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  1. im all for raising the requirments as far as jump numbers and difficulty of the course. their is another coach at my dz who cant remember any regulations reguarding students and always has to ask. makes you think was he not paying attention in the class room or did they just skip a bunch of things to get get the course over with faster.
  2. so i just thought of another question, it was probably 2 summers ago now, he had some sort of a malfunction when he went to pull the drogue release. the drogue was gone, it had ripped somewere on the briddle.. so the question is. could that be caused do to him throwing it at higher speeds since he tumbles which he builds up speed quickly and then throwing it unstable? seems like that could be really hard on the gear. or am i just over thinking things.
  3. Is he wearing kneepads? yes he is wearing knee pads lol.. he also wears a rib protector ment for Qauter backs, cuz his landing have him landing on top of students every once and a while
  4. thanks for the tip about zoomin in a notch. i had just got a hd .3 lens a few months ago i love it compaired to my .5 yes he really has that many tandems. he took his girlfriend as his passenger on his 1000th tandem 2 summers ago now. his body position is the same on every tandem. i watch him teach the students to arch on the ground so i know he knows how. do you guys think he could get in a side spin if he just throws the drogue no matter what? im glad i posted the vid and now have positive reinforcement that its a scary thing.
  5. ok so i put 2 exits together 1st 2 i found in my video libery, they happen to be pretty recent. as you can see his body position isnt even what we teach tandem students, infact the opposite. so let me know what you guys think http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TN4Vhzb_Xqs
  6. so i was thinking, if the T.I says to f*^$ off, what would be the best thing if the DZO doesnt do much in defense of him needing the T.I to do the work.
  7. thanks for all the great input. this is why i havent said anything yet cause i feel he will think i have no buisness saying anything, he has been jumping for 20 years, all at the same dz. he has probaly close to 3500 jumps, and all the tandems are out of a cessna. i know its not just my observation, me and the other camera guy have talked about it. with how long he has been doing it has given him the role as the primary T.I so i didnt even think about the dangers tell another T.I saw one of my videos and pointed out how he deployed his drogue unstable.. thats when i realized the other T.Is never throw the drogue unstable. im no T.I so this why i asked, i dont know if anyone has pointed it out to S&TA or DZO before, so i am glad i seeked advice here before doing anything. once again thanks for all the positive input
  8. good idea, this T.I has over a 1000 tandems. his unstabilty is in his exit and usually its the drogue that gets him stable.
  9. so seeing the other thread on T.I. and doing dangerous stuff. i was wondering what you guys can give some insight or imput into soething that ive seen happen fairly frequently. i go to do a tandem video and one certain T.I has got me flying in all body positions to stay with him as he tumbles out of the plane flipping at least once but ive seen up to 3 times. ive also watched him pitch the drogue unstable on a regular basis, including a couple times were he stopped flipping and was on his back and used it to flip him to his belly. im not a S&TA but this seems like it could also be pretty dangerous, am i wrong? i fear the drogue wrapping around him or his student. sorry in advance for poor spelling ect.
  10. tat2guy

    Freefly suit

    i just got my deep seed free fly suit in march and love it. it only took just over 2 weeks to get to me after i ordered it, and the fit is amazing. the suit also is made of a very durable material. the prices are also resonable. and customer service is a A +. i will definetly buy their suits again.
  11. thanks guys, i ordered the cookie helmat. i guess the turn around time is fairly quick. i will post back with my thoughts.
  12. im looking at buying a new camera helmet to go with the cx 100. i am debating between the rawa and cookie camera helmets. just looking for any input you guys may have, and see what you guys prefer. thanks in advance.
  13. great idea this is what i will do... thanks guys
  14. hello everyone, i have been jumping with just a video camera for quite some time now and i am thinking of adding a still camera. i have a sony alpha 300 i use for work and was wondering if any has jumped a sony alpha, and what bite or tongue switch i would need since i dont believe it has the same plug as a cannon or nikkon.