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Everything posted by DFWAJG

  1. Nepotism. I've seen people get far places because of their daddy's. It's unfair. I always believed you can get far just by hard work. Now, I realize, that hard workers continue to work hard for their money, and work hard until they die.
  2. First of all, [notice correct grammar, not First off] It's a Philly Cheese Steak. And they are delicious, btw. Flyers will have the Blackhawks for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and still have room for their cheese steak.
  3. There are tons of NYC skydivers from The Ranch. Visit www.theblueskyranch.com and check out the forums for carpooling.
  4. Love Bug is a licker. He licks your hands more than your face, though.
  5. Well, we have to have the top lid up so the dog can drink from the toilet. But the other seat should go back down when the boys are done.
  6. He does have that challenge!
  7. Yes, Robert, Squeak is correct. I am flying today to join him. Only one coast now!
  8. you are so sweet, lover.
  9. I've always known that I would marry a lawyer.
  10. You are a few weeks behind. Someone already posted about it.
  11. got married a little bit ago. So excited to join him tomorrow night. And we ain't postin' weekend numbers.
  12. You can let him know that it's Lawrocket's job to do the dishes, and he is a guy.
  13. I just saw one of Walt's replies. I miss the guy. Anyone else? Can he be forgiven and invited back?
  14. Term life typically does not cover skydiving. You will likely need a whole life policy. I have a $300.000 whole life policy and pay and extra $1500 per year for the skydiving. For both the skydiving and my being a private pilot, the total extra on top of the policy is about 3K extra per year.
  15. Nope, no beer. Second marriage for both of us.
  16. 0:2:0 One coach jump with Coach Jerry. 7 points! Hadn't jumped since August. One Andyway. At least we didn't funnel the exit. Got kicked in the head, which I didn't realize until the massive headache I had after I opened. It was still a good time and I will really miss The Ranch. But alas, I move this week to join my husband who is in good standing with the bar.
  17. How? Because the FAA checks records. Medical records and Police records(DUI). Your medical records cannot be checked without your written consent. Police records are a different story.
  18. DFWAJG

    Wind SUCKS!

    We've got gusts over 40 knots here at The Ranch. I've been here all week and no jumps because of rain and wind. Sucks!
  19. Does phone sex count? ; 80; 150; None 80% on my private pilot's exam, I passed! 150 miles flown on Easter Sunday to complete my three leg cross country. Now I get to practice for the check out ride!
  20. Actually, it is underutilized in the California penal system. I have seen way too many very mentally ill individuals in the prison system, who would be better served, and served more efficiently, in the hospital setting. I have also, on the flip side, seen many criminals, although not as many, take advantage of the hospital system, trapping doctors into keeping them there, with malingered suicidality. For the most part, NGRI's (guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity) is very underutilized.
  21. Sadly, many of the prisoners are tremendously mentally ill. Likely, even with his extensive criminal background, he isn't criminally minded, just hungry, and not able to provide himself with food because he was gravely disabled. I unfortunately have seen a lot of this in the California prison system. Since Reagan closed most of the state's State Hospitals, the prisons have served as the state hospital. Estimates of mentally ill in prison will reach 50% by 2012.
  22. I've got an autographed book. And I got to jump with Peter. I get to say "I knew him when."