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Everything posted by freeatlast

  1. freeatlast

    Last Holiday

    Wait til you see the stunt double .... It's pretty scary the things they can do with Latex etc ...
  2. Faber ... i'm getting my sh*t together ready for a year of fun and chaos ... you are always welcome here and i'll let you play with the kayakies ... Seriously though PM me and let me know when the weather is likely to improve over in Denmark (March time ??) and we'll organise a weekend of jumping - i'm just waiting for my new rig to get here at the moment
  3. I think you should speak to faber ... He has a really stylish BASE helmet and boots ....
  4. Well I'd just like to say thanks to Pope and everyone at Triax ... True to their word i recieved a copy of the bridgeday DVD today ... BEFORE XMAS ... Not bad considering that they had to ship it to the UK as well ... Well done guys !!!
  5. No it's the 18" version ... It's the only one my GF can feel these days ....
  6. If you're heading over to the states from the Uk for xmas / new year (florida preferably) and you might have room to bring back a new toy for me could you let me know ??? Cheers James
  7. I have already posted this on the uk baseboard but if anyone's heading over to the UK (preferably) or europe and has room to bring a rig with them can they pm me ??? Cheers James
  8. Hi Jarno Thanks for posting those shots ... I think it's safe to say that these camera's will do more than i need for the foreseeable future ... so i guess it's just a question of getting the $'s together !!! Back to the original question though - which one would you reccomend to buy? the pro version of the HC1 or the "normal" version ??? Money will be a factor but will i miss out on anything major by buying the cheaper version ???
  9. Ok i've read a little bit about this camera on this forum and i'm thinking of shelling out in the new year for one as i need a new camcorder, so here's my questions ... What are the differences between the A1 and HC1 - i saw a mention of the A1 as a "pro" version. I presume its more costly so what is better about it - or are the extra features suitable only for a pro-user ???? Are there any major drawbacks to using this camera (apart from costs)??? It would be great if anyone who has used this camera for a while would let me have the "dummies guide" to this new camera. Has anyone tried using Apple's Imovie HD yet ?? - is it as good and easy to use as the normal imovie software ??? Thanks for all your help James Nb I realise that some of the above questions will seem "simple" but that's me !!!
  10. Yeah but the nuns loved it ... they're into electric "devices"
  11. Live from hemel hempstead ... Well looking at CNN and having been woken at 06.05 i have to say it looks like a scene from armageddon .... However looking out my window and seeing people fishing in the canal (less than 3 miles from the scene) i have to say it's definately being overdone ... YES it was a BIG EXPLOSION and YES it will have a big effect on the M1 and several other resources (maybe even fuel supplies at heathrow) but no, it's not as bad as described .... But maybe its time to jump the "PHOTO" building whist the coppers are busy ... Also if this is in anyway is an attempt to get skyrad to wear his hoody again, then i have to say "you people are all sick !!!" lol ...
  12. Hi Kris - Legal Base WAS covered until they wised up !!! I guess i knew it was coming ... so this year ... I insured with ... Which is a danish medical insurance firm ... PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT GENERAL HOLIDAY INSURANCE .... But the essence of the policy is ... $300 000 maximum of cover per trip for medical and repatriation costs OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOME COUNTRY ... NO RESTRICTIONS ON HAZARDOUS SPORTS OR OCCUPATIONS ... MAX 30 DAYS PER TRIP .... So it's entirely possible to use this trip for a mixture of legal and not so legal jumps (if required) in any country other than your own home country and they will cover you to the policy value !!! PLEASE NOTE YOU STILL NEED REGULAR HOLIDAY INSURANCE ... BUT I REALLY LIKE THE NO RESTRICTION CLAUSE FOR DANGEROUS SPORTS .... As to their customer service - no idea yet as i've never claimed but i beleive Faber says that danish insurance is good ... But then again he says that about danish food (raw pickled herrings etc !!!) James
  13. Ian No he's been staying in and learning flower arranging !!! As for thursday ... I'm not sure what the weather's up to ... i guess you're taking him to the big london object that might 'spark" his interest... i'm not sure of my plans ... mainly because i'm up to my nuts in it ... But if the weather shits out tomorrow take him to soho - i hear they like dutch boys there !!!! Otherwise if i can't jump i have a manky 265 troll mdv that might just save his ass !!! James
