's still some of that Kool-Aid left at SDC. ......... forget the Kool-Aid ... I hope the story of Roger, Carl, the botle of 'all natural, refreshing Orange juice' and the C47 that had to come over at 3K and dump everyone in 1 pass; is in the book...
  10. "Sport Death" returns ... wearing a new suit.... gotta love it ...
  11. he DOES exist.... just check out my pic....
  12. who the F*** elected you mental health monitor ??? people wander the streets in far worse shape than that ... wait till I start on square canopies and head down (both masturbation substitutes for people who can't fly... let the flames begin) if he wants to rant incoherently ... let him... just reminds me of 3:30 AM at any big drop zone in the late 70's...
  13. excellent ... way back when, I quickly discovered that my chest mounted alti was for OTHERS to use .. just as theirs was for me to use ... it's nice to look across to someone else in the formation and just read their altimeter (yes, yes everybody, you should also glance at the ground now and then to make sure those altimeter readings make sense) unless yer going 'fad' flying (head down) .. i much prefer a chest mount and love seeing others using one ...
  14. Roger, I never forgot a "board now" announcement from manifest that went.. "Crispy, Crusty, Christy and Feisty... to 140 Tango now" I'm sure I must have made some other jumps with Mike, but that one stuck in my head..
  15. Roger Can I go thru you to get a correction in the SCSA DB ? SCSA 69 is listed as BRANCH CRUSTY MIKE and it should be MACLEAN PHIL (CRUSTY) apparently Mike Branch's aka way back then was similiar to mine (Iwon't list it in case he cares about that) and my handwriting always sucked so someone must have done some interpretation Actually, Mike Lewis (65) signed in my slot on the form so I signed in his. When the numbers came back he wanted that number back, but, ya snooze ya lose, please DO NOT reverse those numbers.. hahaha Still have my SCR form that I never sent in, it was a 16 way round with 15 in (Jerry Cash had reserve pop, 4th in line right at exit call and got thrown into the back corner by number 5, so he never made it). Bill Ozupchuk (wrong spelling, organized it) .. had Peanuts Wacaser as a ground witness.. I couldn't part with the form .. I don't know if you remember but I bought the last one of your rigs that Si Fraser had in stock, and then made you show me how to pack the reserve twice, so I could do it myself (had Canuckian rigger rating, but only ever packed own reserve) I LOVED that rig, most comfortable thing I ever wore, if you have any left from back then that are airworthy, let me know.. I need something to put a 26' LOPO in for a main (assuming I can find a 26' LOPO). BSBD Crusty
  16. I will unoffically claim the highest wind landing (for sport) under a rag. about 80-81 in Perris and we did a 4 way and a micro-burst moved in under us... 2 26' cony mains on the 4 way (Ron the stinkin dutchmen was the other).. the winds down to about 1K were light, then look out ... the wind meter in the Perris officed that registered 40 Kts was PEGGED ... landing was feet, head, feet, head, cutaway ... no injuries... Randy Berry (on a square) said he turned to cross the wires along the road to the north and before he could turn around again, he had crossed the next field and next set of wires at the next road north ... said he couldn't believe the downwind speed (and these were old squares) they had 14 people standing on the runway facing the 182 as it landed (about 50 ft in front of them and an instant stop) because they had to put 7 on each wing and walk it into the tiedowns.. BSBD
  17. "hey nineteen, we can't talk at all" *** but hey, talking's highly overrated .. ** Steely Dan
  18. just a little urine ?? what the hell are you complaining about ?? at the old z-hills the absolute worst mess I've ever seen was the "Ladies" room which I had to clean every day (along with the gents) during boogies and such ... standard method was, garden hose on high, point in front, enter battle..... trust me, you don't EVEN want to know what came floating out of there.... i'll take the odd little splatter from a miss any day oh, and go check out the equations for fluid flow thru a pipe (derivatives, integrals, matrices, feedback, etc) ... it's a wonder it EVER comes out straight
  19. they needed a "study" to figure that out ??? and of course women never admit it, would you ??
  20. That sly site returned Captain Muffmuncher which isn't bad ..... but I heard you get a porn name by combining your first pet's name with the street name you first lived on ... which gives a much better name of : Bullet St. Andrews
  21. Ladies... I can be "different things." at the drop of a hat.... "depending on the circumstances: I can be whatever you want .... I am "someone who will love " you " for " you ... I would love you to "to walk around naked when possible"... always, is fine.... Some of my outstanding attributes are "Sincerity, honesty, and respect!"... "Mel Gibson" has modeled most of his movies off of me. ... "The crux of the biscut is the apostrophy" is a simple conjecture in Quantum Physics (just in case that was a woman) .. "Everything" is what you'll get.... I "want" you " to have " your " cake, and eat it too"...(we can probably arrange more than cake)... I will serve you many "iced caramel latte"s in "a swimming pool" ... I will be quiet while you have "....a nap"... You won't have to say "I took care of it " when the pots dirty ... I'll think "you rock" in ALL ways ... I already know it's "up to " me " to figuire that out"... You won't "have to tell" me ... I'll stock up on lots of "Cushy kneepads"... I always "put the fucking seat down. "... Nothing you say will "insult" me.... ........... There you have it ladies... the only question is.. WHO'S FIRST ??? \ (just to be honest, the airbrushed photo in my icon, probably does exaggerate my handsome visage, but it is close)
  22. These BEATLES you speak of, weren't they Paul McCartneys back up band? no... the Beatles were those session musicians John Lennon dragged along on a couple of tours ....
  23. Just don't bogart the jay and yer half way there.
  24. and you can do your own CSI. careful analysis of posting patterns for all identifiable subjects reveals..... no pattern .....(other than this annoying use of ....) This indicates a carefully concocted plot to "appear" like there is no pattern, a dead give-away.
  25. here is every idea, conveniently summarized: "improperly stowed brakes." "Poor body position" "poor gear maintenance" "poor packing/packing technique/sloppy packing" "a high-speed spin" "hard openings" "collapsible pilot chutes not cocked" "Parachutes even when properly packed can fail to open" "(2) Avoid pulling any suspension lines around when dressing your stabilizers to avoid a line-over" "(3) Make sure your slider is quartered correctly and tight against the stops as you make the first S-fold," "(5) Check your kill line to make sure you have it cocked" "Always take the twists out of your brake lines to avoid tension knots" so, my recommendation is: jump a rag-in-a-bag then absolutely NONE of these apply (or anything else I can think of) plus, you will them make yourself impervious to the factor that causes 50% + of fatalities these days.. screwing yourself into the ground under a perfectly good parachute ... (if you consider those loopy little dive bombers perfectly good) it's a big job, but if we all start co-operating, we can bring an end to this era of the square aberration. my name is Crusty and I approve of this message.