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Everything posted by crustySCSA69

  1. been there.... I was the only round on the first 64 at Perris and people were still trying to talk me into changing ...... I just told them they were nuts not to jump what I was using.... the only person whoever used my rig was Mitch Decoteau in Z-hills (where they also kept trying to convince me to upgrade and I would just tell them I liked 1.5 seconds from pull and NO pain; but they wouldn't listen) Mitch landed and looked at me and said "I had to look up to make sure it was open because I didn't really feel anything .... duh, like I hadn't said that over and over... Mitch stood it up, by the way, right in front of the old Z-hills shack ... very softly
  2. navy cony 26' .. hard back risers, like jumping off a kitchen chair 26 ' Lopo, hard back risers, like jumping off a THIN book ... in he days of GPS it;s hard to argue that one .... Navy Cony 26', out of a bag, any pigrig the bag will fit in ... softest openings you will EVER have, plus from pilot chute throw to under canopy is only about 1.5 seconds .... can't beat it 26 ' Lopo ... tiny bit stiffer ... a tiny bit more than nothing is .... nothing use a pigrig who cares what a bunch of doofi think ?? In nautical terms ... round jumpers like sailboats, everyone else wants a Cigarette boat Sail on !!!!!
  3. If you can afford Mac, go for it, else, Linux is a good way to go. If you don't need to have Windows (e.g. for your job) stay as far away from Windows as you can get. My son switched to a Mac and he is ecstatic over how everything actually works. I have worked with Win trash for 18 years, and about half your time is spent devising workarounds to crap that is supposed to be built in, but fucks up in particular combinations (those would be the exact combinations you have to use on that particular job). Gates threw a thousand chimpanzees in a room with coding forms, collected the output and compiled it into...Windows.
  4. I knew no one could think up an insult for a handsome dude like me.
  5. that's right pal, 20 bucks, 60 if ya want the monkey too ..
  6. I'm posiyive I left my shoes and socks right over there.....
  7. "Get crusty, forget the rest ! "
  8. "another One Bites The Dust" of course
  9. she takes one more drink outta that bottle and that blonde chick is gonna totally wanta do me !!!
  10. WARNING tangental threadkilling troll ahead... so good to see that old chestnut, still alive after 35 years ...
  11. -Casablanca is definitely a worthy movie but my vote goes to Memento how can you not love a move that starts at the end and ends at the start ??? all else pales
  12. The report is in and has been posted in the original collision thread.... Its very graphic reading ... upsetting to all who knew and loved our finny friend... sob... i can't continue this
  13. Finally, the NTSB ruling is in and I hope it lays to rest all the rumours, attacks and just plain lies that have sometimes erupted here. Now that the facts are there for all to read, please refrain from baseless speculation. Our finny friends made a terrible mistake, that we should now be able to put behind us. I just hope the conspiracy theorists don't start in on this. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, get over it.
  14. Niagra Parachutes ... Niagra COBRA : first rig was from them with their copy of the Starlight (think it was called Cobra)... and it was the HARDEST opening canopy ever built... bar none... made a Starlight look like slow old rope-a-dope square ... got it to streamer at one point (attempts to slow the opening were way too successful) ... blew huge hole in reserve... a Starlight jumper kept tellimg me I was a 'wingeing wanker' for my pain complaints and he was going to jump it and prove what a wussy boy I was ... then he watched me open (at Z-hills) and came up to me and said 'there is NO WAY IN HELL I'd ever jump that thing ' and that was just from watching the opening... he shoulda felt it... then it ripped up my neck and I retired it forever... Niagra LOPO Reserve (4-lined) : I am back in Nova Scotia and a guy comes up in cast and asks me to jump his reserve as a main (he knew my regular main was a 4-lined Navy Conical) ... said he'd used the reserve, popped the 4-line and it went into uncrontollable fast turns... hence, broken foot... I said, impossible, but sure I'll jump it .. Open, pop 4-line, immediately head into fast right turn as if I was front risering.. only way to stop it was hard front riser going the other way... which made for very high descent rate.. should have chopped ... needed best PLF on landing just to survive when I let off the front riser near ground and it started turning again... Theory: when Grimm (good name considering his gear) built it he did not flip alternate panels over as they were added on so all Warp or Weft or whatever the hell they call it, was lined up the same way and created a built in turn (remembering, no steering holes, just a 4-line) Niagara Square (don't know name of this piece of crap): Demos into rock festival in Nova Scotia, do 1st 2 with Navy Conical (1 at night), for last Lett's says, 'here, try my square'. Canopy opens, everything looks good... I just barely move left toggle down and I am completely out flat with canopy diving off BELOW me... let up try right toggle, normal turn... examine canopy ... nothing weird, no lines tied up or broke,... nudge left toggle down and am diving again... should have chopped right there ... decide to land at back end of crowd ... do only Right turns .... lined up good, 40 ft or so up, nudge RIGHT toggle, which up till now has been just fine and canopy DIVES to LEFT ... LEFT ... WTF ??? dove right into a ditch ... PLF prevented major injury attached is Pic ... note, that is NOT a full flare, I am going the other way in a nice dive at the dirt ...I had been pointed exactly in the direction the camera is pointed and this was immediately after nudging down the RIGHT toggle about an inch I have exactly zero fond memories of Eddie Grimm and his grim gear ....
  15. crustySCSA69

