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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. I guess that means the list that was started in the other thread is useless. Good thing J added me. He'd be really upset if I went and left him at home.
  2. I've never heard of anything like this for suicide. I think it's wonderful and just made a donation. Thanks eeneR for pointing this out to us and supporting your friend.
  3. You beat me Amanduh! I added you to my list along with Shari! See you soon!
  4. I'm not a bumpy brother, but I'll adopt you.
  5. Actually, J has a couple of 5 cells that we can choose from.
  6. Good point. Chris, another good point.
  7. Come on... can someone really be this dumb??
  8. Break up. Now. But I'm guessing I might have seen these kinds of red flags before now. Maybe not. Nope. DITTO!
  9. And if you are still into each other and no one is messing around or planning to, why bother with a HS reunion? Those people are from your past, who cares? Skip it and do something nice for her. That's great advice! I couldn't agree more!
  10. If she says she is working on getting her Master's right now, that's not something that is going to be done in one weekend. She's talking about a long term thing. "You do what you have to do, what ever happens happens." It seems to me like she might be saying she knows things have been a litte rough lately and she understands if you want something different. That being said, I think you should just ask her what the heck she means by what she said. It makes no sense to you and you would never cheat on her, even with "permission." Just my thoughts.
  11. No such luck. I did meet him last weekend though.
  12. I heard about this on the radio this morning and laughed all the way to work! http://www.monkeyphonecall.com/ I thought, "How appropriate for the Sky Monkeys!"
  13. Neither of those are good memories! That sucks! I hope there are some good ones in there, too, somewhere.
  14. I hang out with good people. I've only heard about the drugs and had minimal alcohol at boogies. (And that's the honest truth!) I'm boring, I know.
  15. My boss recently asked me why we go to different events and what happens after we're done jumping. She said, "Do you just jump all day then go home or what?" I told her, "We jump, visit friends we don't see all the time, there's usually a bonfire at night, lots and lots of drinking, lots of loud music, and just about anything else that they decide to do." I made a casual mention about drugs being involved sometimes and she said, "Are you SERIOUS?! I would have NEVER thought skydivers would do drugs!" I said, "Uh, are YOU serious?"
  16. As you should!! That really sucks. I'm so glad she didn't get hurt!! It could have been worse.
  17. Aww... I'm so honored to have made your list Andy.
  18. What is your earliest childhood memory, and how long ago was it? Mine was about 27 years ago. I was 2 and my mom was pregnant with my brother. I remember her sitting on the couch and letting me listen to her tummy. I guess she must have been around 7-8 months along because she her tummy was big.
  19. That sucks! I've had similar landings, too many times to mention! My VERY first cutaway was on the ground as I was being drug by my main. I cutaway and it went tumbling about 50' before it hit a wall. I'm glad you're ok and not hurt... have Bob kiss your bottom to make it better, too.
  20. C'mon Nan! You have to tell us what happened.
  21. I've got those pics at home. I'll make a copy and stick it in the mail in the next few days. Maybe is ok... for now.