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Everything posted by hwt

  1. And all that clueless right wing conservatives do is wallow in their ignorance and repeat the talking points provided by their leaders. ShrubCo, et al, raised the debt ceiling SEVEN TIMES in eight years. Borrowed trillions for invasions and occupations, AKA, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, while CUTTING TAXES FOR THE EXTREMELY WEALTHY!!! How do you think that we got where we are now? Rescumlicans borrowing money and spending it like drunken sailors, starting in 1980 with Ronald Reagan. You whining sacks of shit can go to hell. Obama is playing politics perfectly. He has been ready, willing and able to compromise. He has led the Rescumlican leaders into a trap. He has them pinned like the RATS that they are. Now he is turning up the political heat by holding the Republicans accountable for their indefensible political position on this matter. All of the sacfifice to "fix" the budget deficit cannot be on the backs of the poor, the young, and the elderly, unless you are a real asshole, and support really assholistic politics. SHARED SACRIFICE, starting with those that have had a gravy train for the past nine years, will get us out of this mess. If you right wing shitheads don't pull your heads out of your asses and start being patriotic, for real, the scumbags you elected will drive the country off the financial cliff. ____________________________________________ You closed minded fool, I HATED BUSH for that very reason . SO your answer is "since he did it , Its ok for my president no matter haw bad he is... All he wants is his agenda no matter haw bad it is for this country wake up . looks like the union schools taught you how to think.
  2. http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/07/Obama-Debt-dispute-threatens-Social-Security-176615/1 President Obama said today he can't guarantee that Social Security checks will go out after Aug. 2, unless Congress agrees to increase the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling. "This is not just a matter of Social Security checks," Obama also told CBS News. "These are veterans' checks; these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out." _______________________________________ Yes America this is our leader in action. This country is on the verge of economic ruin and all we get from him is political bullshit... He acts like the American people are too stupid to understand anything... We do not understand that Obama has control of the purse strings. Well, I for one understand that to borrow and spend on big banks , unions , auto companies, failed policies and SHOVEL READY JOBS which were (not so shovel ready) is failed policy. . I understand that quantitative easing #1 and #2 robbed all of us as the value of the dollar shrinks . I understand that if we don't change course our AAA bond rating will be lowered ... and all this CLOWN does is play politics.
  3. hwt


    That depends: are you a republican or a democrat? Congrats on your first jump. but It hurts so good.
  4. _______________________________________ Ron wants to put security in the hands of the airline, not the airport and that is the whole point with the free market that America has... I could always go fly another airline.
  5. If anyone does this , they should be prosecuted including George Soros, Bush and Obama.
  6. that's not 'fair' we should pass a law against that type of discrimination against bad schools - it's not the fault of the kids, it's the schools not getting enough money
  7. Who was doing airport security on September 11th 2001 again??? The way the government has enacted this new system is pretty much a cluster fuck.. since for the most part all they did was hire the same mediocre morons who were doing it before. If they want to do it right.. turn it over to the Israeli's and let them run it. _________________________________________ Everyone here should know how i feel about that socialist, Bush... I hate homeland security.... just another big government program .
  8. My prediction is Obamacare is doomed to fail . 1. Supreme court 5-4 decision 2. 2012 when the Republicans take the senate and White house.
  9. To elaborate... the problem with the analogy is that you don't go to school to get grades, you go to school to get an education. If you were to audit a class and do all the same coursework/studying as if you were enrolled, you won't get a grade but you'll learn the same stuff. The grade is just a measuring stick of what you're getting out of the class, it's like a receipt. In contrast, you go to work for money. Social programs redestribute money not a measuring stick of how much money you got out of having worked. You don't collect up the receipts for all the cool stuff wealthy people are able to buy and give them to poor people, that'd be completely asinine. If the analogy was an announcement that there were plans to redistribute "learning" then it would at least sort of work, but that's nonsensical, this isn't The Matrix. Grades in themselves are not a finite resource. They are simply a measure of quality. If 100 people do a great job and get A's that has no impact on the grade's value. If 10 do a great job, 30 do average, 40 below average and 20 poor and they still all get A's the value of the grade is basically nullified. I f you get average grades you will not be going to Harvard or Yale or any of the other elite schools who look very close at your grades and you will not have the earning potential a Harvard Grad would have... nice try
  10. They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin http://video.foxnews.com/v/1044166865001/ron-pauls-push-to-privatize-airport-security/ I like Ron Paul and i share his view . get the government out !
