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Everything posted by hallux

  1. why do you think thats my job? Since when do fun jumpers at a DZ have to do work like that? I dont put any up and I dont take any down but once again what does that have to do with lease agreements on federally funded airports? Any more brain busters Mr. off topic guy?
  2. wow! thanks for telling me the difference between tandem and solo Just so you know tandems arent always more heavily loaded. and high winds versus well organized night jumps is a matter of opinion and experience. I believe they can be close to the same playing field. I mean you just used wingloading and experience to justify tandems in higher winds. I believe the same could be done for night jumps. You just made my point for me.
  3. LMAO I assure you this issue is the last thing i will worry myself with. YOu still hung up on stickers? LOL! are you bent on turning this thread into personal attacks too? Such a child
  4. no private business on public airport???? Its a aeronautical business and therefore has a place on the airport. The FAA will have a field day with those statements!
  5. the fact that wind limits are different for solo students and tandem "students" clearly shows that the USPA and every reasonable human on earth makes a distinction between REAL students and tandem "students". If a experienced instructor is trusted with making his own wind limits then why not trusted to do a night tandem. High winds are more dangerous than well planned night jumps.
  6. Nice! now you just made a group of people at that DZ think that skyride ripped off someone in the area. You misrepresented yourself and skyride. Thats called fraud.
  7. WOW people have sunk to a new low. Now slandering people by name by posting totally irrelevant and unsubstantiated claims. Fincher and Owen made fat jokes????? WOW they must be horrible people. Its not like everyone in the world, including most every comedy on TV uses obesity as a punch line. I'm sure no other jumpers at any DZ would ever make such comments in jest. I'm sure every tandem guy everywhere sees a big person walk in and thinks "God I hope they arent here to jump" and then they make jokes about it later. What a new low.....personal attacks over totally normal human behavior. I'm guessing the OP has never made a fat joke or joked about anyones appearance? The hipocracy here is a joke. Earlier Driver1 told jumpdude to not get on here and talk about his illegal demos. He told him to just lie about it so he didnt open himself up to attacks. He told him he should have reworded it so as not to give himself away. Yet these are the same people that actively seek out any offense they can that is perpetrated by a staff member at a ASC dropzone. Yet they just proved that they are made of the same material. Did something that was against the "rules" and will sweep it under the blanket. Isnt that SKYDIVINGs nature?? We are all skydivers and picking peoples life and words apart just because of where they jump is uncalled for and quite frankly its detrimental to the sport. Just as much as skyride has been. I guess I will never understand why people feel the need to drag jumpers and staff into these arguments. I'm quite sure that the jumpers at these DZ's choose to jump there for reasons that are more honorable than you give credit for. They cant all be vicious heartless evil people. I actually doubt someone of that description would be accepted in that group. I'm sure its lke any DZ, and they have a strong family like bond and jumping/working with thier friends means more to them than the morality of the owner. Would you sacrifice your relationships over something a stranger was doing in another state? THINK ABOUT IT! Who ever wants to leave their home DZ and the people that they started jumping with? Its not easy to turn your back on something you have worked hard to build. It IS A RELATIONSHIP. I'm sure the staff gets aggrevated with skyride too. But maybe they want to work to change it. Scams arent happening at the DZ. Scams are happening in states where there arent DZ's to accept GC's. Thats where the skyride battle should be focused. Anyway thats just my opinion, but its based off what I know about these people and what I've seen and experienced in my life. By the way, From driver1's sig line I would say they obviously make fun of customers at his DZ too.....I mean havent we all???
