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Everything posted by hwt

  1. Completely invisible. It's all about Perry, with a little bit o' Romney tossed into the mix. Even Fox News (both TV and web) seems to be ignoring Paul. But frankly it seems he's never mentioned in any of the various news outlets' stories, whether broadcast or print. Even the day after the debate, I saw snippets of Perry and Romney being played, but none of Paul. The latest Fox News poll is pretty grim for Paul, too: http://www.foxnews.com/interactive/politics/2011/09/01/perry-overtakes-romney-as-top-gop-2012-pick-most-say-palin-should-stay-out-race/ _____________________________________________ Ron Paul did win the GOP poll on fox news...fox took it down...the results were.... Ron Paul 29 % Rick Perry 28 % Mitt Romney 14% As for you Rino Rick lovers, enjoy this one minute clip... http://youtu.be/CtDBp1OrCwI
  2. The socialist sure do love their tyranny.
  3. Here is one more reason to vote for Ron Paul.
  4. Ron Paul is winning the latest fox news poll and i invite you to watch this short video on his views of FEMA. You will see why his views are taking hold. http://youtu.be/y8gWLjNCPuE
  5. ______________________________________________ your right , he has won so many.. The question after the latest Republican presidential debate is why Ron Paul keeps winning them. MSNBC has been widening the margin by which its own survey is showing that the congressman from Texas did the best job; it’s now up to 57%. One can imagine there might be non-substantive explanations; Dr. Paul, say, has so many followers on the Web, who may be primed to respond to these polls. Our guess, though, is that more than the other candidates Ron Paul gives the impression that he is animated by a clear and coherent set of principles in which he deeply believes. His sense of principle is his source of power, his secret weapon.
  6. _____________________________________
  7. ________________________________ Ron Paul won every GOP debate poll that i saw on line . Face it Ron Paul is gaining momentum.
  8. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/08/11/who-won-gop-debate/ This must have pissed off some at fox like Bill O'Reilly and Hannity.
  9. This is not a jobs bill. It is a stimulus bill. It is to bailout the union pensions which are in serious financial trouble. Obama wants to borrow more money and print more Obama bucks for more of those shovel ready ( union ) jobs. Which will not be so shovel ready... Obama needs the kick backs to help fund his re-election.
  10. "Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have. The course of history shows us that as a government grows, liberty decreases." — Thomas Jefferson Only candidate running that would fix this mess is Ron Paul...
  11. hwt

    Green jobs

    Obama touted this Company as the company of the future . http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/solyndra-collapse-waste-half-billion-obama-gop-critics/story?id=14424323 "I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." — Thomas Jefferson
  12. The main stream media will keep it under wraps . after 2012 you will hear a lot about it.
  13. The country is going to hell in a hand basket . This is what troubles you ? get a life.
  14. A wise and frugal Government, which shall retrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. Thomas Jefferson
  15. A wise and frugal Government, which shall retrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. Thomas Jefferson
  16. Ban all public sector unions... There are no checks and balances in this corrupt system.
  17. But let's be realistic, about the only thing a President can do is stand on the bully pulpit and voice recognition of the issue. If 1/2 the members of Congress will ONLY say no, then he can't really do anything. ______________________________________ you lack ideas huh? Lets start with an executive order . to every part of government . look for any unnecessary or wasteful rules and regulations. also cut spending in every sector of government. Dump Obama care. ( before the 5-4 supreme court decision is rendered). Dump the Dodd / Frank bill. clamp down on the EPA. for now open up drilling for oil in the gulf and else where . I can think of plenty of things . Instead of doing the right thing , Obama does the wrong thing every time .
  18. hwt


    You think that you can dictate wages ? in place of the free enterprise? free market? lets us take a look at what the unions did to the automobile industry. The UAW's demands were so high that GM had to look for ways to compete. GM was not allowed to farm out any of the auto parts to non union machine shops . ( to lower the cost ) . So GM outsourced the parts to be machined overseas. The UAW drove GM to bankruptcy and outsourced our manufacturing overseas. The worst part... The non union shops ( that were snubbed by the UAW ) bailed out the union leaches . and Obama robbed the stock holders and gave the money to the people who took this once great company down...
  19. This came as a surprise ... The Jews http://thezog.wordpress.com/who-is-behind-gun-control/
  20. hwt

    Guns in Bars

    The facts speak for themselves . America will not be disarmed.
  21. hwt


    The UAW is the worst. They would not even let non union American business perform any manufacturing on GM or Chrysler automobiles. The UAW drove manufacturing overseas and drove GM to bankruptcy. What did Obama do for the unions ? He stole the stockholder's money and gave it to the UAW. He takes taxpayer money ( most of which is from the non union businesses that the UAW snubbed) and bails out the very people who took GM down,,, The unions give Obama plenty of cash for his loyal efforts. Ban all public sector unions... why? there are no checks and balances on this corrupt system. Obama must go in 2012 ....
  22. Upside down hockey stick .... Obama's numbers are in the tank and i don't do not want to hear any more excuses from Democrats. Obama failed and will pay come 2012.
  23. After Obama comes back from his deserved vacation , Obama will announce his jobs plan... What do you predict? My prediction is . Obama will borrow more money from China and print more Obama bucks ( QE 3) . to finance a bill that will create more shovel ready (union) jobs. With the election coming up, Obama will need the kickbacks he will receive from the unions...
  24. Break that knee , Chicago style . Eric Holder will get his just reward come 2013...
  25. http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-august-15-2011/indecision-2012---corn-polled-edition---ron-paul---the-top-tier?fb_ref=share_fblike&fb_source=search_multiline Fox is shutting out Ron Paul.