  11. _____________________________________ One of the main points that the little girl mentioned that all of the progressives failed to see. The more you take, the less a person will be inclined to produce....At what percentage of a rich person's income should the progressives refrain from stealing any more ? Do you do as Hitler did and take it all ? We need a flat tax ...
  12. You liberals are great... not one of you makes any comment other than it is old ... Well a little girl seems to understand how unfair it is, and you liberals have nothing to say? It shows how fair you closed minded liberals are.
  13. If he'd taken a real major he'd be credible Obama does not want anyone to see his records...
  14. Sure they do. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2011/06/30/hln-wins-total-day-cable-news-ratings-for-wednesday-june-29-2011/97034/ _____________________________________________ Who would want to watch a bunch of one sided morons ...I won't watch Hannity for that reason. At least on fox they have opposing viewpoints. Well, on Morning Joe, Pat Buchanan is a regular, and he's very conservative. Plus, Joe Scarborough is a former Republican Congressman with solid conservative credentials, whose district comprised the very-conservative Florida Panhandle. Mika's probably pretty liberal; but frankly, nobody really lets her talk much. My in-laws watch Fox News all the time, so it's inflicted upon me pretty often. I virtually never hear a liberal, or even a moderate, view get any kind of fair airing on Fox. From my POV, Fox is 99.9% one-sided. ___________________________________________ In a stunning rejection of network news and nightly news anchors, cable news, driven by the Fox News Channel and mouthy Bill O'Reilly, is now the top most trusted source—by a mile. In a new poll from Boston's Suffolk University, more than a quarter of the nation says Fox is tops when it comes to who they trust the most and O'Reilly is the most believable. "This poll shows two things: first, the network news have completely lost their brand. Second, the only network with any intensity is Fox News," says Brent Bozell, president of the conservative Media Research Center. "Bottom line: the more they attack Fox, the stronger it is getting," http://gprs.cwmobile.comwww.mocospace.com/wap2/forum/forum_topic-view.jsp?topicid=2212777
  15. http://youtu.be/FnLp6V1HDW0 By Marc Watterson Great news everybody! Inspired by the ideas of presidential candidate Barack Obama, your local school district has announced a radical idea that is going to change the world! The hard work and effort of those who have struggled through their education to get the best grades possible now have the opportunity to give back. For you who have worked hard and are getting A's and A-'s, you will now receive a B+! Have no fear, this is in no way degrading your efforts! Rather, this will be for the benefit of all your classmates as no child will be left behind. Your grades are now being deducted and the difference is being given to those who receive D's and F's so that every student will pass with at least a C! After all, how unfair is it to label some of your classmates as failures? Just because they don't see the need for studying or putting much effort into their education doesn't mean it's their fault. And so, in an effort to promote equality among students, there will now be a redistribution of grades. In this system, each student passes regardless of effort or intelligence gained. Now, don't let this deter those of you who go the extra mile in trying to learn, there's still plenty of incentive for you to try and get better grades! You must always remember that your efforts no longer just concern you and your aspirations. Your fellow students now depend on you to get them to the finish line, whether they jog there of their own accord or you have to drag them, kicking and screaming, to graduation. The success of this program depends on you! The greatest impact this new program will have is in the workplace! You see, this program is also being implemented in colleges and universities all across the nation! Students will now, more than ever, depend on the efforts of these A students to get them their passing grades in every class. Again, regardless of effort, everyone receives a passing grade in classes of higher learning. This will be the same in trade, law, medical and graduate schools as well! Think of it, there will never be a labor shortage again as an influx of "passing" workers flood the market! Sure, there might be a rise in flooded basements and guilty persons going free as otherwise incompetent employees are now given positions of trust in society. But at least we can rest