  8. actually night tandems arent illegal. And do you really want to get into that? I see that the USPA has been thinking about revising the the rules to allow tandems up to twilight. Which is what most DZ's do already. I dont know that AST has ever done night tandems, or twilight tandems. I know when I have been there they have been very strict about clouds and legal sunset. Maybe its because some douche bags got them in trouble once over it...I dont know. Once again though that is self-righteous of you to judge the jumpers at the DZ. From what i can tell they are just like jumpers at any other DZ. This is what makes you guys look so low-life. Going after the jumpers thinking it effects skyride or cary is just pathetic. Last I heard your playground down there in Cullman did night tandems quite frequently, not to mention some other shit they do, just as most DZ's do. Why do you single out the actions at AST? How about a DZ you jump at? Do you want me to talk about the shit I've seen going on there? Or what about how the owner of that DZ has fucked over skydiving with the way he has handled himself in the aviation business. Do you think wrecking someones plane then walking away from it and denying involvement is a upstanding business man? I guess you do since you give him your money everytime you jump there. HYPOCRITES!! Thats all you are. The lowest of the low is to bash the jumpers at that DZ when they are no different from any other jumper out there. In some cases better. They are definately dedicated and hard working. Lots of this reminds me of 4th grade. Its like you are a little tattle teller running to the teacher hoping it will make you feel better cause you have no friends. I can hear it now in 4th grade voice. exclaiming! "MR Johnson! Mr. Johnson! they did night tandems they did night tandems" As you hide in your basement behind your computer so far removed from the reality of the sport that its sad. Maybe we have made a breakthrough.. You are upset by removal and lack of involvement from the sport, so now you just want to start trouble cause its the only thing you can do to feel like you are part of the sport still. Go find a new hobby. If you dont have time or desire to skydive any more then quit feeling like you have the right to influence it. Go find a new hobby and broaden your horizon instead of degrading yourself by reveling in your fading relevance in the sport of skydiving
  9. well im not backing anyone. Not sure why you guys think any other opinion is automatically backing skyride. I'm just tryin to look at it from a fair non-biased view point. Its you that are so blinded by quick judgement and past actions that you cant see things from more than one dimension. skyride has done some wrong things but they have also been hammered for some things that they didnt deserve. Lots of which are things that are in the past. Things that have recently or long been corrected. Your lashing out at me reflects your personality perfectly. FANATIC. Quit frankly, anyone that has put this much dedication to attacking some skydiving company, is probably a miserable person on the inside. All this effort for what? In the end what did you accomplish with your life? You destroyed something? some little miniscule thing that most people never heard of. I have to wonder about people that spend their free time pursuing this. What a waste of life! There are so many other great things and ways to spend your limited time on. In the end even if you win against skyride you are still the loser. Because its you that wasted your life and dedicated your effort to something that doesnt mean shit in the "big picture". Ask yourself this...."How much have I payed skyride?" With your time? with your effort? with your attention and focus? Just think of all the things that would have been better to focus on. You are consumed with the negative. That is not a good trait. I read these threads and I feel sorry for you. I try to bring this to light to help you.
  10. skydiving Nashville is in russellville Kentucky according to this site http://www.nashvilleskydiving.org/ which apparently is closed and has since dedicated its site to slandering the "other" place. The site is full of "grammatical entertainment". Asc claims that skydiving in/around Nashville can be done in Waverly, TN. where is skydive Chicago?? I found one in Ottawa.
  11. sorry you think it was a amateurish threat but I didnt mean it like that. I'm not sure what "you guys rock" is even suppose to mean. I guess you think I'm a "ASC guy". Personally I dont care that much and I believe you shouldnt judge people till you walk in thier shoes. I'm sure both sides of this argument have done childish and shitty things. Thats what happens when people focus on negativity. You obviously see things how you want to see them and are looking to be argumentative so I will leave this forum. I dont even know Billy except what I've seen on here. Thanks Billy for explaining your involvement with ASC and doing it in a reasonable, and civil manner.
  12. if he has over a 1000 tandems and he sucks that bad then he is a retard plain and simple. Most likely there is no hope for him because after 1000 jumps he should have figured it out by now or at least realized his retardedness and quit. Is he too stupid to be scared of his consistent lack of competance? Tandems are not that hard. What kind of aircraft is it? Did he recently go from big turbine doors to cessna wiggle and squirm out? I certainly hope that your evaluation of his skills are way misrepresting the truth of the matter.
