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Everything posted by beowulf

  1. It just doesn't surprise me any more. I can't think of any dumber ideas then that.
  2. Can someone post the draws or point me to the right page? I can't find them listed anywhere.
  3. Not sure about other states but in Texas if you have a CHL you just need to fill out all the forms and the FBI background check is skipped. So a backup in the FBI background check wouldn't affect those with a CHL.
  4. Not really, the background check, picture and finger printing was done for the CHL and not specifically for the gun purchase. Just to add, in this context the FBI outage wouldn't be a problem for a CHL holder and that was my point.
  5. That's why it's good to get a CHL so you don't have to go through the background check!
  6. Even if it's allowed, it's still the most likely place where you could come into contact or close proximity to an airplane. So extreme caution should be taken and swooping would not be advised.
  7. Clearing the airspace wasn't the major problem. Crossing the runway so low was the first problem!!! Clearing the airspace doesn't always work. It's easy to miss things and think you have clear airspace. Crossing the runway below 500ft where planes are most likely to be is just plain stupid.
  8. Clearly someone needs to regulate the regulators!!!
  9. It would most likely make it cheaper. Less overhead of having to evade the authorities or fight off competition. Don't have to worry about the Gov destroying crops.
  10. Did you have to look up how to spell Snuffalufagus?
  11. That doesn't distinguish it from a delusion. It just means it was a useful delusion.
  12. You must be confused. The US is spending money like crazy. There is no limit to the money supply. The Fed essentially creates it out of nothing. But the Fed isn't the biggest creator of money. That privilege goes to all the other banks. It's created through the loan process known as fractional reserve banking.
  13. The burden of proof has not been met for the existence of a spiritual anything or that Jesus Christ really rose from the dead. I am not convinced that Jesus Christ wasn't a composite person, essentially a myth based on a number of people.
  15. Sounds pretty pointless to me. From what I can tell most Christians don't share your opinion on prayer.
  16. My opinion is that Prayer is just wishing really hard. I don't know or think there was any specific gain for Christians.
  17. It is God's will. Prophecy is being fulfilled, signs of the end times. Now we have a clear direction. We know what we have to do. He did not give us BHO again as a reward. In my house we will look to our local church community for more service work. More and more people are going to need help and support. How would it have been any different then not praying at all?!
  18. I find the NDAA the most disturbing. How can anyone support the indefinite detention? It's setting the President up to be a king who can imprison anyone at his whim.
  19. If you never hit the walls then you aren't trying hard enough. Everyone hits the wall at some point in their learning.
  20. I strongly suspect we all lose no matter which way it goes.
  21. None of your predictions have turned out correct. Why should I think it will be any different in the future?
  22. Considering that he is dead, I don't see how that is meaningful. Do you think he will rise from the dead?
  23. So you are saying you can't write it out in words? Why is another form of communication more valid? What would I have to change in my lifestyle?
  24. How do you distinguish your beliefs from fantasy?