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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. [replyI can see it now, Lee with a bib and diapers kicking and screaming!! Oh wait a minute forget the diapers...bad thought... Gee, thanks for that visual. I was about to have breakfast but nevermind...
  2. SkyFest is closer than you think. It'll be here quicker than we can handle! LOL The new "uniform" will be unveiled soon. No pictures before the public "launch." When will we see you again? Before SkyFest, right? Just wait... it'll be worth it I believe.
  3. From now on, just let me know what you want to say and I'll post it. Maybe after they see my new "uniform" they will pay more attention.
  4. Dammit Lee. J is sitting here bitching because he had a T-bone on the grill and had to come reply to you and burnt his steak! Not only that, but he killed another thread. Thanks. You owe him a steak.
  5. Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! And here I was thinking I might actually be in the running for having cleavage! LMAO!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  6. BOOK NOW!! There's no need to take a chance on not making it!!
  7. Watch it mister. That's not a very nice thing to say about your future wife.
  8. One of my favorite jokes: Q: What's the difference between naked and NEKKID? A: Naked means you don't have any clothes on. NEKKID means you don't have any clothes on and you're up to something!
  9. J got me to follow his tradition of keeping a list of all of the drop zones I've jumped at and all of the aircraft I've jumped from. His list is much larger than mine, but he's also a bit older than me.
  10. Oops! I was thinking of the whole 4 years in high school. I fixed it.
  11. Year : 1994-1995 1. Who was your best friend? Kristi, Greta, Chris 2. What sports did you play? Swim team 3. What kind of car did you drive? 198 Oldsmobile Firenza 4. It's Friday night, where were you? At a movie or at home because we'd have a swim meet the next day 5. Were you a party animal? Nope, still not. 6. Were you in the "In Crowd"? Nope, still not. 7. Ever skip school? Once my Sr. year 8. Ever smoke? No 9. Were you a nerd? A little maybe 10. Did you get suspended/expelled? No way 11. Can you sing the Alma Mater? school song? Not anymore 12. Who was your favorite teacher? Mrs. Morgan, my Spanish teacher 13. Favorite class? Lunch & Spanish 14. What was your schools full name? Texas Senior High School 15. School mascot? Tiger (swim tea was the Tiger Sharks) 16. Did you go to Prom? Yes 17. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Yes, with some changes 18. What do you remember most about graduation? Sitting next to my best friend Chris and holding his hand until it was our turn to walk 19. Favorite memories of your Senior Year? The girls swim team finally winning the distric swim meet for the first time in school history 20. Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? What's a senior wall? 21. Did you have a job your senior year? No, only the summer between jr and sr year, as a lifeguard 22. Who did you date? Sr year - Frank and Jason 23. Where did you go most often for lunch? We had to stay on campus 24. Have you gained weight since then? Yes, about 10 pounds. What once was muscle is now fat. 25. What did you do after graduation? Went home then to Krist's graduation party WOW! Does that bring back some memories!
  12. I know this thread has been dead a long time but it this quote is just to good and to relevant especially this time of year when everyone is getting ready for the season. Having gone through that exact thought process this past weekend, I have to say I agree 110%!!
  13. I asked for your help, and this is what I get? I guess I better get that tanning bed, huh?
  14. But Jumpergirl is so much cuter than a banner... Awwww... Bolas... I am his banner!
  15. Only 127 more days!! J will have to answer your other question.