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Everything posted by crustySCSA69

  1. some person's probability of death is 100% some other person's probability of death is 0% there is only 1 way to find out which person you are ....
  2. there you have it, skydiving is the choice of more Pyschotic DeathWish Grandmas than any other sport out there... let that be your guide...
  3. Not the way it stalls and collapses! You try it sometime, I have. I have jumped a Paradactyl. It only stalls and collapses if you are foolish enough to try to flare it! I watched one of Visions land his dactyl at Perris, flaring when he was a foot or 2 off the ground... before his knees finished flexing down, the canopy was a completely wad on the ground behind him ... scariest thing I ever saw on a landing a Dactly is in NO way, shape or form, a round .. to answer the poll, I choose Other.. anything but a 26' round with no holes (except a blow hole in the top to eliminate inversions) is a poorly designed, RubeGoldberg engineered piece of junk that has sacrificed everything about a parachute (opening speed/opening shock/flying speed) for simple flying speed.... and all you boobs have drank the KoolAid (TM Registered)
  4. Will this help your daughter ? No one knows. But personally, way back when, in college, I was in a massive depression (while not actively contemplating checking out, I was certainly trying to figure out if anything was worth anything, and calculating if that was an answer) and a friend who had started jumping told me about a class. So I figured, why not ? At that class (the old days were so much more up front) they said "we'll teach you everything that can go wrong. we'll teach you what to do about it. You may do everything right and still die, if you can't handle that idea you should leave now." Everyone stayed. I had NEVER been in any kind of airplane. I wasn't scared at all, I was just AWED by flight on the way up, I was intrigued by the lunacy of crawling out onto the step (Cessna-182) ... I saw the guy say GO... my fingers were approximately 1 millimeter off the strut when I had the most horrific panic attack I ever had (before or since) and was convinced I had just killed myself ... and was mentally kicking myself hard ... and the parachute opened. A malfunction and I was dead. I realized right away, no matter what was depressing me, I wanted to be ALIVE. I have never thought of, or contemplated checking myself out since (and there have been some pretty bad times in there). This sport will A. not have much of an impact on her at all in the long run or B. change her mind set profoundly I highly recommend you guys go to a smaller DZ (not a Tandem mill, it should have a mix of students and experienced jumpers, but should not be a huge DZ, save that for later). At a smaller dropzone, where everyone has a beer and yaks in the evening, if you and your daughter show up for a second time THAT WILL BE NOTICED. you will have instant, encouraging friends. Give it a shot. Hell, I always wanted to set up an operation that took catatonics up and tandem'd them on out. I feel sure we'd recover some people, I just don't think the legalities could be surmounted.
  5. Nope. Men forced chimps into space regardless of the chimp's desire to go into space. Kinda like Quade's point.... stop kissin quade's ass. whether they were forced or volunteered out of patriotism. the chimps STILL got there first the statement wasn't what WILLING monkeys went into space just like the question for this thread wasn't 'when is someone a risk-aware, responsible skydiver' you exit on your own, pull on your own, you're obviously a skydiver what kind of skydiver you are is another question altogether
  6. so why can't a robot or a chimp be a skydiver ? chimps beat man into space... are you some kind of bigot ?? as far as knowing 'risks and responsibilities' the question wasn't when is someone a GOOD skydiver ...
  7. so what was wrong with the last Equal Rights Amendment ????
  8. when you can exit an airplane BY YOURSELF and activate a parachute to save your ass BY YOURSELF... you are then a skydiver.... which makes a static line student 1/2 of a skydiver, and becomes a complete skydiver on their first clear and pull... and an AFF student is just a student, until they solo.....
  9. Hey nineteen No we got nothing in common No we cant talk at all Please take me along When you slide on down
  10. Just be upfront, strong in your opinions, but considerate of her viewpoint. (and don't let her catch you droppin the roofies in her wine).
  11. Are you a friend of this guy? Did his lawyers ask you to post that bolded part ? Because I have never jumped anything bigger than a Cessna (and we told them don't bother on those) ANYWHERE where they leveled out and cut for a climbing pass. ANYWHERE, EVER. If you want to get out before altitude, they may let you as a courtesy, but they will rarely (never in my experience) level out and give you a cut. It is completely uneccessary. And anyone (of ANY experience beyond student ... meaning even 1 jump past that status) that stands in that door, glances at the tail and doesn't think, I think I'll dive down and out... does not have enough brain matter to be doing this in the first place (ESPECIALLY after being told, DON'T JUMP UP). Take a little responsibility for what you are doing. IF you are that much of a 'nanny' stater ... go play croquet (with soft rubber balls and mallets so no one gets injured).