assured every night knowing that despite our intellectual mistakes at work, there were those out there who were willing to sacrifice their hard-earned grades so we could pass every year in school. Doesn't this sound fair? Why on earth wouldn't it be all right to take the hard-earned efforts of individuals and give the rewards of their labors to others instead? Why? Because this is America! This is where the dream still exists that through grit and determination, a man might change the stars and the world around him. This is the land where the ideals of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" remain a noble individual task, not a governmental duty. Barack Obama would have the American people, us, believe that it is up to the government to provide the roof over our head, the food on our table, and the clothes on our backs. He suggests that it has always been government's responsibility to do this but that the American people, since the conception of the Constitution, have been blinded by their desire to work hard and enjoy the fruits of their labors. Instead, he contends that it's government's job to take these hard-earned fruits and give them to everyone who refused to work hard, if at all. Obama is no Robin Hood. Business owners, Hollywood and sports stars and other wealthy individuals are no Prince Johns. And we, the American public, are no impoverished citizens of Sherwood Forest. If anything, Obama would have the government take the role of Prince John, while wearing the mask of Robin Hood. However, depriving us of our incentive to work hard and hindering our ability to progress would indeed make us a sorrowful and impoverished people. Is this the future we want? Are these proposals really fair? Do we really believe these ideas are in our and our children's best interest? Make your vision for the future clear, vote on Tuesday and get involved! Marc Watterson is a double major in communications and political science from Wanship. http://newsnet.byu.edu/story.cfm/70048
  16. Just look at Greece and tell me that America needs public sector unions...
  17. _______________________________________________ No matter which party you are in , you have to admit that Reagan had the people in mind and he demonstrated a respect for the office he held . He was a man who brought people together unlike our current so-called leader who has his party and the unions in mind...
  18. _______________________________________________ The war on drugs is already lost.. I am sick of any money being used to make criminals out of drug users. prohibition does not work and neither does socialism...
  19. Sure they do. http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2011/06/30/hln-wins-total-day-cable-news-ratings-for-wednesday-june-29-2011/97034/ _____________________________________________ Who would want to watch a bunch of one sided morons ...I won't watch Hannity for that reason. At least on fox they have opposing viewpoints.
  20. _____________________________________________ You are exactly right...Those lazy ass union workers are taking money from the average workers... tax payers ( many who make 20- 40 k a year have to support these union leaches. Unions make up about 10% of the work force so don't say they are the average worker... Ban all public sector unions period...
  21. I guess the same example our congress critters make when they break (also written as "brake" in some of the forums here) the laws they write. Oh no that could never happen http://www.republicanoffenders.com/DUI.html If you think for one minute that homosexuality or alcoholism is a partisan issue , then you are even dumber than you sound...
  22. hwt

    Is Obama gay?

    How can anyone trust them? They could be 'acting'! Chuck __________________________________________ please show us where you got your sources from or are you one of those who would rather make shit up.
  23. everything is going overseas because the business enviroment here is not good. even parts of the new oakland san fran bay bridge is being made in china and shipped here. how can it be cheaper to build in china and ship here? maybe the gov and unions? _____________________________________________ As someone who has been associated with manufacturing for 47+ years i can say . the liberal government did this with the regulations ( more coming folks ) , the unions and the democrats= more taxes = less business + more cost more regulations = less business + more cost bigger government = less business + more cost more regulations... get the picture ? I can not buy the raw product ( steel and aluminum ) as cheap as China can produce and ship the finished product . wake up America stop bigger government.