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Everything posted by DFWAJG

  1. I'm a doctor, sweetie. I've got it covered. No DKA here. And DKA is when the person's breath smells fruity, not their feces smelling fruity. Eat a whole food plant based diet, and obesity will shed and health will emerge.
  2. She has a rabbit and a body pillow. Problem solved. No need for men.
  3. well, you have to be able to smell across the room - you run out of breath walking that far! I have more energy and better health since I've adopted this lifestyle. Even Lawrocket has enjoyed better health. Interestingly, as I posted this morning on facebook, is the bathroom situation. When I was a girl, there was a saying for snooty people. "She/he thinks her shit doesn't stink." Well, this morning, after my morning routine in the loo, I can honestly hold my nose high in the air and state "My shit doesn't stink." It actually smelled really good. Kind of a fruity aroma. Must be all the stone fruit I've been eating this week. And the overall health benefits from going on a vegan diet are amazing. Contrary to popular belief, plants do have protein, and several are complete proteins. The top 30 foods on the ANDI scale are plants, with the top 13 being green plants. Eat a whole food, plant based diet, and be virtually free of a diseased state, including obesity.
  4. Just went to the derm to have a growth on my face checked out. She got out her liquid nitrogen gun and zapped all over me. I had a lot of burns as a kid and these are the result of it. I had a bunch of pre-cancerous actinic keratosis.
  5. I thought it pretty clear that loonies don't stick to laws almost by definition There really shouldn't be any laws pertaining to loonies...I mean, most of them won't understand it anyways, or follow them. It just makes criminals out of perfectly fine loonies. Just because someone is "crazy" does not make him/her incompetent to make his/her own decisions, including the purchase or use of a gun.
  6. I'd bet that if you tried a whole food plant based diet for a month, your taste buds would mature and you would enjoy food even more. It's amazing that on my lifestyle, I can smell fruits and vegetables from across the room, and those who consume animal products need to put the vegetation to their noses to smell it.
  7. Who is going to do the screenings? And, would every person be required to have a screening? If not, then you would be discriminating against someone for having a disability, thus, violating the Americans with Disabilities Act. Are you trying to prevent suicides? Or homicides? If suicides, then don't give men over 85 a gun. They have the highest suicide rates. Those with depression and substance use disorders are next in line. Homicide by the mentally ill, especially the homicide of strangers, is very rare, and account for less than 8% of the homicides committed. Generally, if the mentally ill are going to harm someone, it will be their family members. As I said previously, the mentally ill are more likely to be targets of homicide, as opposed to being the perpetrators. I would be more concerned, with those with personality disorders, especially borderlines, narcissists, and anti-socials than any other. While many borderlines often seek psychiatric help, narcissists and anti-socials, often don't, unless for secondary gain. These are your most dangerous with weaponry. ooh, good, someone qualified to talk on this subject. do you have any immediate thoughts on the subject of possible changes to mental screening wrt gun purchases? Ignoring the issue of scale, I don't see the notion of a positive checkoff before purchase going anywhere aside from a virtual ban because it seems like no doctor would want the liability of saying "he's safe, give him a canon." It's much easier to create a no sell list based on criteria, but that has the potential consequence of discouraging people to seek care, esp given the legitimate fear that this list could be used for employment screening at high profile jobs (ex, pilots).
  8. Peaches. They are in season...And oh, so juicy.
  9. For those of you who have MS, please do yourself a favor and consider changing your dietary habits. Dr. John McDougall has done long term studies of the effects of a Western diet vs a whole food, plant based diet and has found that those with MS who follow the plant based diet have longer remission rates and less long term disability than do those who continue the standard Western diet. http://www.drmcdougall.com/
  10. Peter, I vote for Riddler's solution. Start consuming more plants and fewer animals. It will lower your carbon footprint and lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. Also, do as the Japanese do, and have yourself a few minutes in the bathroom before you board. Less weight on board means better fuel efficiency. And, the guy is an ass. Living in the city is more efficient and has a lower impact on the environment than does living in the suburbs.
  11. Under California law, once you have been admitted for Danger to Self/Danger to Others, there are prohibitions to your buying guns. I recall, during residency, having to fill out paperwork for patients that had to be reported to the local police agencies. Keep in mind, that the psychiatrically ill are more likely to become victims of violent crimes, than as perpetrators of violent crimes. http://mabpro.com/community/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=74&Itemid=84
  12. Honey, I distinctly remember you saying to me, while I was in Seattle, that while you played the wii games, you were turned on by my mii. I guess you just missed me so much. :0*
  13. Do you guys take him seriously? Lighten up, Cupcake.
  14. Karen is so special, she deserves two birthday threads. We have to help her make up for her mutant gene by showing her how great she is that she deserves two threads.
  15. Jump in Keens. They have meaty toes that help protect your big toe.
  16. I bought a Samurai after about 175 jumps. It is very sporty. I found myself only jumping when it was windy, so I would have slower landings.. You need fast feet with a Sam. My advice, wait a while longer. Check out a Saffire 2, Pilot or Sabre 2.
  17. This sounds like my day with Apple over my Mac.
  18. Honey, it would be helpful if you remembered all of the canvas/ recycled plastic bottle bags when you went to the store. We have about forty of them.
  19. Another way to approach it is to tactfully ask your non-infected friend how he/she is handling birth control. You can tactfully let the person know that it may be a good idea to use condoms in addition to already said birth control. You can also tactfully mention that sometimes, someone may say he/she is clean of disease, but may not be.
  20. I don't think I even dated a whuffo since I started skydiving.
  21. So what is the contest to get one. You have 300. I want one! How do I get one? Huh, Huh? I've totally been promoting HARO on my facebook for the past few weeks. Do I get one? I just got married. Can I have one as a wedding gift? Please Peter, please. With cherries on top. I won't make you eat nut cheese.
  22. I had a patient once that had been a member of the Nazi party. He had Alzheimer's and was on a locked unit for dementia patients. As clear as day, he could recall past events of his youth. He told us that when he was in school, the Nazi's came to recruit. A few that refused to join, had never been heard of again. For his own preservation, he joined.
  23. All the West Pointers jump at The Ranch. Hope you get your Shawanga on!