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Everything posted by RMK

  1. Are you joking? Water to wine, Jonah in the whale, talking bush, parting the seas, Noah's Ark, rising from dead, Garden of Eden... Maybe a popular fictional book, but really just a collection of fanciful stories. Whereas Ron retains his "Jesus glow" (no disrespect Ron); you seem easily agitated and quick to anger - I think your faith is weak. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  2. You are correct that I was not personally “into it”. It was more to appease my mother in the year following the death of my younger brother in accident. No, I was not "beating the tambourine" with religious fervour; but I was also years away from admitting that I was agnostic – if you don’t believe; after a childhood of exposure, it’s hard to get it out of your head. What I'm really noting is that I've been "fully" exposed and know 100% where you are coming from. If religion and faith fulfills you; I support that 100% and anyone should be able to make that choice. However, inserting these fictional bible stories and viewpoints into the education system (topic of this thread) or exclude reason/science due to biblical contradiction is tantamount to child abuse. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  3. Baptised at age 20; it didn’t do anything for me. My childhood, in the US south, included Sunday morning church, Sunday night service (Mom even took us to fucking Wednesday night bible study). Summertime included the requisite Vacation Bible School for a week and the most abhorrent waste of time – “Revival” (for those not in the know this is going to church every fucking night for a week). As the second video above at around 6:00 notes; better to just let it go. I find nothing less intellectual than “duelling” bible verses. What did I get from my Christian “upbringing” [sic]? If I’m ever held captive or find myself in solitude; I know I’ll be OK psychologically and mentally – not from the power of the Lord, but the fact that I’ve had 1000’s of hours in training to occupy my mind while receiving no mental stimulation (i.e. sitting in church pew). "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  4. or watch this explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn1nvw-c9kQ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvjUiAEPh-8 "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  5. I think you're missing a comma in your new sig. LOLOLOL unless that was the kitchy point you were making. No, that would be a semicolon missing. Do they even teach English in American schools anymore? Per Anvil's request, I must provide a solution: Semicolons Separate Clauses. Here's an example: I have a big test tomorrow; I can't go out tonight. The two clauses in that sentence are separated by a semicolon and could be sentences on their own if you put a period between them instead "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  6. Saw this reply in some comments; sad but very true: USA Fill-in-the-blanks News Report A ________ entered a ________ and opened fire with a ________. ________ people were killed. Our prayers are with ________. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  7. Face it.... your culture does not understand a need for guns... you live in a different world where you have always been indoctrinated by those in power( who have stayed in power for centuries by having an unarmed populace). Your criminals rely on that knowledge of an unarmed populace.. yes you do have violent crime.... and those who wish to kill someone find other less efficient means.... both in Europe and in Canada. The nanny states you have created tell you how safe you are all the time but are you really??? What have you given up to be so "safe" You've got to give up this "freedom" bullshit. With the exception of going down to the supermarket and buying a AR15, we have far greater freedoms in Europe than the US (I lived there for near 20yrs). No the US does not have a monopoly on "bad" people; we have them too, but yes, Europe is more civil and safer in a general sense. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  8. This photo sums up the odd priorities: "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  9. Yes, they're nearly always in the US. Europe has a far larger population than the US; we don't have these problems on the frequency/scale of the US. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  10. Gasoline only accounts for about half of US oil consumption. Regarding speculative activitvity. You make an incorrect assumption that all specs take long positions; they are indifferent to be either long, short or neutral (yes you can make money if a price doesn't move at all). Most "spec" activity would be structured or plays on the price curve. Without spec or market making activity there is little scope for hedging activity. Example: a farmer thinks the corn price will drop over the year; he can forward sell (using futures) to lock in a price for his crop - even though he hasn't yet harvested any corn. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  11. Is it terrorism? Is it terrorism? Why won't Obama say it's terrorism? "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  12. Ah we see what you did there. Kind of like: edit: inbred redneck post deleted I don't give a fuck what YOU think. I am neither. Born in the south, yes. But against the Confederate flag. And against dickheads from other countries being chickenshits shooting up places. I just randomly inserted a demographic; didn't say you were one. It was showing that type of post edit as a negative inference to a group without explicitly noting your disdain for said group. edit: we should have remedial reading thread "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  13. Interesting topic on the news today is the FBI's general profile of a terrorist included a background/education in hard sciences such as engineering. Their premise was that this background more generally led individuals to frame issues as succinctly as "black or white". So watch your posting, you already tick one of the FBI's boxes "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  14. Ah we see what you did there. Kind of like: edit: inbred redneck post deleted "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  15. To quote Chris Rock "what happened to just being crazy"? The Aurora shooting immediately goes to "what was his mental state"? whereas if the person is Muslim, it immediately goes "Islam is trying to destroy America" "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  16. Bill usually interjects a fact or reason. Stupidity should always be pointed out – not endorsed. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  17. patrol car graphics should be changed from "to serve and protect" to "to beat, shoot & tase" "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  18. RMK

    This is pretty sad...

    They also call it "free running" or as we knew it - just simply running "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  19. RMK

    This is pretty sad...

    Millennial adults taking classes to learn to ride a bike. http://www.wsj.com/articles/its-just-like-riding-a-bike-means-nothing-to-these-adults-trying-to-learn-1436832513 "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  20. Yes, post 21 & 22 do definitively answer and stop the argument. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  21. I was air traffic control with the FAA. It was 20 years and age 50 or 25 years, any age. Our son hired on at age 20, and can retire at age 45 with full benefits. Of course, the longer you work, the higher the monthly pension goes. I worked almost 30 and loved it. They forced me out with mandatory retirement. Sorry you're hating your job. Defined Benefit plans are a "gravy train" and this is probably the last generation to see them. Whether you wish to believe or not, I doubt anyone joining on now will see a DB plan; in brief the math doesn't stack up. All will eventually be some form of Defined Contribution (DC) plan. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  22. Nearly all financial firms do this. Had a friend who had his desk direct line diverted to his mobile. After "shutting him down", they closed the desk and forgot about the phone numbers; he continued to phone calls (intended for the investment bank) for the next couple years. Tip: If you are either planning on leaving or things "look shaky" keep you desk line on divert to your mobile whenever you step away from your desk. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  23. English mustard is not really good on any food. Dijon mustard is what you want. Though I'm no fan of America mustard; it is good on a hotdog. Also being ex Chicago (* proper/verified Chicago; located near Lincoln Park, Diversey & Lakeshore) I did like the Vienna Beef hotdogs. There used to be place here in London in Covent Garden that sold them. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  24. You're more likely to have family member killed at a relatives house in your area. Here's one just this week: http://news.yahoo.com/three-old-texas-boy-dies-accidentally-shooting-himself-211132391.html I lived in Chicago for 5 years; great city. I've lived in the US south for longer - not that fucking impressed. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"
  25. I bet she can write more intelligibly than you, though. That doesn't look like a rushmc quote to me. Though the spelling looks familiar, it makes use of punctuation and paragraphs. We're more accustomed to him typing a few words then a double line space. I guess he deems every utterance to be so emphatic, that it deserves to be treated as a paragraph on its own. "Pain is the best instructor, but no one wants to attend his classes"