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Everything posted by nacmacfeegle

  1. nacmacfeegle


    Strong aniseed taste, nice with soda/7 up. Its a green coloured spirit made in Czech land. It used to have a hallucinogenic in it which is probably why it was outlawed in a load of countries. It was very popular with artistic types around the turn of the 19th century, drove a few of them mad though. The stuff they make nowadays and sell legitimately does not have the halucinogens in it allegedly. Its becoming more available in Europe now. Gets you giggly drunk real quick, but bars in the UK are charging a fortune for it. I brought back a couple of bottles of the stuff for those special occasions , they cost me about 8 bucks each for 0.7 litre bottles. Prague is a great place, beutiful city, cheap, loads of fun, and they have a kick ass boogie at Karlovy Vary each year. Wanna try some Slappie? I could bring a bottle out next time I'm home..... "Fill your hand, you son-of-a-bitch!" Thats mighty fine talk for a one eyed fat man..... Cya D
  2. nacmacfeegle


    "That's right Bohemia or now known as czekloslovokia(SP?)" Hmm suspect spelling deffo, isn't it now the Czech (sp?)Republic? Or at least it was last summer when I was in Prague
  3. nacmacfeegle


    Aha, two of the finest beer making countries in the world. Cya D
  4. Okay...lets just say that I am less than tiny, never have been. Seldom second in a rolling down the hill contest. Cya D
  5. Kewel, but I just chuck my slider behind my head, never bothers me....Slinks and mini risers help a lot, makes it real easy. I 've seen the thing you describe on videos and wondered what it was....Now I know!
  6. nacmacfeegle


    "I think there already is a Slap-Ass. How about if we call him Scottish Ass?" Slapster don't sound Scottish to me, besides, there's a Scottish Ass here already too....... So whassup Slappie, you Scottish, or Scottish decent? Cya D
  7. Prolly cheaper to have a similar thing (velcro loop) fitted to the back of the jumpsuit, quite common......
  8. Got back monday, up to my ankles in shit at work, which wouldn't be so bad, but I went in head first . If I bash in some hours, I may make it down to SPX on friday afternoon, definitely gonna be there sat to see my new baby.....Mebbe even pick up that DVD? Cya soon D
  9. Ooops, my bad, thanks for keeping me straight cya D
  10. Hey Trent, try this Flex Z Goggles (or flexvision) P.O. Box 42072 Mesa, AZ 85274 Tel: (602) 838-2691 don't know how up to date it is.....I think they are based over in Sebastian now. do they advertise in Skydiving mag, pop thru to manifest, say hi to Krista, and borrow one thats lying round... Cya, Dave
  11. Stevieboy, I travelled (with work) round Europe jumping in Norway, Holland, Germany, France, Spain etc, the BPA cover is recognised and accepted in most places, granted I wasn't spending an awful lot of time at any particular DZ. Most of the time they are just concerned about third party insurance, which the BPA cover provides in Europe--best check this with BPA. Of course you will need your log book and your FAI license, get one if you don't already have this, it really helps. Why don't you contact the Froggy BPA and see what they have to say...... Here's a French website which lists most of the DZs in Frogland If you haven't finished AFF, get your ass down to GAP, Lapallise, or La Roche sur Yon, where there are English instructors, or even French guys who are willing to speak Anglais with a "Rot Boeuf" (sp?), I'm sure you know what I mean. Bon chance mon vieux, a bientot, D Apologies to any Froggies out there, no offences meant....
  12. At least two knives each, make sure one of them is a 'big' knife like Jack the ripper or equivalent, mounted on chest strap. Don't piss around with little plastic ones..... Chest mount altimeters work better than wrist mounts Watch your footwear, no hooks on boots. Wear jeans, and long sleeve sweat shirts to avoid line burn when you are starting. Prefferably have an experienced crew dog show you the ropes first, better still have one on the load. Don't get too ambitous until you are comfortable with things. Have fun, Crew rocks...... cya D
  13. 0:6:0 Nae sex, but that will change when I catch up with my g/f in Scotland on wednesday, 6 great lobs @Spaceland, no beer owed, but I bought plenty anyway.....Those numbers will have to change cos my new Javelin arrived on Saturday, and its gorgeous. . When I get back, I'll either have sex with it, or put some jumps on it. I was like a little boy on christmas morning. Sunpath have done a really nice job with the tie dyeing.....I'll post some pics when its put together with the reserve etc. Cya D
  14. You keep drinkin' mine........ cya in a fortnight D
  15. As for transitions, find one and stick to it. Too many types and it loses its edge and seems like the vidiot was trying to show off (if they even notice them). agreed.
  16. I have a Casio with an Altimeter on it, way too slow for jumping, good as a navigation aid when climbing/hiking etc.... Its ok for weather prediction, if you are expecting a front to come in etc. also ok for temperature monitoring and such like. Cya, the pubs a calling.... D
  17. "Frap hats are good at keeping your hair and dytter in place, but not much else." They make a nice leather bag to keep your alti in
  18. what about Georgia, Texas, and Australia Sheep in Texas, where???? D Lonely Scotsman in Texas......
  19. nacmacfeegle


    send good vibes his way.... vibes sent, ommmmmmm.......
  20. Cya at the weekend then, gotta go now and judge some chilli at the company cookoff.....och ma poor wee ring
  21. Pump up the front end with some cool shots, I used to use a "leader" sequence. Short snappy cuts of freeflying, CRW, freestyle, hot RW, funnels, funny dives etc, swoops, water landings, party footage etc. The iddea is to sell skydiving, not just the jumping but all the other stuff we all know and love so well, then cut to the 'main feature'. If its a one off, then mix footage from the principle experiences into the leader section to make it look more personal.
  22. Okay, I'm goming out of RW retirement (I'm heading into the light after an all too brief sojourn into the dark side) to throw my not inconsiderable bulk behind the defence of the Texas record....I'm not a Texan, but I do uphold the right to defend my gracious hosts, and I vow to stand shoulder to shoulder with my new found southern brothers and sisters. Damned if I'm gonna sit back and let these west coast freaks pinch the title from the rightful holders of the record. Bring it on.... Wanna fast base? I'm yer man. Besides, AntiMike owes me Heineken..... D Seldom second in the rolling down the hill contest.
  23. "Like, what water? " Look out your window, like right now, . First they bring me a whole day of hopnpopping, now some rain, my homesickness is evaporating . cya D
  24. "sick hybrid dives" Sinus still giving you problems Trent??
  25. "Sorry, but if's dont cut it with me.... When I m above, its my job to make sure no one is under me." If you've never been taken out of a formation (especially RW)by somebody below you, you are a lucky guy indeed..... If you are talking about tracking/dumping issues, then nobody should be pitching that close to the swarm, we are talking about 4500-5000 here, back tracking out of a freefly swarm is, IMHO, a whole lot safer than belly tracking out of it. Of course as you pick up speed you transition to a belly flat track, and come pull time, nobody should be on their back. Just as in RW, FF break off and deployment altitudes and procedures should be discussed during the dive planning. D