  12. The picture of her with Bill Booth is mid/late 70's at Z-hills. I was there, and while she spent most of the time sitting in a chair in front of the old z-hills building signing logbooks, I would have guessed her at under 5', absolutely no more than 5'.
  13. my opinion is they A. are trying to gouge you or B. they have joined the 'nanny' state for the 3 year guy, depending on # jumps, it is either too little (same jumps as you) just right or way to much (300+ jumps ?) in northern climes, a 6 month lay-off is not so unusual.. I could see them requiring 1 'Coaching' jump (a lot cheaper for you) and would grumble at 1 AFF, but not too loudly ... but 2 seems excessive to me... try some other dropzone, see what they offer...
  14. Equipment designed in such a way that your body position can actually induce a malfunction. This is progress ???
  15. In the good old days ... unless you were a student (at least 30 sec delays unsupervised... and with 80 jumps today you are not a student) ... any 'climbing pass' was a no-cut, no level affair, if your going to 12.5 and someone's getting out at 9, they were getting out no cut ... I don't think I ever noticed a single one NOT be told to avoid jumping 'UP' and actually encouraged to dive to the lower left of the door opening ... People have hit the tails of DC-3's for christ sake ... this has been known forever.. my first glance out the back on climb convinced me jumping UP was not a good idea and that was at 35 jumps on my second ride on a DC-3 ... it's common sense.... with that attitude, you are a bounce waiting to happen... maybe you will make a mistake, but in this sport, your attitude has to be I WILL NOT MAKE A MISTAKE and do everything in your power to make that so....... he was TOLD .... he's completely to blame .... wouldn't the first solo be at the altitude he does AFF from ??? why would he be doing a Climbing pass here... as opposed to part of the normal, at altitude jump run where he is getting a normal cut and trim position ??? and even if he is getting out on a climbing pass at 20 jumps, after all that training, he should be able to add into his repertoire the simple suggestion DO NOT JUMP up .... what the hell is he doing poised for anyway ??? in the old days your second 30 second delay was a REQUIRED diving exit (where I came from) and once you did one of those, no matter how spectacularly unstable, you never wanted to go poised again, and a proper poised exit should be a simple pivot thru the door , not some athletic leap (which even on a DC-3 is dangerous ... let alone anything else) The whole thing would never have happened if the jumper in question had half of a brain...... I think part of the problem today is everybody stressing the 'Safety' of this sport ... it's dangerous, you can die, ESPECIALLY if you don't pay attention.... this guy learned that and should stay on the ground....he obviously doesn't belong in the air ...
  16. They at least have 1 seat. What's the odds a JEW dropped in the middle of GAZA living longer than 5 minutes, let alone getting a chance to run for a seat ?? Any Jew ??
  17. these critical infrastructure systems are the ones that would need to comply. Not the webserver that I run. It would apply to the root dns servers that are mostly privately owned, also to privately owned network gear on core networks, but not the web, file, mail and other servers on these networks as those are not critical infrastructure. Exact same mistake as the other guy, YOU interpret it this way ... that doesn't mean THEY interpret it this way ... and even if they did.... they simply create a 'problem' in one of their own servers, force route thru your servers... and then declare it part of the 'critical infrastructure information systems and networks' AND ANYTHING touching that server... is now also 'critical' because it may affect the server THEY are routing thru .... which means YOUR PC is now part of the 'critical infrastructure'. I know, now your gonna tell me they are all honorable people and would NEVER twist the definition like that ... I contend, they will twist it at the very first opportunity
  18. hahahahahahahahahah ... I spit crap out my nose on that one ... do you REALLY believe that ??? and ... you keep describing YOUR version of relevant ... that doesn't mean that's the Gov's version of relevant ... after all, they defined incredible abuse, that if you did it to a dog, they themselves would mob you and beat you, as 'enhanced interrogation' ... they'll 'interpret' relevant to be anything they want...
