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Everything posted by hwt

  1. Sweet jesus, you couldn't follow that simple train of thought and you're calling him a moron? Wow. 57 + 1 + 2 = 60. Meaning the mistake was saying 57 instead of 47. Which is obviously incredibly embarrassing, but also obviously a simple slip of the tongue and not indicative of any gap in knowledge. ____________________________________________ Let me see if i am getting this right... I am the moron because i cannot figure out what this Clown is saying?... i heard the clown say there were 57 states, this statement is incorrect. he then said he had one more to go making the total 58... this statement is incorrect. After that it really does not matter whether or not he forgot Alaska / Hawaii because none of the answers Obama said were correct . And you are trying to who the moron ? Nice try...
  2. Actually he said there were 60 in total. Funny how all 3 of you who have called Obama a moron for getting that wrong have got that wrong. ______________________________________________ http://youtu.be/EpGH02DtIws http://youtu.be/ThEAO0lt4Dw Here, you can watch the clown perform for yourself. Exactly. 60 in total. Although I know it sounds better to claim he said there were 57 states. 57 instead of 50 vs 57 instead of 47 is more of a random number and less obviously a simple mistatement. First O bozo said that he visited all 57 states , then he said he had 1 more to go making the total 58 he then said something about Alaska / Hawaii to be honest i am not sure if he forget to add them or what he was saying ...at any rate this clown was not even close to the right answer.
  3. http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/politics/7958-obama-signs-agenda-21-related-executive-order the executive-order Obama recently signed is even more troubling
  4. hwt

    Is Obama gay?

    http://fellowshipofminds.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/mom-of-murdered-obama-gay-lover-speaks-up/ PS. I took this as a joke...
  5. ___________________________________________ Last budget i heard, Obama asked for 3.8 trillion for one year... that is almost twice the amount of total worth of those rich people counting what the country takes in taxes..... now that you have robbed the rich and made them poor... you more people on the dole as your way just broke them. now what ?? and next year?? Why would anyone want to pull money out of the economy just to have the government throw it away on waste , fraud and bribes.. no we have a spending problem period!
  6. Actually he said there were 60 in total. Funny how all 3 of you who have called Obama a moron for getting that wrong have got that wrong. ______________________________________________ http://youtu.be/EpGH02DtIws http://youtu.be/ThEAO0lt4Dw Here, you can watch the clown perform for yourself.
  7. _______________________________________________ fixed that for you ...
  8. They are totally blind to their sexism and the double standard they apply to sucessful women. Meanwhile the debt piles up, the spending continues, they support those who laugh about being wrong about job creation prospects, can't account for where the $billions in Stimulus money went, create dumbass programs like "Cash fo Clunkers", they support politicians who start even more more illegal wars and then they look for a reason to call anyone who opposes their chosen ones a moron. Unbelievable!!! Only a moron could do that. _______________________________________________ The Democrats only worry about is taxing more from the rich and doling out money (buying votes ) and (creating slaves to the welfare system). they cannot stop spending. Watch the actions of John Boehner, Harry Reid and Obama during the budget talks ... watch them closely over the next month and you will see politics at it's finest. Who Will be placing the party first or the people first ?
  9. I suppose that Obama's remark about being the president over 57 states a thing of genius huh ? I don't care who runs against that clown, nobody could be worse then Obama ...
  10. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4140763;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread you need to read my thread regarding who's fault it was...
  11. Will pigs have wings when the Chinese aircraft carriers pull up along the west coast and the war begins on your soil? The sleeping giants will still have a bitter taste in their mouths from that debacle that supposedly finished just a couple of decades ago... It will be too late to say, "gee maybe that man (Ron Paul) was right, we were so blinded by our own arrogance the whole time to see that what we were doing goes against the very principals we were striving for"... O'bomb'ya will only drive the last nail in the coffin. We have much less time left than we are lead to believe. __________________________________________ He has my vote , Both parties are the same .. they both want power and control ...
  12. ________________________________________ copy - paste fail did you watch the videos? those were some of the comments...now you go watch the videos and read the comments then come back make you comment to me...
  13. Congress has not even passed a budget for 2 years . i do not think that it would be easy because they can not stop spending even now Obama wants to put us 17 trillion in the hole. what happens next year?
  14. Rumor has it that barney frank had some pretty wild parties with underage boys and lets not forget about Eric Massa . The trouble rumor is that it is usually wrong... especially when talking about 30 year old rumors.. then again... your buddies.... yeah.... the Family values "straight" conservatives....... keep getting caught.. sucking dicks for christ Barney Frank has admitted to being gay.... nice try
  15. Rumor has it that barney frank had some pretty wild parties with underage boys and lets not forget about Eric Massa .
  16. 1. I would cut EPA ...why ? because laws should be legislated only by congress. 2. Military in half for starters ( 900 bases is way too many ) 3. Dept. education ...let the states handle it. i could go on and with all the redundant agencies. face it this government fails at everything it sticks it's nose into. 60 - 80 billion in fraud a year in medicare ... 4. Obama care... does not need an explanation. This government has a spending problem . We could tax all the billionaires and get 1 trillion dollars from taking all they have and then what ? .. Obama wants to spend 4 times that amount in one year. I say do not raise the debt limit and allow this president to borrow another dime from China or rob us any more by lowering the value of our currency.
  17. hwt

    shovel ready

    A lot of it had to do with the Community Reinvestment Act. Banks were prohibited from "redlining" and were encouraged to lend to poor and minorities. The Community Reinvestment Act is intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound banking operations. It was enacted by the Congress in 1977 (12 U.S.C. 2901) and is implemented by Regulations 12 CFR parts 25, 228, 345, and 563e. The CRA requires that each insured depository institution's record in helping meet the credit needs of its entire community be evaluated periodically. That record is taken into account in considering an institution's application for deposit facilities, including mergers and acquisitions. In addition to the strategic plan option, community groups [like ACORN] can be involved in the CRA evaluation process. Federal agencies publish in advance a list of banks that will be evaluated each quarter. Once every three months, NCRC notifies its members about the banks scheduled for upcoming CRA exams. NCRC encourages its members and other neighborhood organizations to offer their comments on the CRA performance of banks in advance of their examinations. Timely comments can influence a bank’s CRA rating by directing examiners to particular areas of strength or weakness in a bank’s lending, investments, or services in low- and moderate-income neighborhoods. A community group’s comment can have an influence on the overall CRA rating for an institution or the CRA rating for a state or one of the tests on the CRA exam. Even changing a rating from Outstanding to Satisfactory in one state or one part of the exam can motivate a bank to increase the number of loans, investments, and services to low- and moderate-income communities. Source(s): And then there was the TV ad Fannie ran on March 31, 2004--the day before the Senate Banking Committee was scheduled to work on its bill. The ad featured a worried looking Hispanic couple. Man: "Uh-oh." Woman: "What?" Man: "It looks like Congress is talking about new regulations for Fannie Mae." Woman: "Will that keep us from getting that lower mortgage rate?" Man: "Some economists say rates may go up." Woman: "But that could mean we won't be able to afford the new house. Man: "I know." Even longtime Fannie watchers were stunned. "Here is an organization that was created by the Congress ... spending money questioning the Congress's right to take a serious look at oversight ..." sputtered Senator Hagel during the hearing that day. "I find it astounding. Astounding!" By late spring 2004 it was clear that Fannie had fought the White House ( Bush ) to a draw--there would be no bill, and hence no new regulator. But it's all too clear now that Fannie Mae had won a Pyrrhic victory. Raines would have been far better served by compromising when he had the chance. Thanks to the accounting scandal, the GSEs now face regulations that are likely to be far tougher than those in the bill Fannie helped kill. One former Fannie lobbyist describes it as "the greatest political malpractice ever committed." Says another person close to the events: "What is amazing to me is Raines's will and misjudgment to continue fighting in the face of the first truly organized resistance the company had ever faced. To this day I don't know if he fought because he thought he was right, or because he knew the company's actions were so wrong."............... yes they were forced and at the same time Barney Frank told us how sound Fannie / Freddie were .this bill was filibustered by the Democrats. Once again , the kindness of the Democrats( who failed to foresee the ramifications of their actions) got us into this mess ... you cannot dispute it . P.S. The greed of people (bankers ) should have been foreseen as well... the government has agencies to protect us from this ever happening in the first place ( they also failed )
  18. If only enough people realize that the republican and the Democratic parties are both the same , both want power and to control the people . Excellent video ...The fact that Mr.( Nobel peace prize winning ) Obama has an approval rating over 10% is remarkable. just look at the direction we are headed or all the broken promises he has made. http://youtu.be/_hsquKMi5Ec
  19. speaking of debt ceiling warning, watch this video...given the fact that the Democrats cannot stop spending and want to raise it , this ought to scare the sh..t out of you. www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBjGnvr6QZ0
  20. hwt

    shovel ready

    The silence is is understandable... have nothing to say?...wait i know lets blame bush ! This is a perfect example of why the government needs to keep it's nose out of the private sector. The government should have never been allowed to run home mortgages or health care . the government did not stop this because government controlled it to began with. do you honestly expect Republican or Democrats ( both wanting nothing more than power and control ) to run anything ? wake up! In case even one of you tries to argue that it was bushes fault or the Republicans fault, read this ... http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2005/01/24/8234040/index.htm
  21. saw a version on the net and did a little modifying .. Top Ten Reasons You Might Be A Racist (With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy) 10. If you think that your federal government borrowing over $200 billion dollars per month is probably not a good idea… you might be a racist. 9. If you don’t like the fact that your government intentionally allows people to sneak into your country illegally and then gives them handouts you have to pay for… you might be a racist. 8. If you wonder why your government refuses to allow U.S. oil companies to drill for oil in known offshore and Alaskan reserves but offers to guarantee $2 billion in loans to Brazil’s state-controlled oil company Petrobas – all while you are paying over $4 a gallon for gas… you might be a racist. 7. If you think any public office holder including the President of the United States should willingly produce and present all necessary documentation to show that he or she is Constitutionally eligible to hold the public office they seek (or already hold)… you might be a racist. 6. If you agree with a lot of what the tea party stands for (fiscal discipline and personal responsibly)… you might be a racist. 5. If you think it’s hypocritical and dishonest for your Nobel Peace Prize winning President to launch a military attack on Libya without Congressional authorization after he has publicly declared, “The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation,” and to continue for over two years now the war in Iraq – and escalate the war in Afghanistan – after publicly declaring, “I will promise you this, that if we have not gotten our troops out by the time I am President, it is the first thing I will do. I will get our troops home. We will bring an end to this war. You can take that to the bank,”… you might be a racist. 4. If you think it’s pretty stupid to say that the stimulus bill is full of shovel ready jobs and that this is the summer of recovery”… you might be a racist. 3. If you wonder why your President spent a year focusing on bring down the health care system (while the economy collapsed and unemployment grew ) only to exempt over 1,000 of his political allies from compliance with his +2k page healthcare bill… you might be a racist. 2. If you think the President of the United States ought to at least know how many states there are in the union...you might be a racist. And the number one reason you might be a racist is… If you are opposed to race-based preferences, quotas and set-asides because you believe people should not be judged by the color of their skin… you might be a racist.
  22. 1. His approval rating is dropping again . 2. The price of gas is 104% higher since he took office . 3. Washington cannot resist the urge to stick it"s 2 cents in. 4. The guy is not a leader, just a politician. 5. i do not think that even with the media and his one billion dollar bank roll ... will get him re-elected.
  23. hwt

    shovel ready

    http://youtu.be/OvnAE8olUxU I wonder how many million Americans lost a large percentage of their retirement, home equity and their job due to the kindness of the Democrats. What do i mean you say ? The Democrats wanted " everyone to own their own home ".so they forced the banks to loan to people who did not meet the requirements. They failed to think about the ramifications of their actions . by forcing the banks to lower their requirements the Democrats did not think about supply and demand . They loaded the market with buyers .( people who could not afford it ). This generated a demand for homes thus prices going up and up until pop! ( lets blame bush ). Look at these stupid assholes in the video laughing about it...
  24. check out this short video and comment . http://youtu.be/h0GZznxMC14 I do not always agree with Ron but,i agree with a lot of what he is saying in this clip...