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Everything posted by RMK

  1. Following is an eloquently written description: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Rollin%27+Coal "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  2. Often some US video links won't play in Europe; I like the customised message from Comedy Central for the UK... "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  3. If he’s being sponsored for the CFA, yes he should accept. His MBA in finance will be far more important, but a CFA would be a good addition. Regarding workload, there will be a lot of overlap and honestly anyone of reasonable intelligence can pass them with the effort. However, the best advice I got when I was younger was to take any and all writing or public speaking classes that I could find. Regardless of your intelligence, degree or what acronyms that follow your name, unless you can present yourself well either verbally or in writing, you’re not going as far as you could otherwise. Tell him good luck. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  4. If an accidental shooting has to happen anywhere, I can't think of a better place than a gun show. Everyone that walked in the door knew the hall would be filled with gun nuts. Of course, they all have the same mantra of "I've got the training" ... "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  5. Of course, take distance into consideration. Lighter grain for your run-of-the-mill Post Office shooting, but for your disgruntled warehouse worker type shooting, you'll want to go with heavier grain. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  6. You're just teasing; you're far too young to have jumped such vintage equipment. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  7. That was better than facing straight downwind? With a little breeze, wouldn't that have dumped you right on your coccyx? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  8. Now you’re just going to cause confusion coming in here with actual facts and real numbers. Forgive them; their knowledge of history comes mostly from Hollywood movies and American history textbooks (written with a particular slant). "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  9. Seeing some of the D-Day Anniversary events today; was thinking that I've never actually seen anyone land a round. Roughly understand that there was a small slit in the back that you could (in limited manner) control some direction. When you landed did you want to be head on or at slight angle to get a good PLF going? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  10. I lived in the US for 20 years, owned semi-automatic weapons myself. Now having lived in Europe and Asia for the past 20 years, I think the world is little nicer and safer place if everyone is not "packing". "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  11. Know about the 50Hz/60Hz difference but never thought about why. What's the historical story behind the two different grid setups? Re television formats (pre HD), the British PAL system was higher resolution than American NTSC, but French SECAM was higher resolution than both. The reasoning was US adopted their colour TV format in late 50s, UK in early 60s, France later in 60s - each just used the best available technology at the time of inception. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  12. OK. Must admit I'm with you on the use of "stone" as a unit of body weight ... and the Welsh. and you don't know how to pronounce aluminum correctly........so there It's spelled aluminium. Queens English please "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  13. In that photo, the young girl clearly has her index finger on the trigger instead of straight against the side. She'll never earn her Girl Scout Junior SWAT Team Merit Badge with sloppy weapons training of that nature. Of course, it will be pointed out that the photo was probably staged by some of those left-wing types with their fancy "book learnin". "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  14. OK. Must admit I'm with you on the use of "stone" as a unit of body weight ... and the Welsh. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  15. nice work; I like it. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  16. Though lacking in ranking tables of seemingly unimportant metrics such as education and healthcare, America still dominates in the areas of obesity rates, percentage of population in jail and number of “gun crazies” (nominal or percentage terms). So seeing the recent case of the nutcase in New Brunswick, Canada, may cause some unease, among the “shootin iron folk” that your northern neighbour is impinging on your turf. However, just days later, you’re back in the news with the Seattle Pacific shooting. The chanting can resume ”USA, USA, we’re number one, we’re number one...”. not to make light of a deadly shooting which is abhorrent in any country or by any nationality; but definitely aimed at the NRA disciples that define a nations worth on whether or not you can visit your local coffee shop or restaurant brandishing a 50 calibre. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  17. Now we're just being silly; going faster than the speed of light will require compressing time ahead of you and expanding time behind you. But on a serious note, if we can teleport to the office, do you think we'll be able to hold a coffee to take with us or still have to go to Starbucks when we get there? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  18. Same here. I could have started after 200ish jumps, but waited until 350 and felt comfortable at that time. Regarding training when you pull the trigger; I also suggest a full multi-day training course for wingsuiting as opposed to a “briefing & give it a try” Maybe one day at the dropzone on a wind/rain hold ask one of the wingsuiters if you could just try on the their suit/rig to see what it feels like – it’s a bit daunting and you’ll think to yourself “wow, this is a lot of shit to be wearing while jumping out of a plane”. However, for a taster, get a briefing on some type of “introduction” suit like an S-Fly Access where your arms are free but you can get the general idea. In my training, I probably did about a 12-15 jumps with these suits before strapping on the real thing. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  19. Your avatar shows a picture of a grown male, yet your posts seem to be written in the vernacular of a 10yr old boy. Do Mummy & Daddy know you're using the computer all on your own? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  20. You never know. Both my kids have blond hair and blue eyes. My ex-wife and I don't have blond hair or blue eyes. Our parents don't have blong hair or blue eyes. Our grand parents (maternal or paternal) don't have blond hair or blue eyes. Does the UPS delivery man or the wife's tennis coach have blond hair & blue eyes? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  21. That is 100% incorrect. Was correct in the 1990's "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  22. The Italian Lakes (Lake Como/Lake Maggiori). While we're mentally in our "happy place", I'd want a full-time chef, nice wine cellar and Riva Speedboat at the end of my dock. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  23. I've had so many speeding tickets over the years, I’ve honestly lost count. By age 25 (in US) I had lost my license 5 times due to speeding tickets. Thankfully in UK, and Europe in general, you only have to watch for automated cameras (our police have better things to do, unlike their US counterparts). A few tips and items learned over the years: - In Switzerland, if you don’t pay your speeding ticket, the next time you visit, your passport is flagged and the kind gentleman has someone escort you to the nearest cash machine. - In Indonesia, they can be bribed, but it takes forever and the guy never actually touches your money (after the long-winded discussion, he recoiled his hand when I reached out with some money; however he subsequently pointed to a box in the corner of the room where I could leave the cash). - Average speed camera zones require the cameras getting your registration (license plate) at two points as they need both to do the math. So, when you see the cameras coming up you get right on the back of a van/truck to hide your plate or at least switch lanes abruptly to mess with their system. - In the southern US, 115mph in a 55mph zone will end in 6mo license suspension no matter how good/expensive your lawyer is. But, you can easily use your mates address in the adjoining state to get a different state license to hold you over till you get your real license back. - In the US, if you move more than a couple states away, they don’t generally have information sharing arrangements with further states. So hypothetically someone who had lost their licence 5 times for speeding (again hypothetically) can get a fresh license and a safe driver discount on their insurance in Illinois. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  24. Agree re Sabre 2. Search this forum and you'll probably not find any negative comments on this canopy. I started with one, have one now & plan to buy another. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  25. It's a photography contest (i.e. photos that you have taken, not just own or have in your possession). I'd guess you own a few books or movies on DVD; doesn't mean you could take a story or film from either and enter it into a contest as your own work. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"