  14. It's truly an excellent video - it scored highly at the bridgeday video competition too!!! Well reccomended !!!
  15. No- way you're not playing in my playground ... you weird dutch man !!!
  16. I'm arriving on the 4th unfortunately ... And I'm not sure my mum would appreciate me bringing my rig along on her birthday trip - unless i let her groundcrew of course !!!
  17. Yeah, Fly free in the wind ... BSBD ....
  18. So that's where i've been going wrong !!!! I'll send Rob and Kathy my gargoyle and troll back right now !!!! NOT !!!!
  19. That's because of all the blueberry pancakes you and chris were eating
  20. Thanks to everyone for a fantastic time at bridgeday this year It was a fantastic event and i still haven't stopped smiing yet ... A BIG thanks to Jason for organising the event and to Donk for organising the BASE video contest and picking up my beer tab !!! It was fantastic to watch all those great video's and see the amazing variety of jumps that people are making ... It was really great to meet everyone - Jason Bell, Jean Boenish, Tom A, Nick DG, Johnny W, Pope, Kenyon, Bill, Psycho Bob, Jimmy H, Rob + Kathy, Uncle Charlie and the other 500 or so people who we met and shared great times with - even the welsh guy!!! lol Just watching tom and uncle charlies' wingsuit rodeo jump and all of russells jumps (plus the canopy bi-plane) and all the other fun stuff made me realise how lucky we all are to share this great sport ... It was incredible to watch so many people make their first jumps - and to see so many jumps made with so few injuries ... A sign of a well organised event ... Those river rescue guys were brilliant, well organised and there in seconds ... (not that i'm saying i landed in the water or anything !!!) So anyway -we'll see you all at the next one ... Be safe and happy flicking ... And if anyone's heading over to europe - remember to stop by and say hi. James
  21. Hi there Try looking at the UK Base Board there's probably going to be someone on there in your area ... There are few people in the UK willing to be mentors so you will have to be very lucky to find someone who will take you on even if they know you. Which DZ do you jump at ??? There are jumpers at many DZ's but they may not advertise the fact .... As for courses there are several and many threads already devoted to this subject ... But there is at least one course available in Spain and Norway (as you mentioned) .... Try buying a base canopy first (if possible) and put a whole bunch of jumps on it - you may have to beg / borrow a large container to use and of course you won't look "cool" for a while with a big ass student rig on!!! ;-) Btw make very certain that this is something you want to do and are prepared to die for (or at least get severely injured doing) before heading along this path ... James
  22. I believe that they may have 5000+ JUMPS but maybe not 2000+ BASE jumps. The last time i spoke with them (about 6 weeks ago) i thought that they had approx 600 BASE jumps between them (Paula / Ulli feel free to correct me if i'm also wrong!!!). Either way with a qualified rigger (Ulli) and those sorts of jump numbers plus a high level of currency (Paula states on the site she has 300+ Base in the last 24 months) they seem suitably qualified in terms of experience. Also having jumped with them i have to add that they seemed very safe and competant - although it is worth pointing out that my own experience is very limited (31 BASE so far) Just my 0.02c
  23. Maybe once everything settles down they'll need some volunteers to help put them back up ??? I know a few people that might be willing to work all night long to help with the restoration and subsequently to do periodic "safety" checks
  24. Hi there Definately ask around before commiting yourself. You need to be 100% that the people who are teaching you are acting in your best interests and are suitably qualified. Remember its YOUR LIFE in THEIR HANDS. Ask plenty of questions before deciding on which one to take, preferably find one which is reccomended by other (experienced) people that you know and trust. I have relatively little experience of BASE and you should ask as many of the more experienced guys as you can and then make your own decision. Having said all that, I have been to two different courses based at the bridge in the USA and can say they were both good courses !!! So if you can go there it's a great and (relatively) forgiving object. There are several courses run by Tom A, Apex etc based there. Alternatively, nearer to home, you could have a look at Paula and Ulli's course based in Spain see James