  19. fair enough ... all extraneous data removed .. (In Reply To) Why should anyone oppose this bill? What, specifically, don't you like about it? ------------------------------------------------------- let's see ... from an earlier post quoting the bill.. "(1) shall have access to all relevant data concerning such networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access;" so who defines 'relevant' ??? you later define it as network structure... good, we'll put you in charge, but you're not in charge .... does the term 'plumbers' mean anything to you (were you even born then ??) this allows abuse of anyone's rights by anyone who wants to interpret it in the 'correct' way --------------------------------------------------------- maybe relevant is EVERY site you have ever visited and EVERY post you ever made ANYWHERE and all because some Gov-bot spotted a phrase (perhaps totally irrelevant to anything) that was flagged to catch.. that wouldn't be my relevant but it seems to have been Mr. Nixons's and is DEFINITELY Mr. Arpaio's (edited to add this which is univerally relevant) and we'll end with that radical leftist bastard, Benjamin Franklin 'he who is willing to sacrifice Liberty for Safety deserves neither'
  20. I am in AZ... I read about a local company (you'll get the time reference soon) that was interviewed in the local paper .. they were one of 2 companies in the country that 'armored up' HumVees when asked if they were swamped, they stated, no, we're running at about 50%.... 6 months later (and many dead Humvee riders) Rummy states (in Iraq) ..'We go to war with tghe army we have' ... well, yeah, if your attacked, otherwise, if you don't build the 'Army you need' you're a dumb shit.. 6 months later I read that armored Humvees are 'finally' starting to flood into Iraq... so for 2 year (leading up to invasion and after) , with people getting maimed and killed ... this company was waiting to 'armor up' more HumVees so what was the problem ?? it took a year to get the right political persuasion middleman in place before the orders could flow ???
  21. let's see ... from an earlier post quoting the bill.. "(1) shall have access to all relevant data concerning such networks without regard to any provision of law, regulation, rule, or policy restricting such access;" so who defines 'relevant' ??? you later define it as network structure... good, we'll put you in charge, but you're not in charge .... does the term 'plumbers' mean anything to you (were you even born then ??) this allows abuse of anyone's rights by anyone who wants to interpret it in the 'correct' way ... and if you don't agree with the 'correct' way ... you obviously never went to YALE/HARVARD (or own an oil company, or 'steward' a large corporation) and should be subject to immediate investigation under the 'Patriot' act ... up to and including 'enhanced' interrogation .... the entire NET should go under PKE (public key encryption) right now... you have to publish the keys ... but if we all did, they'd spend ALL their time finding them .... but, we it to catch terrorists .... oh, and when you start worrying I'm a 'bleeding heart liberal' ... I am, without the 'bleeding heart' for instance, next time they ID a suicide bomber (NO matter where he is from) ... within 1 month, ID every single relative, right down to 5th cousins ... and then lob about 500 cruise missiles out there to all locations ... next day and every day after ... no more suicide missions (perhaps a little flapdoodle on the diplomatic front, but too bad) the allies beat the Japanese in 45 (a dedicated, nation-wide suicide cult) with 3 simple operational rules 1. they had the WILL to kill them all 2. they had the MEANS to kill them all 3. they were actively killing them all (please refer to documentation of incendiary raids thru out Japan.. make no mistake... they were ready to kill them all ... NO suicidal nutcase will continue if he knows your response is to kill everybody he is related to and everybody they ever met ... then HIS act ... condemns many ... and they stop NOTHING else works and we'll end with that radical leftist bastard, Benjamin Franklin 'he who is willing to sacrifice Liberty for Safety deserves neither'
  22. my sympathies... I could understand in some other forum ... but Speaker's Corner ... do these people even know what that name means and where it came from ??? It should be renamed ... Rant and Rave ... and a new Forumn started called 'Speaker's Corner-Enter At Own Risk' hell, we sign waivers saying go ahead kill me, I won't bother you... what's a few words in the great scheme of things ???
  23. What a great topic !!! What a lack of knowledge !!! ANY company in Germany was benefiting from, at least., 'forced labor' Werner Von Braun laid the foundation for the trip to the moon on the backs of thousands upon thousands of forced laborers (see Peenemunde). Someone said, you'd do it if your alternative was a bullet. The average guard/executioner could ask for a transfer AT ANY TIME, no questions asked, no stain on their record. Please read something on the EinzatsGruppen (spelling?) .. they followed the initial invasion of Poland and Russia and shot HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS ... this was not faceless gassing in a concentration camp... this was blasting away, right there, with blood spraying all over you. They moved to ovens and such because the shooting was just not efficient. The Einzatsgruppen was ... what ? dedicated Nazi idealogue nutcases?? NO ... it was overwhelmingly normal German Policemen who got called up for 'special' duty ... they could ask to leave at ANY time with no questions asked, the government documents clearly laid that out... they knew it was nasty and DID NOT FORCE ANYONE to stay ... by all accounts, many of them got drunk... a lot... but figured it was their 'duty'., so very few (they documented cases of some that did) transferred out... they should have hung every last one of them ...