    NFL draft

    hey I watched the draft as I played online poker... ya gots to multi-task.... don't know about anyone else but I fell in love with game playing it, until I ripped the side of my knee apart, saddest day of my life... knock on wood... couldn't even watch the game for years afterward .... I sort of agree with you, though .... about baseball, basketball and hockey ..... but NOT football GO CARDS !!!
  16. crustySCSA69

    NFL draft

    he's definitely NOT going to the NFC West ... no matter what (sorry) he's got 2 years on his current contract.. if he wants to be mad... it should be at his agent and no one else... but they will throw him a bone.. and he (and Kurt and Fitz and everyone else) will all be happy ... as they cruise to win the next super bowl.... GO CARDS !!! (after 15 years of futility, it's nice to be able to say that with conviction)
  17. crustySCSA69

    NFL draft

    no way ... at all if Q was going it was before the draft for mucho picks I agree with the theory that it (the willingness to listen to trades) was to A. get a lot for him or B. show him he may not be worth quite as much as his agent thinks... within 2 weeks I see Fitz restructuring and them announcing a new contract for Q ... if a trade did happen (most unlikely) it's Fitz, Breaston and ...... Eary Doucet Doucet is the offensive Cromartie .. GO CARDS !!
  18. crustySCSA69

    NFL draft

    myself and the 2010 Super Bowl Champion Arizona Cardinals indeed found the show most entertaining... prediction 3 receivers 1000 yds each 2 backs 1000 yds each (Hightower and Wells) season 14-2 postseason 3 - 0 (we had a bye)
  19. It wasn't me but I don't think anyone is going to beat Ed White from Perris who took BOTH Bush sisters on their Tandem rides.... can you imagine the evil looks the Secret Service must have been giving him ???? when I read it in the paper I fell over laughing... in the early 80's in Perris we called him (sorry Ed) 'DeadHead Ed' when he was 17/18 and pretty much acting it... like the time he started his own Bandit AFF school right at Perris ... ooh did he get busted (and grounded) .. hahahah
  20. yuh that were me... there was an old rubber chicken hanging around the loft for months night Mitch Decoteau and some other miscreants stuffed it in my hockey helmet with the legs up thru the holes at the top sides..... next day I saw it, put it on, and it fit !!! me and that chicken made about 200 jumps together before he decomposed... its head was out the front and would blow up in freefall... then on tracking away I'd feel this peck, peck, peck on my goggles ... that chicken was a chicken shit .. always squawking about pull time ..
  21. No, no, no. Football helmets were out by the mid-60s. Very uncool. You want to be be looking for a Bell 500TX motorcycle helmet. Maybe try for a Bell Super Magnum like I used to wear... what ya wanted was the old style, multi piece hockey helmet with all the air passages... the legs of a rubber chicken, dangling jauntily out the holes on top made a dashing fashion statement, but did leave your credibilty in question when arguing he spot with some 'visitor' to the drop zone...
  22. that 'sleazy' bar was the Odyssey ... the most glorious sleazy bar ever... from spring 75 to late 80 i practically lived there.. Steve Fellows (the Jewish Pope AKA LoadToad) and I closed (we were there when they locked up) that bar 96 nights in row ... we kept track after we noticed we had done it for 2 weeks straight and would have kept going but we got to drunk to get to town from the airport on night 97...... tiny bar, cinder block walls, only beer and wine, 1 pool table and a fenced in back yard for 'safety' meetings... Canadians and Brits loved the scuzzy little place.. and it was infested with all the local non-jumping rowdies who weren't allowed to go back to any other z-hills bars ... but oddly enough, every one got along... the locals apparently had declared it a DMZ ... in 4 yrs there I only saw 2 fights (and I was in one of them) and I was ALWAYS there... Jim Kime (the Phantom) taught me how to play pol there and Jerry Cash taught me not to accept deep huffs out of a hash pipe unless you KNOW it's hash that's in the pipe ....
  23. >>Gotcha by a month. Jump #51 Nov 23, 1975. Cutaway from streamer cheapo with double shots. where the hell were you jumping a twill in late 75 ? I was in Nova Scotia, and they weren't terribly modern at the time but they had deemed twills to only be safe enough for packing practice a couple years before that (which makes how I ended up jumping with one even more mysterious) just curious ...