  13. personally I think the weather insurance or big plane stuff is more rumor and myth than anything. Im sure started by gossip and probably evolved on this site. If there is any truth to it I would think it was a long time ago. If by big plane you mean extra altitude then yes I believe that is the policy, but then again a lot of DZ's charge for different altitudes. For Billy's sake I hope there wasnt a high interest rate policy in the waiver about unpaid balances. I was kind of surprised to hear that Billy jumped there??? Is that true?
  14. i love how you guys took the light off a potentially serious tandem situation and turned this into a kangaroo court about how he shouldnt exit after the tandem. Apparently he made the right choice since the TI opened lower than him. HAHA I'm just glad you guys havent started dragging the DZ through the mud yet like you would if it was some other DZ's. Maybe the tandem rating is too easy to get? why dont we start a thread in instructors forum talking about that easy ass rating? Shouldnt a tandem rating be harder than AFF? Afterall you are directly resposible for a tandem student. An AFF has some personal responsibility. Or maybe everyone should show how smart they are by continuing to belittle the new guy with 33 jumps
  15. what in the world are you talking about? I mean I understand the question, I'm just trying to figure out what situation is going to force you to put your parachute through those conditions? the simple answer is stay away from intense radiation and there is no good reason to expose your gear to it either.
  16. what part was the scam? I missed it.
  17. people who seek to banning things as a reasonable response are usually dangerous narrow minded people who seek to control instead of being enlightened individuals who view the rights of others as sacred neccessities in order to have quality of life. Swooping is dangerous. everyone knows it. especially those that participate in it. they dont need you pushing to ban things. If they are willing to accept the known risk then who are you to say differently?? how would you feel if someone said to ban all of skydiving because its dangerous? You would think that was outrageous and you would be angry that someone was trying to make that decision to influence your life and your passions. What made you feel like you should speak up here? what was the motivation? Are you scared of death? Do you want attention? Do you feel like no one has the right to die in pursuit of ones passion? Only a childish confused fool demonizes a natural event such as death. Swooping didnt happen here...nature happened. To live and die in the moment is a measure of true enlightenment. Perhaps you should review your role in life and what is important to you and stop trying to inflict others with your egotistical opinion. We are creatures of nature and nature is of God. With our birth we have certain rights. One of which is the right to self enrichment and to make ouselves happy while not hurting others. Your self-enrichment obviously comes from tearing things apart, control, and destruction. There are others through history that thought like that....I dont think i need mention them. however, I a slightly guilty of this too. For I wish i could ban ignorant knee-jerk reactions from people that have no modesty for their own role, nor respect for their fellow man and the path he wishes to follow. Please take some time to think about your stupid post and reflect upon your own life and how you would like to be treated and respected as a being and a man that can make his OWN decisions for his OWN life. Then apply that to your attitude about others lives
  18. ARe you serious? Obviously the site was built as a joke. Probably meant as a prank on the people whos pictures appear on the page. I think you are a little obsessed with thinking everything is a scam. To be honest, the more you express yourself, the more you continue to discredit yourself. I have gathered a different picture of you then i originally had. Your radical hyper-focus on the negative is concerning. After reading your recent admissions of doing illegal demos and not giving a crap then I would say that you have little room to talk about others that might do wrong. Not only do your over the line, unjustified actions against skyride dropzones hurt the sport. But apparently so do your personal skydiving activities. How current were you when you did these demos??
