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Everything posted by jumpergirl

  1. I completely and totally agree with you. It's not something I'd want to spend my money on, but my bosses are way into that stuff and believe it works for them. Ok. Not for me.
  2. I sell alot on eBay as well and this still irritated me. I can totally relate to having to answer the same question over and over, and that's why I always post the question on the listing. I asked this guy questions and he only answered some of them. (By mentioning that I wasn't sure if I had asked something, I was taking the blame even though I KNOW I asked previously.) What I don't like is the assumption and assertiveness with which he replied. I realize invoices through Paypal don't cost anyone anything, but still...
  3. You're right. If you didn't know beforehand, it does look very wrong! LOL
  4. He sent me an invoice through PayPal. Actually, his prices are correct. I was looking for 10 at $88.99 ($889.90) so that's correct, but another $49 for shipping?! They are small pendants that shouldn't be that expensive even if they are insured. Weird guy
  5. I apologize for the length... [rant] So my boss had me researching prices for 10 Q-Link pendants that she wants for gifts for her family. I started on eBay, as she asked, and sent out several emails asking the questions she had. One guy replied with prices but didn't answer all of my questions. Monday I sent another email: He replied today with this: Then the a$$ sent me an invoice. At what point did I ASK for an invoice!? I replied and said, "Thanks for the information but I was not asking for an invoice. Please do what you need to cancel/void/delete that invoice, please." Am I wrong to be irritated about this? Is he correct to assume that because I was asking questions I would purchase from him? Based on a previous email he seems a little "pushy." The day after he replied to my 1st email he sent another and said, "So is your boss interested?" [/rant] Some people!!
  6. Wow, it's great hearing you're doing well. I got a lump in my throat when I read your post. Thank you so much for fighting for us.
  7. That's pretty funny... in yucky kind of way. Back in January my mom sent me an email to tell me she was sending me a CD with pictures on it from Christmas. Her typo read, "I'm sending the dick with pictures today..." I laughed so hard I cried.
  8. I got this in an email... I tried it and the first time I got it right. I tried again and haven't been able to do it again since.
  9. You are very welcome Robby. We're glad we could help. It was great seeing you (and everyone else) again!! See you again soon!!
  10. I know Z-hills has WIFI. It's best the closer you are to manifest.
  11. You can't just leave it like that! You have to tell us!
  12. J and I picked up a girl just a month ago. We had to go to Dallas (from Florida) to go to his uncle's funeral. On our way back, we stopped about 2 hours into our (18 hour) drive for dinner. The place we ate at was located in a hotel. When we left, we had to go through the lobby and saw this girl sitting on the floor crying and talking to someone on the phone. I heard her say, "I don't know where I am. Can you come get me?" We got outside and I told J, "That sucks. I hope she's ok." We got to our truck and were deciding if we wanted to continue driving or spend the night. Then the girl from the lobby walked up. She was bawling. She said she noticed our tags were from Florida and asked if she knew how far we were from Pensacola. I told her we were at lest 12 hours. That upset her even more. It was really cold outside so I told her she could get in the truck where it was warm. She told us that she had been told by her neighbor's brother that he had a job for her, out of town, and that she would make $1500 in 3 days. She talked to her hubby and they decided they needed the money so she went. She didn't find out until she got there that the job she was promised was only minimum wage and that the guy needed her to drive because he didn't have a valid license. She said they had stopped several times, because they had 3 flat tires and the engine over heated, and she had no idea how long or how far they had actually gone. She said there was no heat and no dashboard lights. We talked and told her we would take her home since we were going right through there anyway. We talked to her hubby and gave him both of our cell phone numbers (she didn't have one) and told him to call us anytime if he wanted to check on her. We got a hotel room and went to the casino next door. J gave her $40 (we had no idea when she had last eaten and didn't want her to feel left out while we played the slots) and told her he wanted half of her winnings. She came back and told us she had won $260!! J only took $60 from her. We had a lot of fun driving back with her and feel that we made a couple of new friends.
  13. I believe we have a holiday coming up.
  14. That was great!! I had a lump in my throat and was so thrilled with the entire thing!! Thanks for letting us know it was coming on. I don't usually watch it (just because we watch movies or end up watching something else.) I love the show and this family deserves it so much. I can't wait to see the girl's bedroom when they are done!! I'm already jealous!!
  15. Only 124 days left! That ought to make it a little better, huh?
  16. Awesome! I think it will a great addition to their reception and will fit in wonderfully with their Hawaiian theme!
  17. Our website changed servers and designers. It is currently being updated and will have all of the needed info. I can't give you an exact date as to when it will be up, but it will be soon. I promise I'll let you (and everyone else) know THE MINUTE it happens.
  18. Actually, it truly is being updated right now. The guys are putting the finishing touches on it and it will be "unveiled" soon.
  19. Dammit, J. Did you kill ANOTHER thread. Congrats on confirming it... we have no life... but lots of posts on dz.com.
  20. Wow... amazing that no one was killed. I hate driving in the fog. It scares me.