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Everything posted by chiquita24

  1. I started babysitting at 11, and had my first real job at 15 at a convenience store. I worked with some really fun people, so it wasn't so bad!
  2. Maybe things don't work out with Molly after all and he goes crying back to DeAnna from last year's Bachelorette who came back to him just before he made his choice between Molly and Melissa. And then she'll blow him off again just because he turned her down then. That's a good possibility!
  3. How comfortable are coconut bras? Seems like I wouldn't enjoy rubbing my nipples on the inside of a coconut? They are horribly uncomfortable! Besides the coconuts rubbing, the damn strap that hold it on, is so itchy! Better reason to take if off sooner! Have a good time!
  4. I think so too! He's a man, why wouldn't he? Even though I'd like to think that he didn't...
  5. I can't believe he did that! Did you see how pissed Melissa was?? And she had every right! I'd be fuming if someone did that to me! I loved on Jimmy when Jason said he thought him and Melissa could be friends some day and Jimmy burst out laughing and made fun of him!
  6. Yes ok it is kinda a dumb show and way overrated. But I wasn't saying that the guys here would be on the show!
  7. Thought I'd hear more from the guys here! If that was you, and you had an overnight dates with 3 beautiful girls, what would you do?
  8. Thanks to all who have responded! I got a laugh out of some! But I guess I'm looking for something a little more related to the actual skydive.
  9. I don't think they go for the money, but maybe they do! I think maybe that played a role in the one with Andrew Firestone.
  10. So I'm watching The Bachelor and last week had me wondering...Do you think he has sex with all the girls while on the overnight dates? I realize a lot of you probably don't care, but just curious as to what you think!
  11. Wade is a good friend of mine! He took me on my 2nd tandem while I was on vacation in Ixtapa when SDC staff worked there. The jump in the pictures was at SDC during Nationals 2 yrs ago. His wife Hellen, is one of my best friends. We've known each other for years! They are very happy together and I can't wait til I see them both again!
  12. I'm looking for some good skydive quotes to caption this photo.
  13. I liked this line from your Mexico blog >>It is funny being the only fair haired person on a train I spent a month in Mexico City and felt like every where I went people looked at me like I was an alien!
  14. Got my first passport 2003 or somewhere around there. Went to Mexico with my family, LOST my passport in Mexico-seriously we left the airport, got to the hotel and mine was gone! Oops! My mom was freaking out since the only other id I had was my driver's license and she was worried they weren't going to let me back in. I, on the other hand, was not worried what-so-ever. I'd be stuck in Mexico in paradise!!
  15. Come to think about it, despite all this so called experience we northerners get driving in snowy and icy conditions, there is still no shortage of morons who don't know how to drive on the white slippery icy stuff. No shit huh? It seems like every time it snows people forget how to drive and especially PARK! Is it that hard to remember how to park your car in a parking lot?? And I can't believe it snowed that much in Georgia!!! I picture the whole town shut down and everyone huddled in their houses!
  16. Gift certificates to a store they like. I know it's a bit like taking the easy way out, but it's actually what I asked for. I'd rather go shopping and buy something I know I want.
  17. Nataly, Just wanted to post and say I've been following what you write and just want to give you a big hug too! I admire your strength in being so open and able to write about it on here! I too have been through a lot and have had my ups and downs, but I'm not comfortable enough to write about my story on here. I wish you the best of luck!
  18. geez-that is a lot of us "giving up" sex
  19. See my post on the 2nd page of this thread. I don't know how to post a link to it...
  20. I listen to a lot of latin music/reggaeton Daddy Yankee-Rompe Daddy Yankee-Pose Daddy Yankee-Gasolina those are some good ones with good beats Also: Get Buck in Here-DJ Felli feat AKON Lil Wayne-Lollipop Missy Elliot-For my people Enur-Calabria ATB-Don't stop Rhianna-Please Don't stop the music Rhianna-Disturia There's a few for ya!