  19. I dont think that bringing aircrat into this is legit argument unless negligence was involved. if a company knowingly put customers in danger by placing them in a illegally flying airplane then i would say that was worse than some misleading advertising. I'm sure if customers knew the condition of the plane that they would gladly drive past that DZ to go to one that is at least flying a legal plane. Im not sure the details here but i do believe someone referenced a NTSB report one time that revieled this act. Misleading advertising doesnt kill people. The way I understand it the airplane in question did eventually crash. Luckily it was after jumpers had left and only minor injury to the pilot. I believe that really hurts the credibility of the people making acussations against the so called "skyride" DZ in Tn. If they lie about the basic maintaince of their aircraft then they would definately lie about the activities of a new DZ in the area. Like I said earlier, looks like a bunch of jumpers that are a product of a failure. So its sour grapes time. Can anyone INTELLIGENTLY argue this logic?? And once again skyride has no doubt done its share of shady behavior but can anyone tell me how attacking a DZ will help do anything to skyride? Im sure legally it is two seperate companies. Also can anyone tell me how this DZ is scamming? And I dont mean speculating or predicting what the future will hold. THis is really juvenile and seems to be a strange way to spend your life. there are better things to do with your life then create trouble for people and be hateful. I feel sorry for all that obcess over this ridiculous miniscule part of life and this world. I assure you there are greater things in life to worry about.
  20. So let me get this right. So far the DZ has not shown any intentional malice or "scamming". But you are out to stop them because you speculate that eventually they will start scamming people?? Sorry but that makes no sense. I dont think that your speculation on possible future activities of a DZ is good cause to harrass them. It actually might land you in some trouble at some time. How much of this negative press is spurred by you? Do you contact news stations? I mean im just guessing you do. Think of it this way. If they are successful without scamming then why would they start? Especially knowing that they will instantly be exposed. Also after all the legal trouble do you think its possible they are going to do things right eventually. I mean since they know they cant get away with it any more. My point is that you are attacking a DZ before it even does anything. You are pre-accussing them. That makes no sense and doesnt ad any credibility to your claims. All these years people want skyride associated businesses to clean up. So when do they get a fair chance to do so? Saying they will start scamming later is not a valid reason to smear a DZ. Quite frankly it sounds totally illogical and unreasonable. Like i said you guys are losing me on this particular skyride argument
  21. it was a sweet move. way to try to be creative. Is it in the rules that you cant do that? Is it verified that the pilot didnt know? he was a local right. so maybe he flew with this pilot alot. whatever the case... it was awesome. News flash!! skydivers climb on shit! and there are dangers involved. We can all come up with a dangerous scenario for any situation
  22. well I dont disagree with you about all the aspects of skyride. But i disagree with you about the validity of your claims about the DZ in the nashville area. I dont see how someone that is not personally involved nor has witnessed anything first hand can speak intelligently or accurately about the actions or intentions of a DZ. I guess we will just disagree on this aspect of the skyride family of businesses. It seems to me that even if skyride or any Cary owned businesses tries to do something legitimate that you guys will not praise them for it. Or even recognize a legitimate attempt to "clean" a business. You only try to twist it into something that its not. Just looks a little dirty to me. Maybe you should consider that perhaps your actions have helped force a clean up. That is a victory! Your push to further pursue a legit DZ is tacky and juvenile. Plus it hurts the sport. It looks a lot like jealousy at this point. From the previous bickering between you and the AST people it is implied that you are associated wit a competing DZ in the area that might have failed. Is this about skyride or is it sour grapes??
  23. well I know alot of DZ's that advertise 4-5 hrs away. the website says the location. well I looked and i think it says Clarksville. They are now in waverly it looks like. But the two are only like 30 miles apart according to google maps. so not really deceiving. Probably just lazy to change the site. I think earlier some staff said they drove 5 hrs to work. So its not like they ask anyone to do something they wont do themselves. I dont blame them for emailing the reporter. If they felt lied about i'm sure they are upset and they should email her. I dont think a few internet savvy people are the only ones capable of using a email account. Perhaps a lot of jumpers there really feel wronged and are passionate about this. Hardly think this is a juvenile act. Apparently you emailed her too Billyvance so is that juvenile as well? I think the jumpers at that location have every right to voice thier dislike. And defend "their" side of the story. If you dont believe that then why do you feel you have the right to contact her. Afterall were you affected by it? Obviously you dont jump there so I dont see where your involvement is more justified than theirs. Seriously....I was kind of with you guys on this skyride thing but after seeing more of your arguments and post, Im starting to think that the only ones that are juvenile are........well......I think you know what im saying.