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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. LIAR!! I have a few pictures that prove otherwise young lady. (Of course I'm in those pictures, too. ) Will you make it this year? You know we'd LOVE to see you again!
  2. WOOHOO!! We're gonna have to give you your own tent so there will be room for your adoring fans.
  3. Some of you may have already seen this, but I just found it while digging around online. Way to go Nan!! (edit for spelling)
  4. I'm sorry Andy. It wasn't intentional. I want everyone to chime in and add themselves. Rookie was on the other list that got locked, so I only moved him over. You know you're my "favorite Andy." I would never leave you out on purpose.
  5. I've seen signs in different fonts but I think generally they are "Arial." At least that's my guess.
  6. I guess since the other thread got locked we'll have to start a "Going" list here. NEXT!!
  7. MIDNIGHT?!?! Are you crazy? Maybe after sunset, possibly, if the others will agree. But midnight? Don't you know how bad people look at midnight?! (Not saying that any of our SkyFest girls look bad at midnight...)
  8. Hmmm... I just might take you up on that offer. Of course, that would mean you wouldn't be jumping it for a little bit. Think you can handle some down time?
  9. Ahhh, gotcha. I'll be in Baton Rouge that weekend. I don't know if J is going to make it or not. I'll be sure to ask though.
  10. Maybe we can stage it a bit better somehow. OH! I have so many ideas!
  11. Hmmmm... as long as you promise to stay BEHIND the camera, then ok.
  12. [replyI dont think you want me to guide you back to.... I don't know WHAT you're talking about.
  13. What...You didn't enjoy MudFest 2005? It was just part of the charm. Hey Jenn!! We've got a better camera this year... maybe we can find another canopy that needs violating! Hmmm... Cora! Nan! More pictures are needed!!!
  14. But just to make up for that, I'm coming to SkyFest! I think that will make us even....Thank you , the support means alot to us.