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Everything posted by Brains

  1. Yeah yeah, like the TWO surgeries i had this year weren't bad enough!! Current count, two steel rods, one plate, eight screws! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  2. Aggie Dave is right but i wanted to throw out one more option for the TX ticket, when you do get in touch with the judge, you can also ask for deferred ajudication. You will pay a court fee and that is it, however if you get another traffic ticket in the next three months then you owe for both. it is like probation. The worst they can say is NO and you still owe the same amount. I have no idea how it works with out of staters though. And like Riddler said, for those distances we Fly! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  3. LOL, and we won't even talk about the bent prop incident. Thanks man Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  4. I'm not stupid, the only reason that shit happens to me is because of my fiance' those ladies wouldn't even talk to me otherwise. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  5. Where is this boogie held anyway?? I just through the pink mafia girls out there as an example. Cause this pic, was taken at one of my favorite boogies in Sebastian, and i never even jumped. Best birthday present ever!
  6. I gotta tell you. If this thread is any indication of what this boogie is about, i will NEVER attend. You should re-think your boogie promotion duties!! Now, some pink mafia girls dancing naked in a hula hoop while drinking beer, sign me up!! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  7. Not so much with upright flying. HD yes if naked or having baggy suit/pants Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  8. Most of them already had two, the one's who didn't got a digital pretty quick after seeing how many they were missing out on. The manifest girls do a pretty good job upselling the tandems and there are several books and collage's in manifest touting the advantages of digital also. I don't fly any cameras at all anymore but when i did even i got an upgrade for digital stills on an aff jump Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  9. Well they will certainly fly different. Different glide, different trim, different flare etc. etc. etc. My suggestion is to spend a while jumping the new canopy to get used to how it flies. Then after you feel you have a pretty good idea about how it flies and lands, go back to your spectre and do the same thing so you don't forget about that one. After you get more experience, it won't be that big a deal. One of our vidiots uses a spectre 150 and a Velocity 103 for back to backs He swoops the hell out of them both too. (spectre is wingsuit rig that he will use for back to back) Good luck, it CAN be done safely if you put in the time to learn them both individually first.
  10. It says we got ENGAGED, it doesn't just say that i asked her Remster, are there dues or a membership card to the "married way out of your league" club?? I figure you have to be the president or something. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  11. I had to make sure she was the right one!! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  12. If I understand you correctly; ~San Marcos charges $XX.00 for 35mm roll of 24 or 36 pix. ~if the student prefers digital images, San Marcos charges $XX.00 for the pix, plus 20.00 for digital? What is your $XX.00 charge before the digital add-on? Video/stills package is $89 and that includes a dvd and roll of film. If you want to upgrade that to digital, it is $109. And from what i remember the extra went to the vidiot for using their digitals and burning cd's of the pics. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  13. Very true!! Thanks everyone! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  14. Even scarrier, that is a 111 he don't need no stinkin weight belt!! Nice shots Chuck, and nice carvin' Dave. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  15. Brains

    Note to self...

    Bolas, do know who skycat is married too?? I don't think Derek would let you slide on that one. I for one would never try, I've met him Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  16. He hasn't stayed away completely!! And again! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  17. Cool, Glad you are having such a good time in the US. I have been reading your posts about your travels and it is interesting to hear about things from your perspective. Keep having a great time and tell Katiebear i said hi
  18. Or Gregg Gasson, Craig O'Brian, Bryan Buckland, JC, Crazy Larry, etc. etc. etc. Edit: However, these guys use a ftp when shooting outside video/stills. I can see why someone would not want a top mount when freeflying inside a formation, especially with large and or less experienced groups. To each his own, we all have to live with our decisions. I only hope we don't endanger someone else.
  19. Ever tried collecting urine from a coyote?? Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  20. square one or paragear.
  21. that doesn't keep it on top of open windows though, only constantly visible on your desktop. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  22. start menu, control panel, taskbar/start menue option: Choose option(check box) for always on top. that should do it for you. Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  23. I know, i don't even need to click that link, Walt has posted most of them before!! Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.
  24. Meh, you got 7 months Robert Earl Keen, "The road goes on forever" My goals for 2008 are to grow my business, get healthy and stay that way, and to get scuba certified.
  25. As a lawyer, should you really be putting all this out there? Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.