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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. Ok, one more bump to say... THIS LIST IS GOING TO THE THREAD IN EVENTS AND PLACES. Please post it over there so we can keep everything together. THANKS!
  2. I'm for that. I'll take care of it, as much as I can at least. As for the naked jumps... you have fun.
  3. Many healing prayers headed his way. Keep us posted, please.
  4. You sound alot like a friend of mine. Their daughter is 4 and JUST RECENTLY started sleeping in another room. Recently as in the last 3 months or so. I totally disagree with it, but I'm not a mom so I can't relate 100%.
  5. In the words of Amanduh "fck a buncha pretty sures and maybes... "
  6. There's a list going in the Bonfire (here). edit to update link
  7. Bob, I love you but I think I just threw up a little.
  8. As far as I know, GQ is coming to SkyFest. If you want the bartender, you better get there before him. It seems we have alot of those working at SkyFest.
  9. Didn't we have barely legal and barely dressed bartenders last year? Is that close to female strippers? And GQ_Jumper threatened to strip more than once (although I know several girls who wouldn't try to discourage it). It looks like both sides are covered. Stay and play Rookie. No need to go home.
  10. Key Biscane is my very favorite beach in Miami. It's nothing like South Beach. It's very quiet and you have to pay a small fee (maybe $5 but I really don't remember) to get on the key, but it's great. South Beach is interesting, but not my scene so I can't say too much about it. LOL You'll find something to do. I promise.
  11. Dude!! I just saw the new website and it's AMAZING!! I can't wait until it's done and unveiled to the public. It ROCKS!!!! Oh, and the strippers were for me. The hookers you can have.
  12. I guess I didn't clarify... I said "$800 on pendants to give to their family members." They got a "deal" on 10 pendants to give as gifts to their families. On a side note, if anyone is looking for a Q-Link, I have the information for the guy where my boss got hers. Super nice guy and very friendly. His prices were the most competitive. PM me if you'd like his website/name/number, etc.
  13. My bosses both (a husband and wife) have a Q-Link pendant and wear it every single day. I'm not sure if they wear it when they sleep, but I wouldn't doubt it. They swear by it and just spent about $800 on pendants to give to their family members. I think if it's something you believe in, then it will work. Just as if you do not believe in it, it won't work. Just my 2 cents.
  14. Happy Birthday, Dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I'm posting here because she wrote an article about buying gear (see here). Can someone help point me in the right direction? Thanks!
  16. You got it! And yes, you are my second favorite J!
  17. I predict a few sick days for you in July.
  18. Not true! You're at the top of my list.