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Everything posted by hwt

  1. The following comments are not mine but i share his views. President Obama's re-distribution strategy takes money from people who have it, and gives money to people who don't have it. This is "undressing John to clothe Bill". It is gaga socialism, because both John and Bill are already supposed to be well-clothed and independent in a rich modern society. But this will never be achieved with welfare. Only real-life-economic education can do this. So Mr President, can we get your permission to ask your liberal czars why school-children are NOT educated basic real life economics, like saving 10% of all money they receive so they can retire millionaires at the age of 50/60? Old world cultures have always educated children to save a minimum of 10% of all money acquired during their lifetimes. Are us folks in the new-world stupid? Or is the absence of real-life economic education low-profilel communism? What about this 'czars'? Mr. Obama mentions social justice and wealth distribution. But he practices this backwards. Justice and distribution cannot succeed AFTERWARDS when society has already become a jungle. This backwardness is an "after sales service department" for mis-education. Real social justice and wealth distribution can only succeed BEFOREHAND in the classroom.This prevents society from becoming a jungle in the first place. Real life economic education unifies, prospers, and protects society from crime, prejudice, and outrage. Liberal mis-education causes society to borrow money to get screwed over and over again like running around inside a revolving door.It's like borrowing money to build a house up-side-down . The house falls apart (like America today). So you borrow money a 2nd time to fix it . But the house cannot be fixed, because the initial structure and foundation was never correctly constructed (exactly like the liberal mis-education of past generations). So you borrow a 3rd time and try again. And then a 4th time after that. When humans lived in the stone-age, they managed their resources better than that! The liberals need failure, crime, poverty, and ruined families to survive. They make money setting people up for failure and poverty (mis-education), and then afterwards with police, prisons, and their Frankenstein research to 'cure' mis-educated people! Liberals don't give a hoot about suffering people nor innocent murder victims or they would have used their 'soaring-intellect' a long time ago to eliminate the causes of poverty, inequality, and the clashes between class and race. Conservatives MUST abolish mis-education and put an end to liberal 'intellectuals', socialism and communisml. Until then, think about this essay when hearing of someone murdered for money (80/day - 29,000/year), and how Liberals 'spill-blood-and-play-big-shot. [email protected]
  2. I agree (Romney = RINO) I like Ron Paul myself and if enough people would back him . We would, for the first time in my life see hope and change.
  3. The truth is, we are all homo sapiens .
  4. It's not about Democrats or Republicans when it comes to religion, it's about the religious history of American presidents and the general religious masses in the U.S. I can assure you there is a large amount of Christian voters who'd be willing to support a candidate based solely on religion. To quote a study on NPR "White evangelical Christians, about 34 percent of them, say they would be less likely to vote for a Mormon candidate." And I'm pretty sure that most white evangelical Christians most typically sit on the right. I don't need the media to tell me what to think, I just have to look at typical voting patterns, common thought processes and the mind set of voters in most cases to establish that religion can definitely affect the votes you receive. I live Nevada and the fact that Harry Reid is Mormon has never been an issue . the difference is the liberals are looking for anything to nail a conservative . Harry Reid was in office for years before i was aware of his beliefs. Romney is not even the candidate yet everyone is aware of his beliefs. The truth is plain to see.
  5. I think Obama said it best. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better"....Barrack Obama
  6. __________________________________ The fact that you brought up" Mormon" tells me that you have been exposed to liberal media coverage. why ? Harry Reid is a Mormon. you ever hear Republicans bring that up ? NO Democrats must be bigots if they are so worried about who he prays to. But the real truth is the liberal media wants to label him and anyone else who opposes their canidate.
  7. Love the site you chose with the smiling face of Obama on it...
  8. PROVE it.. got a cite there bubba??? http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2011/jul/21/poll-weakened-obama-would-lose-vote-today/
  9. The black caucus said the same thing... A black caucus ? A caucus formed solely around a race?... Talk about racism. Picture the outcry if a white caucus even existed.. Democrats , the party with the racist....
  10. A Democratic polling firm said President Obama's already weak job-approval numbers are "worse than they appear" and he likely would lose the election if it were held today.....
  11. 72.73 % Not as good as you but i beat the collage Educators ...
  12. Bad news for you Democrats . http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2011/jul/21/poll-weakened-obama-would-lose-vote-today/ http://www.gallup.com/poll/148487/republican-candidate-extends-lead-obama.aspx
  13. Speaking of the filibuster . let us speak about the one that took down the economy. Time for a history lesson. watch the whole thing and try to focus.. http://youtu.be/VgctSIL8Lhs http://youtu.be/usvG-s_Ssb0 http://youtu.be/_MGT_cSi7Rs
  14. Your last statement demonstrates your lack in understanding just how much a determent the local, state and federal government has placed on the businesses in this country . We are unable to compete with the world. If businesses in America prosper , we all prosper...
  15. I will remember this statement because i do not believe the economy will return "as it always has".. There has been too much interference by Obama.
  16. I hope you are including Muslims . These fools deserve the B. S. of the year award . 72 virgins? gtfo
  17. This Public Disservice Announcement brought to you by the not so fair and balanced propaganda arm of NewsCorp Inc. Your comment made me laugh... That is exactly what George Soros would say.
  18. http://www.thelocal.de/national/20110713-36277.html Wish we could still build the plant here to send emissions Chicago way Ah.. I see your company newsletter for July has come out.... Sponsored by the Kock Brothers Your sponsor is George Soros and he is into too many news organizations to list.
  19. _____________________________ Let us just cut the crap... The Democrats want a big government that makes all your rules for you and takes care of you. they will give away everything to buy your vote and someday they will form a dictatorship and all you progressives will live happier ever after.. The Republicans what a small government with less rules and less tyranny . and people would be responsible for themselves . and instead of creating "welfare families who suck the government tit and are happily content with a meager living, instead of standing up for themselves . BWWAAAKKKK, the parrots are at it again.... Why is it that RWCs cannot and will not read and understand FACTUAL history? The FACTS show that growth of the goverment and spending has been MASSIVE under Republican rule. Far more than anything that has occured under Demcratic rule. The FACTS show that the Republicans GROW government, not shrink it. The biggest expansion of the goverment happened on ShrubCo's watch. The FACTS show that the Republicans want MORE intrusive government control over citizen's personal lives, not less. Especially if you are female. All the anti-abortion horseshit that has been proposed has been by Republicans!! The Patiot Act is a Republican disaster that has REDUCED our freedom, not increased it. You are entitled to your opinion, no matter how much the opinion is based in fantasy, not factual information. If you bothered to actually become educated as to the FACTS of the issues, your views might evolve. You might be one of the few RWCs that actually can change deeply held beliefs when you learn that those beliefs are based in bullshit, not accurate information. Looks like you bought their B.S. hook line and sinker Yo ! look around you . this is Obama's economy and you think it is bad now ? This clown isn't finished .I told you fools that the stimulus would not work when it was on the drawing table back when Obama said the bill was filled with "Shovel Ready Jobs" . Now you see Obama laughing in the video. you really think this guy cares? Reagan inherited a problem similar to this except interest rates were over 20%... He took that shit economy that CARTER gave us and created 16 Million jobs. In contrast OBOZO the clown created 18 thousand last month. Enjoy the video. http://video.foxnews.com/v/991352947001/obama-laughing-off-dismal-economy/
  20. http://www.thelocal.de/national/20110713-36277.html Wish we could still build the plant here to send emission Chicago way Look at all the countries with high unemployment due to the belief that Green Energy creates jobs... Best move they could have made ( fiscally speaking )
  21. I have a better idea...Let us lower the debt ceiling cut taxes and get rid of all subsidies and i mean all of them. Cut this government in half . get the government the fuck out of our lives. One thing is for sure , DO NOT RAISE THE DEBT CEILING . The government can pay for ss , medicare , medicaid the military and interest on the current debt. with a trillion to spare with what it is bringing in now ...
  22. which is the real Obama. 1. If the debt ceiling is not increased . " i cant guarantee social security payments" ( even though it is mandatory by law ). or 2. " The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Over the past 5 years, our federal debt has increased by $3.5 trillion to $8.6 trillion.That is “trillion” with a “T.” That is money that we have borrowed from the Social Security trust fund, borrowed from China and Japan, borrowed from American taxpayers. And over the next 5 years, between now and 2011, the President’s budget will increase the debt by almost another $3.5 trillion. Numbers that large are sometimes hard to understand. Some people may wonder why they matter. Here is why: This year, the Federal Government will spend $220 billion on interest. That is more money to pay interest on our national debt than we’ll spend on Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. That is more money to pay interest on our debt this year than we will spend on education, homeland security, transportation, and veterans benefits combined. It is more money in one year than we are likely to spend to rebuild the devastated gulf coast in a way that honors the best of America. And the cost of our debt is one of the fastest growing expenses in the Federal budget. This rising debt is a hidden domestic enemy, robbing our cities and States of critical investments in infrastructure like bridges, ports, and levees; robbing our families and our children of critical investments in education and health care reform; robbing our seniors of the retirement and health security they have counted on. Every dollar we pay in interest is a dollar that is not going to investment in America’s priorities. Senator Barack Obama
  23. Where was all that angst when Ronnie RayGun and King George II was doing it.... yup.. all we got from those of you on the far right was Ronnie created 16 million jobs ... Obozo has out spent him and created 18 thousand last month... yep, you sure make sense .
  24. _____________________________ Let us just cut the crap... The Democrats want a big government that makes all your rules for you and takes care of you. they will give away everything to buy your vote and someday they will form a dictatorship and all you progressives will live happier ever after.. The Republicans what a small government with less rules and less tyranny . and people would be responsible for themselves . and instead of creating "welfare families who suck the government tit and are happily content with a meager living, instead of standing up for themselves .