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Everything posted by masterrig

  1. You think that's not free speech? What penalty would you like to see attached to such statements? In what way do you think the government should crack down on it? I believe, there are laws in regard to inciteful or terroristic speech or 'threats'. Chuck
  2. Me either. There have been armed robberies in church during services in the past. That's a true story! No one knows when some kind of shit is going to happen except the perpetrator. Chuck
  3. With that, one must also take responsibility for what they say. Seems like that part is over-looked. Chuck
  4. Complacency! At some point in time, we are all guilty of it. I think it's easy to say, she was so used to carrying that pistol in her purse, she never gave it a second thought. Maybe even forgot it was there. Regardless, a tragic accident. Chuck
  5. Several years ago, when I went for my first Concealed Carry permit, one of the class instructors is an ordained minister. He told us that he carried when in the pulpit. The way things are going these days, I sure don't have a problem with that. Chuck
  6. It's not about need. It's about exercising a right. No, she didn't need to have that weapon ith her any more than you needed to put your thoughts out on this forum. Hypothetical: what if you found out that she was beaten and robbed while out shopping five years ago? Would it change any of your thoughts? I think, this whole thing is a tragic 'accident'. Mom had a permit to carry that pistol. Her 2-yr. old child got into her purse and shot and killed her. A 2-yr. old child doesn't know what he's doing, he's too young. For someone to say the child did the right thing by killing his 'gun-toting' mother is nuts. To bring Nazi Germany into it is nuts. For crying out loud... accidents do happen. That little boy is going to have to live with that for the rest of his life, once he understands what happened. I don't understand the twisting of the situation to be something it's not. This is not a perfect world. Never was, never will be. We just do the best we can with what we have. In spite of that... things happens. Chuck
  7. Merry Christmas and hopes that everyone has a safe, healthy and good New Year! Chuck
  8. So long Joe and thank you for the good times! Chuck
  9. 6 or 7 billion people on this planet and you are focusing on a single knine. Really? No problem with China's civil rights, you are worried about a dog. No issues with North Korea . . . a pet is your focus. No issues wit human slavery, but hey a dog is what is important to you. uh huh. We are supposed to take you seriously? BAH! The idea of dogs shooting humans is amazing... they don't have opposable thumbs!? Chuck Then Explain Huckleberry Hound! Uh... well... crap! Chuck And don't you forget it! cuz, if you don't, Underdog is going to pay you a visit. Whatever you do... puleeeeeeeze... don't send Deputy Dawg!! Chuck
  10. 6 or 7 billion people on this planet and you are focusing on a single knine. Really? No problem with China's civil rights, you are worried about a dog. No issues with North Korea . . . a pet is your focus. No issues wit human slavery, but hey a dog is what is important to you. uh huh. We are supposed to take you seriously? BAH! The idea of dogs shooting humans is amazing... they don't have opposable thumbs!? Chuck Then Explain Huckleberry Hound! Uh... well... crap! Chuck
  11. 6 or 7 billion people on this planet and you are focusing on a single knine. Really? No problem with China's civil rights, you are worried about a dog. No issues with North Korea . . . a pet is your focus. No issues wit human slavery, but hey a dog is what is important to you. uh huh. We are supposed to take you seriously? BAH! The idea of dogs shooting humans is amazing... they don't have opposable thumbs!? Chuck
  12. That'd be about as good as anything. I imagine, the DNC will push real hard to get a woman in the Whitehouse just to add to their achievement of getting the first Black man in office. Too bad they don't have a better choice than Hillary! Chuck
  13. Don't you like us here in the 'Colonies'? Wishing Hillary Clinton' on us? That woman is pure un-adulterated evil!! Chuck
  14. Interesting... U.S. Center for Disease Control stat. 2010........ White homicides 7863 2010........ Negro homicides 7816 Chuck
  15. Please enlighten us on the rap sheet of that 12-year-old kid. Please enlighten us on the rap sheet of Akai Gurley, who was killed "by accident" by a nervous cop as he used a stairwell. Certainly, many police shootings can be justified. Unfortunately there are also many that were completely unnecessary. I find it pretty appalling that so many people are so willing to write off the lives of all the people who are killed or injured by the police with the blanket assumption that they must have been bad guys and stupid to boot. Don Google is your friend. Chuck
  16. Culture. Specifically in Japan, if a cop asks you to do something, you generally do it out of respect. That's been a part of their culture for thousands of years and it works very, very well. Contrast that to the US where we openly advocate distrust of any and all government officials as well as escalation of tension for even the smallest thing to where even a game of kid's soccer can end up in a shooting. There ya' go! Those folks have respect for others. Not just law enforcement or political figure. Here, there seems to be a strong undercurrent of 'entitlement'. I hear, all too often, people here 'demanding' respect yet they don't give respect. It's all about them. Chuck
  17. Folks need to check the rap sheets on these 'innocent' people cops have killed recently. This was not their first run-in with the cops. Bottom line, bad guys are flat stupid! They think they are smarter than law enforcement. Had any one of these guys simply cooperated, they'd be alive today. Like you said... dumb-asses. I guess, to the bad guys, being dead is better than prison... their choice. Chuck
  18. To usurp an old skydiving phrase: "Those who are, cannot explain. Those who are not, can never understand." I was watching the sports news the other evening and they showed the pre-game singing of the Anthems for Canada and the U.S. before an NHL game in Canada. While the gentleman from Canada was singing the U.S. Anthem, his microphone lost sound. The Canadian attendees finished singing the U.S. Anthem for him. I thought that was pretty classy on the parts of those folks. Chuck
  19. Yes I read last night that as many as 6% of non-citizens are voting That is NOT a small deal No, it's not. A good number of illegals are afraid of a paper trail and getting shipped out of the country. Politicians don't care who the votes come from, just so long as they keep their jobs. I believe that is the big reason so many politicians vote for amnesty for illegals with the under tone of 'Hey! Don't forget me at the polls!' Chuck
  20. This could be a good reason for voter ID... Chuck
  21. I bought set of 3 automotive picks at a parts store. One of them is straight and angles toward the end. I took a propane torch and heated the other two and bent them to match the angled pic. I can really get a good corner. similar to these: Chuck
  22. Aunt Jemima! mmmm. And I remember the log cabin syrup in a little log cabin. Damn! I remember those. Chuck
  23. Is it covered by Obama-care? Chuck
  24. There ya' go! Outstanding! Chuck
  25. I have a full set of Looney Toons DVDs. And in the intro there is Whoopi Goldberg, pointing out the racial stereotypes. What I liked was she pointed out that while the racism is wrong today and was wrong then, to simply edit those parts out is a disservice to history. I had zero objection to it. I actually thought it was well-handled. This stuff is here but we are leaving it there and here's why. I agree that the cartoons were racist, violent, etc. Doesn't mean that they aren't funny or even enlightening. (It's not like they spared white guys. The depiction of hillbillies, southerners in general... Elmer Fudd wasn't viewed as particularly bright...) Cartoons of the 40's and 50's, picked on everybody... farmers, truck drivers, pilots, doctors and yes, even lawyers! We laughed at ourselves and there was no back-lash. There was an equality to the cartoons, no one was safe from being 'jabbed' or poked fun at. During those years, folks helped their neighbor... even if they were of a different race or religion. I'm not saying there wasn't racism because there certainly was. Just like there is still racism and prejudice. I don't believe there will ever be an end to it. I wonder too if by trying to stamp it out, we are inadvertently promoting racism, bigotry and prejudice. As long as there will be people, these things will be with us. I'll say it again... maybe, we just need to get over ourselves and lighten-up. Chuck