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Everything posted by chiquita24

  1. I just went through this 4 months ago with my mom. After a 4 year battle with lung cancer she passed away in hospice. I am sending all my love, prayers, and everything I have your way. I know 1st hand how hard this is.
  2. My sleep schedule is so out of whack due to working overnights the past 3 nights. It's 4 am here and I just home from a 10 hr shift. I need to try and go to sleep here soon and hopefully get back on track tomorrow.
  3. I'm sending you all the best wishes that I can. I hope everything is ok!
  4. Trust me, you aren't alone in that opinion. now tell me you wouldnt dig a chick coz she's got some metal wether on her pussy or on her tits.. OK, I'm telling you. I have yet to see tats and/or piercings make anyone more attractive. I have seen hundreds of examples of the opposite. see, you're not getting the point. i like piercings. not for attraction. sure, they can be fun to play around with. its a bit out of the norm. as is our sport. as are gays mentioned up further. is it your business? nope. nobody will force you to do anything you dont want to. and you dont really need to understand it either..
  5. My last roommate was kind of similar to this only she was girl and she did have her own bed. But she'd have people over at like 3 am being loud and obnoxious, ate my food, drank my alcohol, used all my shampoo/toothpaste etc. And her cat destroyed my furniture and she told me should would pay me for it and never did. I tried talking to her and it didn't help a whole lot-maybe a little bit. Luckily we both had plans and at the end of our lease that was it-we went our separate ways. So I would try talking to him first and for sure make him get his own bed! That would drive me insane! If that doesn't work, I say kick him out!
  6. It's a whopping 6 above here right now!
  7. That was funny! That was an amazing thread!
  8. I'm curious too. I met my last bf in Mexico and it lasted for almost 3 years.
  9. Online shopping isn't nearly as fun as MOA! And hell no I didn't turn around and say it's too cold to go, I drove 2 1/2 hours to get there!
  10. It was for sure colder in the cities yesterday too. I went to MOA and wanted to scream walking from my car to the mall.
  11. Ugh I agree. That show is dumb. They for sure make up shit as to what the people are actually saying.
  12. I lost 10 lbs a few months ago and haven't been able to lose any more than that. I did it simply by cutting back on food. I'm just not very hungry anymore. I know it's not healthy, but I eat 1 real meal a day and that's it. I wish I would lose a few more!! I can't afford a gym membership and can't wait til it's warm enough again to get outside!
  13. Here in Duluth, it's -6, but with the wind chill it's about -26! BRRR! I hate this cold weather! It's suppose to be near 30 on Monday, people are going to be wearing shorts in that weather after this!
  14. What does that one mean? (Singing) I stumped the cougar. I stumped the cougar. OMG -- I just Googled "DVDA porn". This is what I got: DVDA: Double Vaginal Double Anal OUCH!! I had no idea what the fuck that meant either, but I just don't see how that could possibly feel good.
  15. I think piercings to an extent are hot. I have 10 of them myself-although most are on/in my ears( 3 holes in each ear, both tragus, nose, and navel) I don't think I could ever pierce anything down below. I had my nipples pierced once and personally thought they looked much nicer without the extra hardware. I really don't like the overstretched ear hole look-like the ones where you can stick your finger through the hole. I've only seen 1 prince albert piercing in real life, and it's made my mind go crazy ever since then... edited to add more.
  16. I have to agree it depends on the scenario. Although I'm not one to cry after sex.. She feels guilty-cries loves him-cries hates him but did it anyway-cries he's too big/small-cries And regardless of crying, if you think any of that shit you see in the pornos actually REALLY feels good, you got something to learn.
  17. I've been reading the Stephenie Meyer "Twilight" vampire series and I think they've all been fantastic! I actually read the first 3 books in 1 week. They are definetely geared more towards teenagers/girls/women, but still good if you can handle thinking "geez would you just have sex already!" The "Prey" series by John Sanford is also really good. He's from Mn and his books are based in Mn, so it's fun for me to read and know exactly what he's talking about sometimes. The Quiet Room is another good book that I've read a few times about a girl's personal experience with schizophrenia.
  18. so you found pg 11 and 14? I don't think I could have missed it. A blind man errr I mean woman could have seen that post!
  19. This bugs me too! I have decided to not leave feedback until it is left for me. It does help asking some people and I almost always check a week after I shipped the items to make sure that everything arrived ok. I also hate how ebay took away the neutral and neg. feedback for buyers. I've had some not so great experiences lately and I think sellers should be allowed to give honest and accurate feedback.
  20. OMG I'm glad you mentioned it and someone posted the link!
  21. Ok I know I'm late joining this thread because I didn't know it existed. The only thing I have to say is HOLY SHIT!