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Everything posted by jtnesbitt

  1. I dont mean to laugh because trapping the animal and then subjecting it to all that smoke is obviously cruel but can you imagine being the cop and walking in on that scene? It would totally look like the guy was trying to smoke the cat. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  2. Good point. I guess thats why our govt is spending part of the stimulus money on bringing boradband to rural areas. I mean afterall, who knew you wouldnt have broadband porn access when you moved to east bufu? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  3. +1 +1 +1 Ahahahahaha! Bill i dont think i've ever been so amused by one of your posts AND agree with "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  4. Sign them up for the craziest weirdest porn you can find and have it sent to their office and work email. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  5. I cant beleive she said she would do it again. Maybe she should have saved that statement for after her courtdate. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  6. Rule 7: Pulling before 3.5k is not permitted and a complete waste of altitude unless the jumper has beer in their jumpsuit pockets. Rule 7.1: Beer is permitted on a dropship as long as it is not visible before exit and is empty before landing. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  7. Sorry to burst your bubble but you still have 44 days to go. Sundays arent counted in the 40 days, so it's really 46 days "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  8. Yeah, i dunno how it affects policy but i always lie to UPS about whats in the package but then insure it for the proper amount. "Yes thats right, I need this package of T-shirts sent to Moab and insured for $1500." "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  9. tomorrow. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  10. Well, when you cut a category out of your diet, you have to find another way to balance it However i always take that many vitamins. Mainly because i am "sponsored" by my local GNC. Or at least thats what my whuffo friend that owns it call it as he uses me for his guinea pig. I pay practically next to nothing for everything because I've got half my friends and coworkers shopping there now "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  11. I dont know why he felt tired unless he was just eating less period. There are plenty of other ways to get the potential loss in protein but carbs are going to help with energy. I am a vitamin freak too. I take 9 in the morning, 2 at lunch, and 3-4 in the evening depending on my routine. My supplements vary on whether i am jumping or not too, like with amino acids and stuff. (Havent i ever offered you chewable L-glutamine at the DZ? I normally offer them to everyone in the hanger which earns me starnge looks.) I also found a great protein shake that i drink every morning and after workouts. I normally count my calorie intake and estimate what i burn in my work outs so if needed i will suppliment with energy bars. Beyond that though i didnt really dont feel tired when i do this. As i mentioned before i usually eat more carbs than usual because its an easy substitute so i am intaking plenty of energy. You would! "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  12. It's actually a lot easier than it sounds. I never really crave meat so the biggest thing is it's just a pain in the ass and a big inconvienience. Especially during lunch time during the work week. You really dont have a ton of options that dont get real old real fast. I think giving up all meat is a lot easier than giving up alcohol. I dont drink a lot but when i want a drink i WANT a drink "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  13. I give up meat every year. Not just on Fridays but the entire time. Partly for lent and partly as a self test. Unfortunately as a result my carb and sodium intake normally skyrockets as i am forced to eat other things. (edit for poor spelling) "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  14. Not really an anaylsis, just really an observation i wanted to throw out there because i was intrigued when i noticed it. Yes lightweight jumpers did come to mind at first, but at least one of the female tailstrikes was gross pilot error and some of the others the weight wasnt an issue either. And yes, 7 isn't an appropriate number for an analysis, thats why i said it's an observation. However you have to admit it is a rather unusual one. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  15. Since we're comparing the number of strikes against different factors (such as wingsuits, poised exits, climbing exits, etc) i noticed something unusal when comparing tailstrikes vs sex. I can't help but notice many of the strkes are with female jumpers. I foind this unusual since female jumpers are only around 20% of all jumpers while female tailstrikes are close to 60% in the past few years. I am not trying to imply anything just saying the numbers are odd. Pell City 7/05 - Female Louisburg 7/07 - Male Bowling Green - 6/08 - Male Ritzville 07/08 - Female Ohio 07/08 - Female UK 08/08 - Male Raeford 02/09 - Female Again, not trying ti imply anything because there are always outside factors to consider however this really intrigues me. Flame on. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  16. I really dont have a problem with the video. One of the intentially cutaways looked kind of high and the landing area (in people's backyards) looked sketchy for sure but those companants aside they were just having some off DZ fun. You can't say "people will see this and try to duplicate it" because thats crap. We have TV shows on damn near anything and if people want to do something they see on TV they can and will. I know i'm gonna get flamed for this but if someone approached you and said "Hey, we're gonna provide you with a helicopter for the day AND pay you to do whatever you want including all the "crazy" stuff that you're not allowed to do at the DZ, the only catch is we get to put the footage in TV." What would you say? Its not like the producers put them up to it. Look at what they did: low pull contest, intentional cutaways? Do you think a whuffo producer came up with those ideas or a skydiver? "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  17. Whats better than a set of boobs? Two sets "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  18. hahaha, i love those guys. I get to see them live in Nashville in April. "You know when i'm down to my socks it's time for business thats why they're called business socks" "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  19. I'm a second Gen skydiver as well. My dad started jumping/working at SGC back in the early 70's with Jim West and Paul Fayard then ran Bardstown for a while. We used to get to jump together a lot but now he's always out of town flying jumpers. It was pretty cool having him dock on my first tandem. Then we both docked on my sisters first tandem later down the road. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  20. I always notice the RW motivational "teamwork" poster on the wall during "The Office." "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  21. You think i look cool now just wait til i transform and jack up your base! "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  22. Hahaha, well, since i have many clients on the west coast in means i work heavily into the evenings and also a lot from my cell and home office so my boss is pretty lienient with how I spend my time as I do my job and my numbers are good. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  23. I agree with what you're saying, and thats what i do. The issue is that this guy doesnt see himself as part of my team, he thnks he reports directly to my boss cuz he is his friend. Until lunch today i was worried i was going to be helf responsible for his success (like the rest of my team that actually does wht they are supposed to) but fortunately come to find out i wont be responsible for his failure afterall. "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  24. "We'll make out with each other for jump tickets" "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero
  25. I can put 22's on ANYTHING! "If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero